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₪[تبويب أسئلة اختبارات علم المعاني والبراغماتيك - الجزء الثالث]₪
[أسئلة اختبار - مرتبة حسب المحاضرات من 9 - 14 (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) + أسئلة الواجب - د. فهد الدهيش]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 60
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) What a speaker assumes is true or known by a listener can be described as a...
A. prototype
B. deixis
C. collocation
D. presupposition
2) What is one obvious presupposition in this sentence: "Majed renewed his subscription to Sport magazine"?
A. That his subscription has expired
B. That Sport magazine is a cheap magazine
C. That he reads Sport magazine everyday
D. That renewing the subscription is easy
3) what is one obvious presupposition of speaker who says " your brother is waiting outside?
A. that you are act for you brother
B. that you have a brother
C. that you need to leave with your brother right now
D. that you regret having a brother
4) what is one obvious presupposition of a speak "I regret buying a car"
A. That their care is old
B. That they did not buy the car
C. That they will sell the car
D. That they bought that car
5) what is one obvious presupposition of a speak "I regret buying an apartment"
A. That their apartment is old
B. That they did not buy the apartment
C. That they will sell the apartment
D. That they bought that apartment
6) What is one obvious presupposition when the neighbor tells you "Your son is annoying?
A. That you need to talk to your son
B. That he will hit your son
C. that you have a son
D. That you regret having son
7) What is one obvious presupposition of a speaker who says: "I regret talking to Tom"?
A. That he has a friend named Tom
B. That he did not talk to Tom
C. That he will fight with Tom
D. That he talked to Tom
8) What is one obvious presupposition of a speaker who says: "your sister is waiting outside"?
A. That you are late for your sister
B. That you have a sister
C. That you need to leave with your sister right now
D. That you regret having a sister
9) If someone asks you " Can you pass the big spoon? " while eating at the dining hall, this utterance is often interpreted as..
A. a question
B. direct speech
C. a nice request
D. an interrogation
10) If someone asks you " Can you pass the hot sauce? " while eating at the dining hall, this utterance is often interpreted as..
A. a question
B. a request
C. a direct speech
D. an interrogation
11) If someone asks you " Can you pass the ketchup "while sitting on the dining table this utterance is often interpreted as
A. question
B. direct speech
C. request
D. an interrogation
12) If someone asks you "Can you pass the salt and paper?" while sitting on the dining table, this utterance is often interpreted as
A. a question
B. a direct speech
C. a request
D. an interrogation
13) Negative politeness is about respecting the negative face of other. An example of that is ....
A. Apologizing
B. thanking
C. paying compliments
D. indicating friendliness
14) Imagine that an old man stops you on the street and asks you, "Do you have a watch? "What is the locutionary force in this scene?
A. The utterance that he actually said.
B. The intended meaning he had.
C. The effect achieved by his utterance.
D. The production of words that made up his utterance.
15) Imagine that an old man stops you on the street and asks you, "Do you have a watch? "What is the illocutionary force in this scene?
A. The utterance that he actually said.
B. The intended meaning he had.
C. The effect achieved by his utterance.
D. The production of words that made up his utterance
16) Imaging that you enter the classroom and your professor, who want you to close the door behind you , said " You left the door open " What is the locutionary force in this scene ?
A. The intended meaning, he had
B. The effect achieved by the utterance
C. The utterance that he actually said
D. The production of words that made up his utterance
17) Each of the following utterance contains a speech act except for one. Which one is it?
A. I bet you 30$ he will not show up
B. I 'll meet you at 5 o'clock at the library
C. I'm sorry I said that to you
D. I eat at the new cafeteria every Monday
18) Each of the following sentence contain a speech act except for one . Which one is it ?
A. I bet your 530 he with
B. I will meet you at five clocks at the library
C. I am sorry I said that to you
D. I teach at the new high school
19) Each of the following utterances contains a speech act except for one. Which one is it?
A. I bet you 50 riyals he will not show up.
B. I'll meet you at 8:30 at the library.
C. I'm sorry I said that to you.
D. I work at the new bank.
20) The dentist said : "My eleven-thirty canceled so I had an early lunch ". Eleven-thirty in this utterance is best interpreted as ..
A. a patient
B. a watch
C. a doctor
D. a break
21) In the field of linguistics, politeness is mainly related to the concept of ......
A. self
B. face
C. feeling
D. tactfulness
22) holding down a thumb from closed fist is a visual sign could be equivalent to saying …….
A. it's bad
B. I approve it
C. it's good
D. I smell something
23) Sally : how did you do in test of license ? Adam: I think that I'll never get the driving license
A. that she will fail in the exam
B. that he didn't do well in the driver exam
24) Only one of the following expression is considered a face saving act. Which one is it?
A. I 'm sorry to bother you
B. I know you 're busy, but
C. Let's do this together
D. You need to
25) Determine the only spatial metaphor among the following sentence
A. He shot down all of my arguments
B. He is planting ideas in my head
C. He is feeling down today
D. He is living on borrow time
26) Which among the followings contains a spatial metaphor?
A. He shot down all of my arguments
B. He is living on borrowed time
C. He is planting ideas in my head
D. He is in high spirits
27) Only one of these sentences contains an idiom. Which one is it?
A. I need to hit the book early tonight
B. I broke the foot of the bed
C. I wasted my time on this
D. I saw the water running
28) Only one of these sentences contains an idiom. Which one is it?
A. I need to hit the sack early tonight
B. I broke the foot of the bed
C. I wasted my time on this
D. I saw the water running
29) which one of these sentences contains an idiom. Which one is it?
A. I decided to hit the sack early tonight
B. I broke the foot of the bed
C. I wasted my time on this
D. I saw the water running
30) Determine the only spatial metaphor among the following sentence
A. He shot down all of my arguments
B. He is planting ideas in my head
C. He is feeling down today
D. He is living on borrow time
31) What is the expression that cannot be understood only from its string of words
A. A metaphor
B. An idiom
C. A collocation
D. An Anaphora
32) ............ is an expression whose meaning cannot be derived directly from the string of words that make up that expression.What is it?
A. A metaphor
B. An idiom
C. A collocation
D. An Anaphora
33) Only one of the following examples is considered a well-written an idiom. Which one is it?
A. fly of the handles
B. kick the buckets
C. spilled the beans
D. blow one's tops
34) Which among the following is considered a well-written idiom
A. fly of the handles
B. spilled the beans
C. kick the buckets
D. blow one's tops
35) One of the Gricean maxims is maxim of manner . which of the following explains it ?
A. Make your contributions informative as is require
B. Do not say that which you believe to be false
C. Be relevant
D. Be clear, brief and orderly
36) By using the hedge "So, to cut a long story short awareness of
A. The Quality Maxim
B. The Quantity Maxim
C. The Relation Maxim
D. The Manner Maxim
37) By using the hedge "sort of in "The book was sort of yellow" which maxim does the speaker show awareness of?
A. The Quality Maxim
B. The Quantity Maxim
C. The Relation Maxim
D. The Manner Maxim
38) Adam saw his sister leaving the house, so he where are you going? She said :"Out ! '' What maxim does the sister out in this conversation?
A. The maxim of Quality
B. The maxim of Quantity
C. The maxim of Relation
D. The maxim of Manner
39) By starting an utterance with "To make a long story short " .... the speaker is being aware of the maxim of .......
A. Quality
B. Quantity
C. Relation
D. Manner
40) Mom: Have you done your homework and cleaned your room? Son: I've done my homework What maxim does the son flout /violate in this conversation?
A. The Maxim of Relation
B. The Maxim of Quality
C. The Maxim of Manner
D. The Maxim of Quantity
41) Father to daughter: Where are you going? Daughter: Out What maxim does the daughter flout in this conversation ?
A. The Maxim of Quality
B. The Maxim of Quantity
C. The Maxim of Relation
D. The Maxim of Manner
42) Mom: Have you done your homework Son: My bicycle is broken mom What maxim does the son flout /violate in this conversation?
A. The Maxim of Relation
B. The Maxim of Quality
C. The Maxim of Quantity
D. The Maxim of Manner
43) Sarah to her friend: Do you want to go to the meeting tonight ? The friend: I have an exam tomorrow What maxim does the friend seem to violate in this conversation ?
A. The Maxim of Quality
B. The Maxim of Quantity
C. The Maxim of Relation
D. The Maxim of Manner
44) Father to daughter at family dinner: Any news about the exams result? Daughter: Ice-cream anyone? What maxim does the daughter flout/violate in this conversation?
A. The Maxim of Quality
B. The Maxim of Quantity
C. The Maxim of Relation
D. The Maxim of Manner
45) By starting an utterance with " Correct me if I'm wrong but…." .…… The speaker is being maxim of
A. Quality
B. Relation
C. Quantity
D. Manner
46) By starting an utterance with "As far as I know ..."the speaker is being aware of the maxim of ...
A. Quality
B. Quantity
C. Relation
D. Manner
47) By starting an utterance with "As far as I know "the speaker is.. being aware of
A. The maxim of Quality
B. The maxim of Quantity
C. The maxim of Relation
D. The maxim of Manner
48) By using the hedge "sort of in "The book was sort of yellow" which maxim does the speaker show awareness of?
A. The Quality Maxim
B. The Quantity Maxim
C. The Relation Maxim
D. The Manner Maxim
49) One of the Gricean maxims is maxim of quality. which of the following explains it ?
A. Make your contributions informative as is require
B. Do not say that which you believe to be false
C. Be relevant
D. Be clear, brief and orderly
50) In 1894, in a paper entitled: “Reflected meanings: a point in semantics,” the term “Semantics” was used to refer to:
a. meaning and its development.
d. the manipulation of language.
c. meaning in a particular context.
b. the science of meaning.
51) Which of the following statements is NOT correct when we compare sense and reference?
a. Sense deals with relationships inside the language.
b. Reference deals with relationships between the language and the world.
c. The referent of an expression is an abstraction in the mind of language users.
d. Every meaningful expression has sense, but not necessarily reference.
52) In the collocation “blond hair”, the type of collocational restriction is:
a. based on meaning
b. based on range
c. based on reference
d. based on neither meaning nor range
53) How do the synonyms “gentleman/chap” differ?
a. Each belongs to different dialects.
b. Each belongs to different styles.
c. Each has different emotive or evaluative meanings.
d. They are both collocationally restricted to different environments.
54) Choose the type of antonymy found in the pair “ married/unmarried”.
a. binary antonymy
b. converses
c. relational opposites
d. gradable antonymy
55) Which of the following is an example of homonymy?
a. earth (our planet vs. soil)
b. bank (financial institution vs. the side of a river)
c. tail (of a coat vs. of an animal)
d. fork (in a road vs. instrument for eating)
56) ‘I promise to stop doing that.’ What is the type of the speech act in this utterance?
a. constative
b. explicit performative
c. implicit performative
d. neither constative nor performative
57) What is the speech act that is not always intended by the speaker?
a. locutionary act
b. illocutionary act
c. perlocutionary act
d. commissive act
58) ‘I swear to be there promptly.’ What is the type of illocution in this utterance?
a. direct directive illocution
b. indirect directive illocution
c. direct commissive illocution
d. indirect commissive illocution
59) If a speaker is NOT being ‘ truthful’ when engaged in a conversation, which Maxim of Grice is he violating?
a. The Maxim of Quantity
b. The Maxim of Quality
c. The Maxim of Relation
d. The Maxim of Manner
60) تمت بحمد لله .. الشكر موصول لـ (خدمة ملخصاتي) على هذا المجهود المبارك
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
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₪[تبويب أسئلة اختبارات علم المعاني والبراغماتيك - الجزء الثالث]₪
[أسئلة اختبار - مرتبة حسب المحاضرات من 9 - 14 (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) + أسئلة الواجب - د. فهد الدهيش]
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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