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أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الثاني للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
[الترجمة التتابعية - د. أحمد حليمة]
أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الثاني للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) Interpreting tends to have the following main typological parameters of interpretation are.
A. working mood, interaction and modality
B. working model, directionality and language moods
C. working mould , language duality and interaction
D. language modality working mode and directionality
2) To improve Students' performance in consecutive interpreting , you
A. listening and speaking skills
B. public speaking
C. planning and organizing a research project
D. dialogue delivery
3) The most appropriate interpreting of " It is the wish of every graduate of us to extend our love and appreciation to our loving parents for their prayers, love and guidance."
A. رغبة كل متخرج أن يعبر عن حبه وامتنانه لوالديه لدعواتهما وحبهما وحثهما على الطريق الصحيح
B. رغبة كل خريج منا أن نتقدم بالحب والتقدير للوالدين المحبة من أجل صلاتهم والحب والتوجيه
C. رغبة كل متخرج منا أن يعبر عن حبه وتقديره لآبائنا وأمهاتنا لما يقدمونه لنا من دعوات وحب وإرشاد
D. رغبة كل طالب أن يعبر عن حبه وتقديره لأبيه وأمه لما يقدمونه له من دعوات وحب ونصح
4) The oral rendering of a spoken message is the definition of
A. interpreting
B. translating
C. explaining
D. informing
5) As a special form of interpreting , " Sight translation " can be used as
A. a proficiency test
B. an altitude test
C. an aptitude test
D. a general language test
6) الصدق أمانة والكذب خيانة ، والضعيف فيكم قوي عندي حتى أرجع عليه حقه ، والقوي فيكم ضعيف عندي حتى آخذ الحق منه The most appropriate interpreting of
A. Honesty is sacred ,while lying is a treachery .I consider the weak among you is strong to me until back their dues , and I consider the strong among you weak, until I took dues
B. Truth is honesty and lying is betrayal .The weak among you is strong to me until I bring back his right and the strong among you is weak until I take right of the weak from him
C. Truth is honesty and lying is betrayal .The weak among you are strong to me until I take truth from them . And the strong among you are weak until I take the truth from him .
D. The secretariat of honesty and lying betrayal ,and the weak among you is strong to me after I return his right , and the strong is weak among you until it take people’s dues
7) 'symbol-based system' is normally used by the interpreter tends to use
A. when taking notes
B. when talking
C. when listening
D. when interpreting
8) What makes 'Conference interpreting' distinctive is that it takes place within a particular
A. format of interjection
B. format of reaction
C. format of conjunction
D. format of interaction
9) The most appropriate interpreting of 'I have just arrived and a crystal white marble mosque welcomes me looking like a palace '
A. “ لقد وصلت لتوها والكريستال مسجد الرخام الأبيض يرحب بي , ويبدو وكأنها القصر ”
B. “ها قد وصلت , وإذا بمسجد من الرخام الأبيض الكريستالي يرحب بي , ويبدو وكأنه قصر ”
C. “لقد وصلت لتوها و مسجد مصنوع من الرخام الأبيض يبدو وكأنه قصر يرحب بي ”
D. “لقد وصلت إلى المسجد الرخامي الكريستالي الأبيض فإذا يرحب لي ويبدو وكأنه القصر ”
10) The interpreter's main task of interpreting involves
A. processing information
B. retrieving information
C. storing information
D. producing information
11) When communicating with deaf and hearing-impaired people, audiovisual ,telecommunications equipment are normally used to
A. obstruct remote interpreting
B. facilitate community interpreting
C. facilitate remote interpreting
D. obstruct liaison interpreting
12) علقت إيطاليا اليوم الثلاثاء أنشطة قنصليتها في بنغازي وأجلت طاقمها لأسباب أمنية The most appropriate interpreting of
A. Italy on Tuesday closed its consulate in Benghazi and vacate the ***
B. Italy put off its consulate in Benghazi on Tuesday and asked its the *** security
C. On Tuesday Italy asked the staff of its consulate in Benghazi ** for safety reasons
D. Italy on Tuesday suspended the activities of its consulate in Benghazi ** for security reasons
13) Bilateral interpreting is modeled
A. as ‘three-party interaction’
B. as ‘one-party interaction’
C. as ‘two-party interaction’
D. as ‘four-party interaction’
14) Note-taking skills is closely related to
A. oral interpreting
B. simultaneous interpreting
C. whispered interpreting
D. consecutive interpreting
15) The use of 'Sign language' as a means for interpreting , generally happens in
A. army barracks
B. business organizations
C. educational institutions
D. conference halls
16) As one type of interpreting, Multilateral interpreting is generally called
A. ‘Group interpreting’
B. ‘Conference interpreting’
C. ‘Liaison interpreting’
D. ‘Community interpreting’
17) The common place for Liaison interpreters to practice their profession in
A. courts
B. police stations
C. hospitals
D. commercial negotiations
18) The most appropriate interpreting of ' Business leaders are starting to sound the alarm, warning that British withdrawal represents a serious danger to our fragile economy'
A. إلى دق جرس الإنذار , محذرا من أن التراجع البريطاني يعتبر خطرا كبيرا على اقتصاده المتهاوي
B. إلى دق جرس الخطر , محذرين من أن الانسحاب البريطاني يعتبر خطرا جديا على اقتصادنا الهش
C. إلى دق ناقوس الخطر , محذرين من أن الانسحاب البريطاني يمثل خطرا كبيرا على اقتصادنا الهش
D. إلى ضرب ناقوس الانذار المبكر , محذرا من أن الانسحاب البريطاني يعتبر خطرا كبيرا في اقتصادها الهش
19) The emergence of 'Conference interpreting ' as a profession appeared
A. during World War II
B. between World War I and World War II
C. after World War II
D. during World War I
20) Language modality in interpreting refers to the use of
A. consecutive interpreting
B. simultaneous interpreting
C. spoken language
D. whispered interpreting
21) The Latin term .......... is where the English word ' interpreter ' is comes from
A. ‘interpres’
B. ‘targumanu’
C. ‘entrepreneur’
D. ‘express’
22) The word ' interpreter ' means in English
B. ‘exposer’
C. ‘extender’
D. ‘expounder’
23) Interpreters used ' Akkadian ' the ancient Semitic language of Assyria
A. Around 1900BC
B. Around 1900DC
C. Around 1900GC
D. Around 1900AC
24) The most appropriate interpreting of ' I am an Arab - inheritor of glorious past, hostage to the uncertain future '
A. أنا إعرابي , وريث لماضي مجيد , وأسير لمستقبل مجهول
B. أنني عربي , صاحب ماضي مميز , ورهينة مستقبل غير مأمون
C. إننا عرب ذوي ماض عريق , رهناء لمستقبل غير معروف
D. أنا عربي , وريث ماض عريق , ورهينة مستقبل غير مأمون
25) What makes ' interpreting' so different from other types of translation activities is
A. its concern about the transfer of meanings and ideas
B. its immediacy in the transferring the message
C. its recognition of the massage to be transferred
D. its concern about communication across barriers of language and culture
26) In interpreting, the source language text is normally presented
A. once and thus the TL text can be reviewed
B. once and thus the TL text cannot be reviewed
C. twice and thus the TL text can be reviewed
D. three where the interpreter works right next to listeners
27) فأجاب الأسد : اسمعني ايها الذئب أرسلت إليك لا تشاور معك في أمر مهم ... لقد أصبحت حالتي لا تساعدني على المضي في حكم الغابة The most appropriate interpreting of
A. “Hear me wolf,” the Lion said. “I have sent for you to consult a very serious issued my status stopped helping me with looking after the forest and it is becoming retired
B. ” Listen up Wolf,” the Lion spoke .”I sent for you to argue with you serious matter my situation denote help me with ruling the jungle and it is becoming worse
C. ” Listen Wolf,” the lion replied .”I have sent for you to discuss a serious matter my status has stopped helping me with ruling the forest and it is becoming sick
D. “ Hear me out Wolf, “ the Lion replied .” I have asked for you to contact you for an urgent situation my body has stopped helping me with governing the forest and it becoming unhealthy
28) Notions of translation like ' transfer, ideas, sameness, intention or culture' are .......to the definition of interpreting.
A. adoptable
B. portable
C. compatible
D. adaptable
29) Tactile interpreting is normally used if you with
A. the deaf only
B. the blind only
C. the deaf-blind
D. neither the deaf nor the blind
30) Consecutive interpreting is usually
A. bi-directional
B. tri-directional
C. quadrant directional
D. between more than five people
31) There are number of varieties of interpreting which can be
A. professional versus natural
B. consecutive versus simultaneous
C. spoken versus written
D. human versus machine
32) The use of technology in interpreting is manifested by
A. community interpreting in impromptu speech production
B. business interpreting in oral summary rendition in another language
C. remote interpreting in international conference settings
D. diplomatic interpreting and military interpreting
33) The most appropriate interpreting of " A women spent almost an hour clinging to a tree in the middle of the fast -flowing flooded river before a police helicopter spotted her " is
A. امرأة أمضى ساعة تقريبا يتمسك إلى شجرة في وسط نهر سريع الجريان غمرت أمام مروحية تابعة للشرطة
B. امرأة ساعة تقريبا , وهي متمسكة بشجرة في وسط نهر فائض سريع الجريان , قبل أن ترصدها مروحية تابعة للشرطة
C. امرأة أمضت ساعة , وهي بجنب بشجرة في وسط نهر فاض بسرعة , قبل ترصدها هيلوكبتر الشرطة
D. امرأة حوالي الساعة وهي ملتصقة بشجرة في نهر فائض وسريع الجريان , قبل أن تراها مروحية تابعة للشرطة
34) Medium is one of the interpreting domains covers human,
A. CAT and CAI
B. machine and CAI
C. face-to-face interpreting and CAI
D. layman interpreter and CAI
35) Interpreting Constellations of interaction are bilateral, ....... and conference interpreting
A. business interpreting
B. liaison interpreting
C. community interpreting
D. multilateral interpreting
36) The concept 'Globalization' is clearly maintained in
A. international organization settings
B. cities and industrial estates
C. schools, colleges and universities
D. multi-ethnic and linguistically diverse societies
37) When you interpret simultaneously , your interpreting tends to take place
A. as the SL text is presented
B. after the SL text is being presented
C. before the SL text is presented
D. only where the interpreter works right next to listeners.
38) The demand for conference interpreter is likely to shrink due to
A. lack of technological equipment
B. the increase of number of interpreters
C. lack of interpreting training courses
D. the spread of international English
39) The following are the main problems faced by the interpreter of
A. stress , memory , honesty and quality
B. equality, memory, quality and simultaneity
C. simultaneity , memory stress and quality
D. memory recalling , stress and quality
40) The notion of ' activity ' in translation could be specified as
A. ‘practice’ in interpreting
B. ‘service’ in interpreting
C. ‘commercial’ in interpreting
D. ‘production’ in interpreting
41) استطرد المعلم قائلا : لقد كان رجلا سعيدا , لم أره يوما يستسلم لليأس جراء عودته صفر اليدين The most appropriate interpreting of
A. The teacher said: 'It was a happy man, I did not see one day succumb to despair due to returning empty- handed
B. The teacher said: 'He was a happy man, I did not see one day surrender to sadness because returned with yellow hands
C. The teacher said: 'He was a pleasant man, whom I seen see one day given in to ugliness due to returning with empty-hands
D. The teacher said: : 'He was a happy man. I never saw him in any day give in to despair when he had returned empty-handed”
42) What makes 'Court Interpreting' different from 'legal interpreting' is
A. its specific setting
B. its specific domain
C. its specific discourse
D. its specific mode
43) The term 'Impromptu' means
A. improved speech production
B. impoverished speech production
C. improvised speech production
D. important speech production
44) The role played by technology in interpreting is
A. as a long-standing issue as globalization
B. more a long-standing issue than globalization
C. less a long-standing issue than globalization
D. no less a long-standing issue than globalization
45) Conference interpreters tend to be examined by the following
A. bilingual translation of textual material into another language
B. bilingual or multilingual interview, written translation and sight translation
C. multilingual written translational activity into another oral translation
D. bilingual written summary in another language
46) The interpreter's personality main traits include
A. cooperation with others, staying up late and working under pressure
B. fluent , hard working and helping clinets
C. motivation, coping with stress and quick to recall
D. working under pressure , quick to respond and fluent in his speech
47) The following is an early example of international conference interpreting
A. ‘a global transaction’
B. ‘a global profession’
C. ‘a global frustration’
D. ‘a global communication’
48) وقال له: يا أمام منذ مدة طويلة دفنت مالا في مكان ما , ولكني نسيت هذا المكان , فهل تساعدني في حل هذه المشكلة ؟ The most appropriate interpreting of
A. He said to him : “O Imam! Long since buried money somewhere , but I forget this place would you advice me in solving this problem ?”
B. He said to him : “O Imam! since Long buried money in a place , but I forget this place can you hint me solve this problem ?”
C. He said to him : “O Imam! Long time ago buried some money some place , but I forget the place would you assist me in sorting out my problem ?”
D. He said to him : “O Imam! Long time ago I buried some money somewhere , but I forget where this place is .would you help me find this place ?”
49) As far as localized interpreting, bilingual meetings tend to involve
A. English and the local dialects
B. English and the local culture
C. English and the local language
D. English and the local accents
50) While increasing presence China on the international stage
A. tends to have no implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies
B. tends to have implications for interpreting studies only.
C. tends to have serious implication for interpreting practice only.
D. tends to have serious implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies
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أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الثاني للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
[الترجمة التتابعية - د. أحمد حليمة]
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أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الثاني للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
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مناقشة الكويز: أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الثاني للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
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أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الثاني للعام 1433-1434 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الأول للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الأول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الأول للعام 1433-1434 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الثاني للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
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أسئلة اختبار قضايا ثقافية معاصرة الفصل الثاني للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. محمود احمد صالح
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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