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أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الأول للعام 1433-1434 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
[أسئلة اختبار - الترجمة التتابعية - د. أحمد حليمة]
تجميع أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الأول للعام 1433-1434 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
عدد الأسئلة: 48
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1) The activity of interpreting could be traced back to Akkadian, the ancient Semitic Language of Assyria and Babylonia around
A. 1900 BC
B. 1900 DC
C. 1900 GC
D. 1900 AC
2) The English word ' interpreter ' is derived from
A. the English term ‘express’
B. the Latin term ‘interprets’
C. the Akkadian term ‘targumanu’
D. the French term ‘entrepreneur’
3) The word ' interpreter' means in English
A. ‘exfounder’
B. ‘exposer’
C. ‘expounder’
D. ‘extender’
4) Interpreting is different from other types of translation activities because of .......... in the transferring the message .
A. its immediacy
B. its concern
C. its recognition
D. its communicate
5) Interpreting is
A. The oral translation of written message
B. The oral rendering of a spoken message
C. The oral translation of written dialogue
D. The oral translation of tests of general nature
6) Interpreting as a form of translation in whichthe Source Language text is presented
A. only once and thus the TL text can be reviewed
B. only twice and thus the TL text can be reviewed
C. only once and thus the SL text can be reviewed
D. only once and thus cannot be reviewed
7) Notions of translation like transfer, ideas, sameness , intention or culture' are adaptable to the
A. determineation of interprtion
B. definition of translation
C. definition of interpreting
D. definition of comuumincation
8) The notion of ' activity ' in translation could be specified as ........... in interpreting .
A. ‘practice’
B. ‘service’
C. ‘commercial’
D. ‘production’
9) The scope of the interpreter's task is mainly
A. conduct.
B. process and product.
C. process.
D. production.
10) Liaison interpreting is a form of interpreting practiced mainly
A. in courts.
B. in commercial negotiations.
C. in police stations.
D. in hospitals.
11) Sign language interpreting where it normally takes place
A. in a-military barracks.
B. in educational institutions.
C. in commercial organizations.
D. in conference interpreting
12) Bilateral interpreting is called
A. 'liaison interpreting'.
B. 'community interpreting'.
C. 'group interpreting'.
D. 'conference interpreting'.
13) Multilateral communication interpreting is mainly called
A. 'liaison interpreting'.
B. 'community interpreting'.
C. 'group interpreting'.
D. 'conference interpreting'.
14) Conference interpreting
A. emerged during World War I when negotiations were held in French.
B. emerged during World War II when negotiations were held in French.
C. emerged between World War I & World War II when negotiations were held in French.
D. emerged after World War II when negotiations were held in French.
15) The type of interpreting typological parameters are
A. Consecutive , simultaneous , and whispered interpreting
B. Language modality, working mode and directionality
C. Remote interpreting diplomatic interpreting and community interpreting
D. Military interpreting , Court Interpreting and Business interpreting
16) The emergence of the sign language Interpreting, it is now used as .............
A. spoken-language interpreting
B. culture of the language interpreting
C. text translation
D. written-language interpreting
17) Working Mode, it was only, ............. when transmission equipment
A. in the 1910
B. in the 1920
C. in the 1930
D. in the 1940
18) interpreting in mainly concerned with
A. note-taking
B. idea interpreting
C. vocabulary and grammer
D. text translation
19) interpreters use different systems when taking notes, mainly
A. ’ symbol-based system’
B. ‘ science-based system’
C. ‘translation-based system’
D. ’ interpreting-based system’
20) Focusing on frequent faults of presentation, for example, one can realize that specific training
A. in listening and speaking
B. in planning and organizing
C. in dialogue delivery
D. in public speaking
21) A specific exercise in simultaneous verbal processing is shadowing - as an exercise is simultancont verbal processing is the immediate repetition of auditory
A. input in the same language
B. input in the second language
C. output in the same language
D. output in the second language
22) Sight translation is a special form of interpreting that can be used as a preliminary exercise, or even an ...........
A. an altitude test
B. an aptitude test
C. a proficiency test
D. a general language test
23) mode is one of the most important domains of interpreting , it covers
A. International conference , media , police and curt setting
B. Consecutive , simultaneous whispered and sight interpreting
C. Equal representative, individual vs institutional representative
D. Simultaneity , memory ,quality , stress, effect and role
24) The medium of interpreting means ............
A. From one language to variety of languages.
B. Consecutive Vs simultaneous
C. Human, machine or computer aided interpreting
D. Text-type, degree of specialization, etc
25) The interpreter may encounter problems of .........
A. quality, objectivity, honesty and pressure
B. memory ,equality, quality and quantity
C. quantity ,recalling, producing and time
D. simultaneity , memory, quality , stress, effect and role
26) Apprenticeship is the transfer of know-how and professional knowledge from master to student, mainly by exercise modelled on ..............
A. Virtual tasks
B. Real life tasks
C. Both tasks
D. Neither tasks
27) interpreter's cognitive skills include ........
A. stress tolerance , speed and attention
B. analysis ,memory and attention
C. attention, language and environment
D. curiosity , speed and attention
28) Another trait is (personality traits) which include ............
A. Stress tolerance
B. Intellectual curiosity
C. Both
D. Neither
29) For conference interpreting, traditional examination methods include holistic communicative task such as ...............
A. Bilingual or multilingual interview
B. stress tolerance or Intellectual curiosity
C. analysis memory or attention
D. Stress tolerance or Intellectual curiosity
30) Interpreter's personality traits could be .............
A. Hard working style, staying up late, remembering task time and quick to translated.
B. Encouraging, helping clients, cooperating with clients.
C. Motivation and learning style , doing well at Recall, as well as ‘subskills-based text of verbal fluency and comprehension ,coping with physical as well as emotional stress
D. Able to answer exam questions quickly and fluent in his speech.
31) International conference interpreting, itself an early example of a
A. global transaction
B. global frustration
C. global communication
D. global profession
32) The spread of international English is likely to ............
A. Help the market for conference interpreters.
B. Shrink the market for conference interpreters.
C. Expand the market for conference interpreters.
D. Introduce the market for conference interpreters.
33) The trend of ' localisation' tends to sustain the need for conference interpreting services, in bilingual meetings involving ...........
A. English and the local language
B. English and the local dialects
C. English and the local culture
D. English and the local accents
34) The increasing presence of China and other Asian countries on the international stage and diverse developments in these countries tend to have some ............
A. on implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies.
B. implications for interpreting studies only.
C. broader implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies
D. serious implications for interpreting practice only
35) Globalization is also applied to movement or migration of people which manifests itself in increasingly ..........
A. cities and industrial estates
B. International and governmental organization
C. In schools, colleges and universities
D. multi-ethnic and linguistically diverse societies
36) The role of technology is ........... issue in interpreting than globalization
A. No less a long-standing
B. As a long-standing
C. More a long-standing
D. Less a long-standing
37) The most visible manifestation of ' the technologizing of interpreting ', is to remote interpreting in international conference settings and ..........
A. video conferences
B. video games
C. meeting rooms
D. video porjectors
38) In communication involving deaf and hearing-impaired people, the increasing availability of audiovisual telecommunications equipment is likely to ............
A. Obstruct remote interpreting
B. Facilitate community interpreting
C. facilitate remote interpreting arrangement
D. Obstruct liaison interpreting
39) whereas more efficient technologies for converting speech to text, and written input into spoken output, may favour the ..............
A. not use of script-based communication and make interpreters interrupted.
B. use of script-based communication and make interpreters redundant.
C. useless of oral-based communication and make interpreters redundant.
D. use of oral-based communication and make interpreters interrupted.
40) The role of technology tend ................
A. to have strong repercussions on interpreter point of view
B. to have strong repercussions on interpreter activity
C. to have strong repercussions on interpreter loyalty
D. to have strong repercussions on interpreter training
41) Fieldwork involving discourse data can rely on .............. will be aided by specialised software and speech recognition systems.
A. digital and more obtrusive, viewing equipment and duplication
B. computers and labs equipments
C. digital, and less obtrusive, recording equipment, and subsequent transcription
D. analog and less obtrusive, displaying equipment, and subsequent transcription
42) Making your basic stance ................possible for yourself, and for others, is an important step after all.
A. As implicit as
B. As explicit as
C. As slowly as
D. As vaguely as
43) how to implement your research design by ...............
A. collecting , processing and analysing various types of data
B. deleting all types of data
C. relating your descition to the research question
D. be in the form of a conference presentation
44) " مشيت جوليا وسط الحطام الذي سببه الاعصار وقد شاهدت فجوة في سقف نومها حيث كانت تنام " the most appropriate interpreting of
A. Julya walked through her debris-strewn house and looked at the hole in the ceiling of her bedroom, where she usually sleeps
B. Julya walking through her debris-strewn home and looked at the cavity in the roof of her livingroom, where she usually take a nap
C. Julya moved through her debris-strewn house and see at the gap in the ceiling of her bedroom, where she usually sleeps
D. Julya walks through her ruins-strewn house caused by storm and looked from the hole in the roof of her room, where she usually take a sleep
45) the most appropriate interpreting of "I graugted with literature's degree in mid-1980s"
A. تخرجت من الجامعة بشهادة جامعية في الثمانينات
B. تخرجت من الجامعة في عام 1980 بإجازة بالأدب
C. تخرجت من الجامعة بإجازة بالأدب في منتصف عام 1980
D. تخرجت من الجامعة بإجازة بالأدب في الثمانينات
46) "قال السكان المحليون للصحفيين انهم سمعوا انفجارات طوال الليل من اتجاه بلدة مخيم الحامية العسكرية " the most appropriate interpreting of
A. Local people told journalists they had heard explosions throughout the night, coming from the direction of the garrison town's military camp
B. Local people says journalists they heard bombs throughout the night, coming from the direction of the garrison town's military camp
C. Domestic people talked interviewers they listens explosions throughout the evening, directed of the garrison town's military camp
D. Regional people spoke journalists they heard bangs throughout the evening, besides the direction of the garrison town's military camp
47) " انتقل رجل مع زوجته الى منزل جديد منذ سنتين " the most appropriate interpreting of
A. A man and a woman transferred to a new house since two years
B. A man and his wife moved into a new house two years ago
C. A man and his wife were moved into a new house since two years
D. A man with his wife were moved into a new house two years ago
48) The most appropriate interpreting of 'Many Muslims pilgrimage here, so if you are looking for a place to visit, come and visit the kaaba a great time for the family' is
A. كثير من المسلمين الحج هنا، لذلك إذا كنت تبحث عن مكان للزيارة، وتأتي زيارة الكعبة وقت كبير مع الأسرة
B. كثير من المسلمين يحج هنا ، لذلك إن كنت تبحث عن مكان زيارة، زر الكعبة وأقضي وقت كبير مع الأسرة
C. يأتي كثير من الناس للحج هنا ، لذلك إذا كنت تبحث عن مكان للزيارة ، قم بالحج وبزيارة الكعبة مع الأسرة
D. يحج كثير من المسلمين إلى هنا ، لذلك إذا كنت تبحث عن مكان للزيارة ، قم بزيارة الكعبة وأقضي وقتاً ممتعاً مع أسرتك
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أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الأول للعام 1433-1434 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
[أسئلة اختبار - الترجمة التتابعية - د. أحمد حليمة]
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