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اسئلة جميع الاختبارات لتحليل الخطاب من ملف iSeeU الجزء الثاني
[أسئلة اختبار - تحليل الخطاب - Dr. Mahmoud Al Salman]
اسئلة جميع الاختبارات لتحليل الخطاب من ملف iSeeU الجزء الثاني
عدد الأسئلة: 66
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) When you speak or write anything, you use the resources of English to project yourself as a certain kind of ________
2) When you speak or write anything, you use the resources of ________ to project yourself as a certain kind of person
3) When you speak you try to present yourself as a certain person who is inv*** in a certain kind of ________
upper class
4) When you write or speak you try to project yourself as engaged in a certain kind of ________
5) When you write or speak you try ________ yourself as engaged in a certain kind of activity
to project
6) You project yourself as a certain kind of person when ________
you pretend yourself as a hero
you speak and write anything, and you use all of the sources of your language
7) If I have no idea who you are and what you are doing ________
I cannot know where are you from
I cannot make sense of what you have said, written, or done.
8) If I have ________ who you are and what you are doing, then I cannot make sense of what you have said
no idea
9) If I have no idea who you are and what you are doing, then I cannot make sense of what you have ________
said, written, or done.
10) If somebody does not have an idea who you are and what you are doing, then he cannot make sense of what you have ________
11) Since different identities and activities are enacted in and through language, the study of language is integrally connected to matters of ________
inequity and justice
equity and justice
12) Since ________ identities and activities are enacted in and through language, the study of language is integrally connected to matters of equity and justice
no different
13) Since different identities and activities are enacted in and through language, the study of language is integrally connected to matters of ________
14) Who’s ________ Multiple and ________ be people
cannot be/they need not
can be/they need not always
15) Who’s can be ________ and they need not always be people.
16) ________, through the “anonymous” texts and products they circulate, can author or issue “utterances.” For example, the warning on an aspirin bottle actually communicates multiple whos
not just individuals, but also institutions
only institutions
17) Not just individuals, but also institutions, through the “anonymous” texts and products they circulate, can author or issue “utterances.” For example, ________ actually communicates multiple whos
the warning on an aspirin bottle
18) Not just individuals, but also institutions, through the “anonymous” texts and products they circulate, can author or issue “________”
the warning on an aspirin bottle
19) ________, through the “anonymous” texts and products they circulate, can author or issue “utterances.”
Individuals and institutions
20) Not just individuals, but also ________, through the “anonymous” texts and products they circulate, can author or issue “utterances
21) The warning on an aspirin bottle actually communicates multiple ________
22) You project a different identity at a formal dinner party than you do at the family dinner table. And, though these are both dinner, ________
they are not activities
they are different activities
23) everybody presents a different identity at a formal meeting he does at the family meeting. And, though these are both meetings, ________
they are same kind of activities
they are different activities
24) You project a (an) ________ identity at a formal dinner party than you do at the family dinner table.
25) An oral or written “utterance” has meaning, then, only if and when it communicates ________
a who and a what
a who
26) We can say that an “utterance” has meaning only if and when it communicates ________
a who and a what
a who
27) An utterance ________ a sort of overlapping ________ who
can communicate/and compound
cannot communicate/but not compound
28) An ________ can communicate a sort of overlapping and ________ who
cannot communicate/but not compound
29) it is better, in fact, to say that utterances communicate an (a) ________, though often multiple or ________“” who-doing-what.
30) it is better, in fact, to say that utterances communicate an integrated, though often multiple or ________“” who-doing-what.
31) we can point out that whos and whats are not really discrete and separable. You are who you are partly through what you are doing and ________ is partly recognized for what it is by who is doing it.
what you like
what you are doing
32) we can point out that whos and whats are not really discrete and separable. You are who you are partly through what you are doing and what you are doing is partly recognized for what it is by ________.
who is doing it
what is doing it
33) We can point out that whos and whats ________
are not really discrete and separable
are discrete and separable
34) People have differential access to different identities and activities, connected to different sorts of status and social goods, and this is considered as ________
a root source of inequality
a root source of equality
35) connected to different sorts of status and social goods, and this is considered as a root source ________
of inequality in society
of inequality in Political
36) Lots of interesting complications can set in when we think about identity enacted in and through ________
37) Lots of interesting complications can set in when we think about identity enacted in and through language. Who's can be multiple and they need not always be ________
38) a socially-situated identity, means the “________” one is seeking to be and enact here and now
kind of dream
kind of person
39) An utterance can be authored by ________
one person or groups
40) The President’s ________ can issue an utterance that is, in fact, authored by a speech writer and authorized (and even claimed) by the President
press secretary
41) “________” is a socially-situated activity that the utterance helps to constitute
42) Linguists have focused on language. It is also important to see that making visible and recognizable who we are and what we are doing ________ requires more than language
43) Though Gee has focused on language, it is important to see that making visible and recognizable who we are and what we are doing always requires more than ________
44) There are a multitude of ways one can do being-and-becoming-a-“real-Indian.” Some of these are: “Real Indians” prefer to
avoid conversation with strangers
avoid mixing with strangers
45) Real Indians” manage face-to-face relations with others in such a way that they appear to be in ________
agreement with them
disagreement with them
46) ________” manage face-to-face relations with others in such a way that they appear to be in agreement with them
Real Indians
47) ________ For who is a “real” feminist, gang member, patriot, humanist, cutting-edge scientist, “yuppie,” or “regular” at the local bar.
There are sometimes no once and for all tests
There are no once and for all tests
48) Being a “real Indian” is not something one can simply be, Rather, it is something that one becomes in and through , that is, ________
something that one can simply be without doing it
carrying out the actual performance of being a real Indian and kinship
49) Being a “real Indian” is not something one can simply be, Rather, it is something that one becomes in and through , that is, carrying out the ________ of being a real Indian and kinship
actual performance
50) Being a “real Indian” is not something one can simply be, Rather, it is something that one ________ in and through the doing of it.
is born being
51) By ________, which “Indians” call “razzing,” each participant further establishes cultural competency in the eyes of the other
correctly engaging in the sparring
correctly responding to and correctly engaging to the sparring
52) By correctly responding to and correctly engaging to the sparring, which “Indians” call “________” each participant further establishes cultural competency in the eyes of the other.
53) Although many “non-Indians” find it proper to ask questions of someone who is instructing them, “Indians” regard questions in such as situation as being ________
very suitable
inattentive, rude, and insolent
54) A language can be integrated with “other stuff” such as (________),
objects values and time
other people, objects, values, times and places
55) Being a “real Indian” also requires appropriate accompanying ________
objects, times, and places
56) The term “real Indian” is, of course, an “insiders’ term.” The fact that it is used by some Native Americans in enacting their own identity work ________-Native Americans to use the term
does not license non
does license non
57) The term “real Indian” is, of course, an “insiders’ term.” The fact that it is used by ________ does not license non-Native Americans to use the term
some Native Americans in enacting their own identity work
Native Americans in enacting their own identity work
58) The term “real Indian” is, of course, an “________’ term.”
59) Indeed, the use of some terms by native Americans in enacting their own identity work ________ non- Native Americans to use the term
does not license
60) Talking to strangers ________ help a person to appear as native American
does not
sometimes does
61) In fact, to be a particular who and to pull off a particular what requires that we act, value, interact, and use language in ________ with or in coordination with other people
62) In fact, to be a particular who and to pull off a particular what requires that we act, value, interact, and use language in ________
sync with or in coordination with other people
syntax with or in coordination with other people
63) To see this wider notion of language as integrated with “other stuff” (________), we will briefly consider Wieder and Pratt’s (1990a, b) fascinating work
Objects and values
64) Wieder and Pratt’s work will also make clear how the ________ (the whos) we take on are flexibly negotiated in actual contexts of practice
65) The problem of “recognition and being recognized” is very consequential and ________ for Native Americans.
is not problematic
66) In order to be considered a “real Indian,” one must be able to make some claims to ________ with others who are recognized as “real Indians,” this by no means settles the matter
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اسئلة جميع الاختبارات لتحليل الخطاب من ملف iSeeU الجزء الثاني
[أسئلة اختبار - تحليل الخطاب - Dr. Mahmoud Al Salman]
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