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أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الثاني للعام 1433-1434 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
[أسئلة اختبار - الترجمة التتابعية - د. أحمد حليمة]
تجميع أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الثاني للعام 1433-1434 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
عدد الأسئلة: 41
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1) For conference interpreting , traditional ..............
A. Bilingual or multilingual interview, written translation and sight translation.
B. Bilingual translation of textual material into another language.
C. Multilingual written translational activity into another oral translation.
D. Bilingual written summary in another language.
2) Interpreter's personality traits include
A. Hard working, staying up late, remembering task time and quick to translated.
B. Encouraging, helping clients, cooperating with clients.
C. Motivation, coping with stress, quick to recall and fluent.
D. Able to answer exam questions quickly and fluent in his speech.
3) International conference interpreting is
A. An early example of 'a global transaction'.
B. An early example of 'a global frustration'.
C. An early example of 'a global communication'.
D. An early example of 'a global profession'.
4) " استطرد المعلم قائلاً: لقد كان رجلاً سعيداً، لم أره يوماً يستسلم لليأس جراء عودته صفر اليدين " The most appropriate interpreting of
A. A teacher went on to say: 'He was a happy man, never seen him return with zero hands'.
B. The teacher went on to say: 'He was a good man, never seen him giving in to despair returning with yellow hands'.
C. The teacher went on to say: : 'He was a happy man, I had never seen him giving in to despair when he returned empty-handed'.
D. The teacher went on to say: 'He was a happy man, I've never seen him giving up hope as he returns home with nothing in his hands'.
5) The spread of international English is likely to
A. Help the market for conference interpreters.
B. Shrink the market for conference interpreters.
C. Expand the market for conference interpreters.
D. Introduce the market for conference interpreters.
6) As far as localized interpreting is concerned,
A. Bilingual meetings tend to involve English and the local dialects.
B. Bilingual meetings tend to involve English and the local language.
C. Bilingual meetings tend to involve English and the local culture.
D. Bilingual meetings tend to involve English and the local accents.
7) The increasing presence of China and other Asian countries on the international stage
A. Tend to have serious implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies.
B. Tend to have on implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies.
C. Tend to have implications for interpreting studies only.
D. Tend to have serious implications for interpreting practice only
8) The scope of the interpreter's task
A. is mainly conduct.
B. is mainly process and product.
C. is mainly process.
D. is mainly production.
9) Liaison interpreting is mainly practiced
A. in courts.
B. in commercial negotiations.
C. in police stations.
D. in hospitals.
10) Sign language interpreting normally takes place in
A. A-military barracks.
B. educational institutions.
C. commercial organizations.
D. conference interpreting.
11) The most appropriate interpreting of ' Many Muslims pilgrimage here, so if you are looking for a place to visit, come and visit the kaaba a great time for the family ' is
A. كثير من المسلمين الحج هنا ، لذلك إذا كنت تبحث عن مكان للزيارة ، وتأتي زيارة الكعبة وقت كبير مع الأسرة
B. كثير من المسلمين يحج هنا ، لذلك إن كنت تبحث عن مكان زيارة ، زر الكعبة وأقضي وقت كبير مع الأسرة
C. يأتي كثير من الناس للحج هنا ، لذلك إذا كنت تبحث عن مكان للزيارة ، قم بالحج وبزيارة الكعبة مع الأسرة
D. يحج كثير من المسلمين إلى هنا ، لذلك إذا كنت تبحث عن مكان للزيارة ، قم بزيارة الكعبة وأقضي وقتاً ممتعاً مع أسرتك
12) Bilateral interpreting is modeled
A. as 'one-party interaction'.
B. as 'two-party interaction'.
C. as 'three-party interaction'.
D. as 'four-party interaction'.
13) Multilateral communication interpreting is
A. A-mainly called 'liaison interpreting'.
B. mainly called 'community interpreting'.
C. mainly called 'group interpreting'.
D. mainly called 'conference interpreting'.
14) Conference interpreting emerged
A. during World War I when negotiations were held in French.
B. during World War II when negotiations were held in French.
C. between World War I & World War II when negotiations were held in French.
D. after World War II when negotiations were held in French.
15) In interpreting, language modality refers to
A. the use of consecutive interpreting.
B. the use of simultaneous interpreting.
C. the use of spoken language.
D. the use of whispered interpreting.
16) Sight translation is a special form of interpreting
A. that can used as a proficiency test.
B. that can used as an altitude test.
C. that can used as an aptitude test.
D. that can used as a general language test.
17) The most appropriate interpreting of ' Local people told journalists they had heard explosions throughout the night, coming from the direction of the garrison town's military camp '
A. وقال للصحفيين الناس أنهم سمعوا انفجارات طوال الليل ، قادمة من أنحاء بلدة مخيم الحامية العسكرية
B. وقال السكان المحليين للصحفيين أنهم سمعوا انفجارات طوال الليل ، قادمة من أنحاء بلدة مخيم الحامية العسكرية .
C. وقيل للصحفيين أنهم سمعوا انفجارات طوال الليل ، قادمة من مخيم الحامية العسكرية .
D. وقال الصحفيون أن الناس قد سمعوا انفجارا طوال الليل ، قادمة من اتجاه الحامية العسكرية
18) to enhance student presentation in consecutive interpreting
A. training in listening and speaking skills is highly recommended
B. training in planning and organizing research project is highly recommended
C. training in dialogue delivery is highly recommended
D. training in public speaking is highly recommended
19) when taking notes the interpreters trend to use
A. mainly’ symbol-based system’
B. mainly ‘ science-based system’
C. mainly ‘translation-based system’
D. mainly ’ interpreting-based system’
20) Interpreting could be define as
A. The oral translation of written message
B. The oral rendering of a spoken message
C. The oral translation of written dialogue
D. The oral translation of tests of general nature
21) what is distinctive about conference interpreting is that it takes place ...
A. within particular format of dejection
B. within particular format of reaction
C. within particular format of interaction
D. within particular format of conjunction
22) interpreting main typological parameters are
A. Consecutive , simultaneous , and whispered interpreting
B. Language modality, working mode and directionality
C. Remote interpreting ,diplomatic interpreting and community interpreting
D. Military interpreting , Court Interpreting and Business interpreting
23) consecutive interpreting is :
A. Closely related to speaking skills
B. Closely related to listening skills
C. Closely related to note-talking skills
D. Closely related to public speaking skills
24) simultaneous interpreting takes place
A. As the SL text is being presented
B. After the SL text is presented
C. Before the SL text is presented
D. Only where the interpreter works right next to listener
25) one of the interpreting domains is medium , it covers
A. Spoken , conference language and migrant language
B. Speeches debates and face-to-face interpreting
C. Human, machine and computer-aided interpreting
D. Professional, semi-professional or layman interpreter
26) mode is one of the most important domains of interpreting , it covers
A. International conference , media , police and curt setting
B. Consecutive , simultaneous whispered and sight interpreting
C. Equal representative, individual vs institutional representative
D. Simultaneity , memory ,quality , stress, effect and role
27) the most effective approach for training interpreters is
A. Mainly by exercises modeled on real life tasks
B. Mainly by skill training such as computer skills and strategies
C. Mainly by the process of socializing student into a 'community of professional practice
D. Mainly by reflective practice and cognitive apprenticeship
28) candidates for interpreter training are expected to have a competence profile of the following traits
A. Knowledge , qualifications and skills
B. Knowledge , expertise and personality traits
C. Knowledge , cognitive skills and experience
D. Knowledge , cognitive skills and personality traits
29) interpreter's cognitive skills include
A. Stress tolerance , speed and attention
B. Analysis, attention and memory
C. Attention, language and environment
D. Curiosity , speed and attention
30) availability of new equipment help researchers to make Survey ........
A. over the telephone
B. over the internet
C. over video
D. by interviewing people
31) the use of electro-acoustic transmission equipment to allow for simultaneous interpreting
A. happened in the 1940
B. happened in the 1930
C. happened in the 1920
D. happened in the 1950
32) The role of technology tend to have strong repercussions on interpreter training, including
A. The deployment of training stations and web-based target-text archives
B. the deployment of digital training stations and web-based source-text archives
C. The deployment of analog training stations and non web-based source-text archives
D. The deployment of digital training stations and non web-based target-text archives
33) one of the most important steps in designing and implement project is to be
A. as implicit and possible
B. as development as possible
C. as explicit as possible
D. as brief as possible
34) the male steps towards completing an scripting research project are
A. an overview , a model , a topic, a writing list, problem , design
B. an overview , a model , a title , reading list, question. framework
C. an overview , a theory, a topic, a writing list, Answer, design
D. an overview , a model , a topic, a reading list, question, design
35) in implementing and interpreting research design
A. it is Important to have a problem and various types of data
B. it is Important to collect a process and analyzing various types of data
C. it is Important to ask question , answer question about various types of data
D. it is important to have question and problems about various types of data
36) shadowing - as an exercise is simultaneous verbal processing is
A. the immediate repetition of auditory input in the same language
B. the immediate repetition of auditory input in the second language
C. the immediate repetition of auditory output in the same language
D. the immediate repetition of auditory output in the second language
37) Technical equipment is essentially used to
A. provide the mixing of source-and Target- language messages in the acoustic channel
B. avoid the mixing of source-and Target- language messages in the acoustic channel
C. enable the mixing of source-and Target- language messages in the acoustic channel
D. protect the mixing of source-and Target- language messages in the acoustic channel
38) Simultaneous interpreting with full technical equipment is
A. very well used in certain context only
B. rarely used nowadays specially in educational settings
C. so widely established today
D. so narrowly established today
39) " فقال الأستاذ : هات ما عندك لأسمع " The most appropriate interpreting of
A. the professor said: what do you have to hear
B. the teacher said: 'give me what you have to listen to
C. the teacher said: ' say why you have
D. the teacher said: 'speak, I am listening
40) The most appropriate interpreting of " I knew nothing about the Arabic culture before I came to Al-Hasa and I really fell in love with it"
A. . لم أكن اعرف شيئا عن الثقافة العربية قبل ان احضر الى الاحساء , وأنني حقا عشقتها
B. لم اكن اعرف شيئا عن الثقافة العربية الا بعد ان جئت الى الحسا وأنني وقعت في الحب معها
C. لم اكن اعرف شيئت عن الثقافة العربية فحضرت الى الحسا وقعت حقا في حبها
D. لم اكن اعرف شيئا عن الثقافة العربية قبل الذهاب الى الحسا فوقعت في الحب معها
41) Tactile interpreting is used in communication with
A. The deaf only
B. The blind only
C. The deaf-blind
D. Neither the deaf nor the blind
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أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الثاني للعام 1433-1434 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
[أسئلة اختبار - الترجمة التتابعية - د. أحمد حليمة]
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