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₪[تبويب أسئلة اختبارات علم المعاني والبراغماتيك - الجزء الأول]₪
[أسئلة اختبار - مرتبة حسب المحاضرات من 1 - 3 (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) - د. فهد الدهيش]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 71
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) Although both semantics and pragmatics are concerned with meaning. pragmatics is focused more on ...
A. the conventional meaning
B- the literal meaning
C. the intended meaning
D. the grammatical meaning
2) (I'm hungry) if it said by a man to his co-worker. What does he actually mean?
A. that he want a money
B. that he wants to have meal with his co-worker
C. he didn't eat at all day
3) Language speakers can say one thing and mean another thing through
A. The usual meaning of a word or a sentence.
B. What words mean in the dictionary
C. The meaning that a word or a sentence has in specific contexts or circumstances.
D. What sentences mean without looking at the context
4) To determine the pragmatic meaning of a sentence, we need to know ……….
A. the meaning of the sentence in the physical-social context
B. the individual words and the syntactic construction which they occur
C. the direct message of article sequence of words
D. the semantic side of the sentence
5) How can we determine literal meaning of a sentence?
A. Through the meaning of the sentence in the physical –social context
B. Through the individual words and syntactic construction in which they
C. Through the hidden message of a particular sequence of words
D. Through the pragmatic side of the sentence
6) How can we determine the meaning of an utterance such as "I'm hungry"?
A. by looking at the meanings of the individual words and the grammar
B. by looking at the meanings of the sentence plus the circumstances
C. by relating the utterance to some previous utterance
D. by relating the utterance *to the dictionary/literal
7) How can you determine the meaning of an utterance, such as "I'm hungry" ?
A. through the meaning of the sentence only
B. through the individual word and the grammatical construction in which they occur
C. through the meaning of the sentence in addition to the physical social context
D. through the construction of words in a particular meaningful sequence
8) the meaning of an utterance is determined by means of ….
A. The individual words and the syntactic construction
B. the sentence in addition to the physical-social content
C. the construction of words in a particular meaningful
D. the meaning of the acutance only
9) Connecting one utterance to another previous utterance unconsciously is known as .
A. Prototype
B. Gesture
C. Collocation
D. Implicature
10) what is implicature?
A. two different written words that have the same exact pronunciation
B. a bridge constructed be the hearer to relate an utterance to a previous utterance
C. a word whose meaning included in the meaning of another general word
D. a spoken utterance which consists of more just words
11) Sarah: would you like to go shopping tomorrow Asma: We have guests coming from out of town What is the meaning of this dialogue?
A. That Asma will go shopping with the guests
B. That Asma will go shopping with Sarah
C. That Asma will not be to go shopping tomorrow
D. That Sarah is invited to Asma 's house
12) It can be identified as changing the stress and the falling and rising tone while speaking. What is it?
A. Prosody
B. Implicature
C. Paralanguage
D. Gesture
13) ……… is identified as change in intonation and stress while speaking
A. Non-verbal communication
B. prosody
C. prototype
D. implicature
14) Which of the followings has tones that would possibly change the interpretation of a spoken message?
A. Deixis
B. Prosody
C. Gesture
D. Maxim
15) In speech, meanings are communicated not only by what is said but also by how it is said. An example of that is
A. prosody
B. prototype
C. non-verbal communication
D. implicature
16) Laughing, giggling, and crying are examples of ………
A. gestures
B. paralanguage
C. visual signs
D. polysemy
17) if laugh an example of paralanguage. A smile is example of :
A. nice paralanguage
B. nice gesture
18) Paralanguage can be found when the speaker is ...
A. being vocal but not verbal
B. being verbal but not vocal
C. moving his hands
D. moving his head
19) When a speaker is being vocal but not verbal; that is known as
A. gesture
B. paralanguage
C. implicature
D. body language
20) All the following are examples of paralanguage except for
A. Smiling
C. Giggling
D. Crying
21) All the following are examples of paralanguage except for
A. Nodding
B. Laughing
C. Giggling
D. Crying
22) Using body language while interacting with other is also known as ...
A. communicating via prosody
B. communicating via Paralanguage
C. communicating via Implicature
D. communicating via gesture
23) Nodding the head in response to an utterance is a visual sign that can be equivalent to saying
A. Polysemy
B. I approve it
C. I don't like it
D. I smell something
24) Pretending to yawn, with finger tips in front of mouth is a visual sign could be equivalent to saying ...
A. " I smell something bad "
B. "I am bored "
C. "I approve that "
D. " I forgot to do it "
25) Shrugging the shoulders is a visual sign that could be equivalent
A. I disapprove it
B. I dislike it
C. I don't know
D. I forgot to do it
26) Slapping your forehead with the palm of your hand is a visual sign that could be equivalent to saying.
A. "I am sleepy "
B. "I forgot"
C. "I smell something"
D. "I don't know"
27) what is the semantic /lexical relation between shallow and deep
A. Synonymy
B. Prototype
C. Hyponymy
D. Antonymy
28) This can be defined as "two or more forms with very closely related meaning, which are often interchangeable in sentences."What is it?
A. polysemy
B. Hyponymy
C. Synonymy
D. Antonymy
29) What is the semantic / lexical relation between taxi / cap?
A. Synonymy
B. Hyponymy
C. Homonymy
D. Homophony
30) What is the semantic / lexical relation between buy and purchase?
A. Synonymy
B. Hyponymy
C. Homonymy
D. Homophony
31) My father is 75 years old. I can change "my father" into the synonym "my dad " if I want to sound …
A. impolite
B. more formal
C. very polite
D. less formal
32) "My father purchased a large automobile" I can change the sentence into "my dad bought a big car " if I want to sound ...
A. more formal
B. less formal
C. very polite
D. impolite
33) My father 40 years old “I can change “my father “into the "synonym “my dad
A. in formality
B. polite
C. impolite
D. none
34) Identify the pair of non-gradable antonyms among the followings
A. rich and poor
B. dress and undress
C. male and female
D. quick and slow
35) the type of Anatomy, the negative of one member of the pair does inded imply that other
A. non-gradable
B. gradable
C. reversives
D. synonyms
36) Identify the pair of non -gradable antonyms among the followings
A. dead and alive
B. pack and unpack
C. rich and poor
D. quick and slow
37) One type of antonym is called reversive. Which among the following considered an example of reversive?
A. fair and unfair
B. safe and unsafe
C. happy and unhappy
D. tie and untie
38) Reversive is one type of antonym. Which among the following examples is reversive?
A. happy and unhappy
B. pack and unpack
C. safe and unsafe
D. fair and unfair
39) Identify the reversive Antonymy among the following pairs
A. friendly and unfriendly
B. safe and unsafe
C. pack and unpack
D. fair and unfair
40) One type of antonyms is called reversions. Which among the followings is example of reversions?
A. happy and unhappy
B. dress and undress
C. safe and unsafe
D. fair and unfair
41) The meaning of a word can be included under another word , in the case of
A. Polysemy
B. Synonymy
C. Hyponymy
D. Antonymy
42) what is the semantic/lexical relation between tulip and flower?
A. Synonymy
B. Homophony
C. Hyponymy
D. Homonymy
43) What is semantic/lexical relation between dog and animals?
A. Synonymy
B. prototype
C. Hyponymy
D. Collocations
44) What is the semantic / lexical relation between carrot and vegetables?
A. Homonymy
B. Synonymy
C. Homophony
D. Hyponymy
45) What is the semanticlexical relation between banana and fruit?
A. Hyponymy
B. Synonymy
C. Homophony
D. Homonymy
46) which of these example is Co-hyponym ?
A. shoot/stab
B. shoot/blood
C. cut/knife
D. cut/dog
47) When we have two different written words that have the same... pronunciation, we can refer to them as
A. Homonyms
B. Homophones
C. Polysemous
D. Synonyms
48) They are two or more different written forms that have the same pronunciation. What are they?
A. Homophones
B. Homonyms
C. Polysemous
D. Hyponyms
49) How would you define two or more different written words that have the same pronunciation?
A. Homophones
B. Homonyms
C. Polysemous
D. Collocation
50) on of the lexical relation type is Homophony, the definition is :
A. two or more same written forms have the different pronunciation
B. two or more different written form have same pronunciation
51) let 's meet the meat What is the lexical relation between "meet and meat"
A. Synonymy
B. Hyponymy
C. Homonymy
D. Homophony
52) The word bank (the side of a river) and bank (the financial institute) are recognized as...
A. Synonymy
B. Homophony
C. Polysemy
D. Homonymy
53) The word race (as in the act of running competitively) and race ( as in people belonging in the same ethnic group) are recognized....... as
A. Synonymy
B. Homophony
C. Polysemy
D. Homonymy
54) What is the semanticlexical relation between (he bet the flying bat used his big golf bat)
A. Hyponymy
B. Synonymy
C. polysemy
D. Homonymy
55) What is the semanticlexical relation between race (the contest of speed) and race (the ethnic group)?
A. Hyponymy
B. Synonymy
C. Homophony
D. Homonymy
56) The word mole (on the skin) and mole (the animal) are examples of ……
A. synonymous words
B. Antonymous words
C. Homonymous words
D. Polysemous words
57) The word mole (that appears on skin) and mole (the animal) are recognized as ...
A. Synonymy
B. Homonymy
C. Homophony
D. Polysemy
58) What is the semanticlexical relation between (I running in my apartment because I heard a running water)
A. Hyponymy
B. Synonymy
C. polysemy
D. Homonymy
59) What is the lexical relation between arm (of a person) and arm (of a chair)
A. Hyponymy
B. Synonymy
C. polysemy
D. Homonymy
60) “The chair of the English department is seeking a bilingual assistant” What does “chair” in this sentence involve ?
A. Hyponymy
B. Synonymy
C. Homonymy
D. Polysemy
61) "The head of the company needs a new secretary" What does this sentence contains?
A. Hyponymy
B. Synonymy
C. Homophony
D. Polysemy
62) IRAQI HEAD SEEKS ARMS" What does this newspaper "headline contain?
A. Hyponymy
B. Homonymy
C. Polysemy
D. Synonymy
63) What do you say about this sentence? "The horse ate the pizza "
A. It is syntactically odd but semantically good
B. It is both syntactically and semantically good
C. It is syntactically good but semantically odd.
D. It is both syntactically and semantically odd
64) What do you say about this sentence? "The horse is reading the poetry book "
A. It is syntactically odd but semantically good
B. It is both syntactically and semantically good
C. It is syntactically good but semantically odd.
D. It is both syntactically and semantically odd
65) What is your opinion about this sentence? "The table ate the sandwich."
A. It is syntactically good, but semantically odd.
B. It is syntactically odd, but semantically good.
C. It is both syntactically and semantically odd.
D. It is both syntactically and semantically good.
66) What is your opinion about this sentence: " My horse is reading newspaper" ?
A. It is syntactically good but semantically odd
B. It is syntactically odd but semantically good
C. It is both syntactically and semantically odd
D. It is both syntactically and semantically good
67) What are semantic features required for the subject of this sentence ………. To go with her son to Italian restaurant
A. [+Human, -Female, +Adult ]
B. [+Human, +Female, +Adult]
C. [+Human, -Female, -Adult]
D. [-Human, -Female, +Adult]
68) What are semantic features required for the subject of this sentence " ………. will travel with Sarah to France for their honey moon'
A. [+Human, -Female, +Adult ]
B. [+Human, +Female, +Adult]
C. [+Human, -Female, -Adult]
D. [-Human, -Female, +Adult]
69) What are the semantic features required for the subject of the "……….. is about to give birth to her second child this month "
A. [+Animate, + Human, - Female, + Adult]
B. [+Animate, + Human, + Female, +Adult]
C. [+Animate, + Human, - Female, -Adult]
D. [+Animate, - Human, - Female, +Adult]
70) What are the semantic features required forthe subject of this sentence? " ………. is traveling with his wife to London this week."
A. [+Animate, + Human, +Female, +Adult]
B. [+Animate, + Human, -Female, -Adult]
C. [+Animate, +Human, -Female, +Adult]
D. [+Animate, -Human, -Female, +Adult]
71) What are the semantic lectures required for the subject of the " sentences ".......is going to marry Sarah this Friday
A. [+Animate, + Human, + Female, + Adult]
B. [+Animate, + Human, - Female, - Adult]
C. [+Animate, + Human, - Female, + Adult]
D. [+Animate, + Human, + Female, - Adult]
معلومات حول الكويز
₪[تبويب أسئلة اختبارات علم المعاني والبراغماتيك - الجزء الأول]₪
[أسئلة اختبار - مرتبة حسب المحاضرات من 1 - 3 (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) - د. فهد الدهيش]
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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