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₪[تبويب أسئلة اختبارات اللغويات التطبيقية - الجزء الثاني]₪
[أسئلة اختبار - مرتبة حسب المحاضرات من 5 - 8 (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) - د. أحمد السقوفي]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 63
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1) The formal system of language are pronunciation, ………………………..
A. speaking & listening
B. grammar and vocabulary
C. reading & writing
D. translating and literature.
2) The formal systems of language are ...............
A. translation and literature
B. pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary
C. speaking & listening
D. reading & writing
3) The formal system of language are pronunciation, grammar and ……………………….
A. speaking & listening
B. vocabulary
C. reading & writing
D. translating and literature.
4) pronunciation, grammar and …………………are called The formal system of language
A. speaking & listening
B. vocabulary
C. reading & writing
D. translating and literature
5) According to ……………….. , we are born with considerable pre-programmed knowledge of how language works
A. Applied Linguistics
B. Theoretical Linguistics
C. Language Testing
D. d-Forensic Linguistics
6) In Chomsky's view, the newborn infant ……already contains a Universal Grammar (UG).
A. brain
B. exposure
C. intelligence
D. tongue
7) In Chomsky's view, the newborn infant brain already contains a ................
A. General intelligence
B. Universal Grammar (UG)
C. Learning ability
D. Minimal exposure
8) In the late …………… the sociolinguist Dell Hymes developed the communicative competence model
A. 1960s
B. 1970s
C. 1980s
D. 1990s
9) The sociolinguist Dell Hymes offered …………………………in the late 1960s
A. communicative competence
B. Genre Theory
C. Structuralism
D. Behaviorism
10) The sociolinguist Dell Hymes offered communicative competence in the late ........
A. 1980s
B. 1990s
C. 1970s
D. 1960s
11) ……………………… observes that a person who had only linguistic competence would be quite unable to communicate
A. Dell Hymes.
B. Noam Chomsky
C. Henry sweet.
D. John Swales.
12) successful communication according to Dell Hymes can be achieved by possibility, feasibility, ……………………….. and attestedness.
A. consciousness
B. appropriateness
C. limitedness
D. objectiveness
13) Successful communication according to Dell Hymes can be achieved by................
A. appropriateness, and attestedness
B. possibility, and feasibility
C. possibility, feasibility, and appropriateness
D. possibility, feasibility, appropriateness, and attestedness
14) successful communication according to Dell Hymes can be achieved by possibility, feasibility, appropriateness and………….
A. consciousness
B. attestedness
C. limitedness
رD. objectiveness
15) Possibility means an instance conforms to the rules of .............and pronunciation.
A. pragmatics
B. phonology
C. syntax
D. grammar
16) Possibility means an instance conforms to the rules of ..............
A. grammar and pronunciation
B. pragmatics
C. phonology
D. syntax and morphology
17) Possibility means an instance conforms to the rules of grammar and……….
A. pragmatics
B. phonology
C. syntax
D. pronunciation
18) A communicatively competent speaker may know the rules, be capable of following them, but nevertheless ………………. them deliberately
A. break
B. understand
C. apply
D. amend
19) A communicatively ……………speaker may know the rules , be capable of following them, but nevertheless break them deliberately.
A. Competent
B. Discontent
C. Consistent
D. Component
20) A communicatively competent speaker may know the .............. , be capable of following them, but nevertheless break them deliberately.
A. steps
B. rules
C. ideas
D. problems
21) Feasibility is a …………….. concept concerned with limitation to what can be processed by the mind
A. Sociological
B. Psychological
C. biological
D. historical
22) …………………is a psychological concept concerned with limitations to what can be processed by the mind.
A. Consciousness
B. Possibility
C. Feasibility
D. Attestedness
23) The cheese the rat the cat the dog the man beat saw chased ate was green is an example of ………….
A. possibility
B. attestedness
C. appropriateness
D. feasibility
24) The man the girl the child saw talked to was from Saudi Arabia , is an example of .........
A. feasibility
B. possibility
C. appropriateness
D. attestedness
25) ………………… concern the relationship of language or behavior to context.
A. Attestedness
B. Possibility
C. Feasibility
D. Appropriateness
26) The phrase " bread and butter " is an example of...........
A. feasibility
B. possibility
C. appropriateness
D. attestedness
27) The phrase "chips and fish" is an example of ...............
A. feasibility
B. possibility
C. appropriateness
D. attestedness
28) In order to give a systematic description of context, ………………has drawn upon, and also developed discourse analysis.
A. Theoretical linguistics
B. Applied linguistics
C. Corpus Analysis
D. semantics
29) In order to give a systematic description of …………., Applied linguistics has drawn upon, and also developed discourse analysis.
A. Theoretical linguistics
B. context
C. Corpus Analysis
D. semantics
30) In order to give a systematic description of context, Applied linguistics has drawn upon, and also developed ............
A. corpus analysis
B. discourse analysis
C. sociolinguistics
D. semantics
31) Three areas of study which contribute to discourse analysis are paralanguage, pragmatics, and ........
A. genre studies
B. translation
C. literature
D. stylistics
32) Three areas of study which contribute to discourse analysis are ............
A. applied linguistics, pragmatics, and literature
B. paralanguage, pragmatics, and stylistics
C. linguistics, translation, and genre studies
D. paralanguage, pragmatics, and genre studies
33) paralanguage means that when we speak we do not only communicate through…….
A. Words
B. Minds
C. Souls
D. Shapes
34) ………..means that when we speak we do not only communicate through Words
A. paralanguage
B. Minds
C. Souls
D. Shapes
35) …………………..is term introduced by john swales
A. interference
B. Conversation Analysis
C. Discourse Analysis
D. Genre
36) Brochures, prayers, news bulletins, stories, conversations, consultations, lessons, emails, Web pages, and jokes are examples of ........
A. paralanguage
B. pragmatics
C. genre
D. linguistics
37) Language Testing is the practice and study of evaluating the……………of an individual in using a particular language effectively
A. consistency
B. proficiency
C. deficiency
D. frequency
38) ................ is the practice and study of evaluating the proficiency of an individual in using a particular language effectively.
A. Language Teaching
B. Language Planning
C. Language Learning
D. Language Testing
39) Proficiency tests, diagnostic tests, Achievement tests, and language aptitude tests are examples of tests which are based on ……………
A. purposes
B. orientation and the way to test
C. score interpretation
D. response
40) placement tests are examples of tests which are based on ..............
A. purposes
B. orientation and the way to test
C. score interpretation
D. response
41) The purpose of proficiency test is to test global ………………… in a language
A. persistence
B. existence
C. consistence
D. competence
42) The purpose of ............. is to test global competence in a language.
A. proficiency test
B. placement test
C. achievement test
D. diagnostic test
43) TOEFL and IELTS test are …………………… tests.
A. achievement
B. placement
C. diagnostic
D. proficiency
44) offer a checklist of features for the teacher to use in discovering difficulties
A. Achievement tests
B. Placement test
C. Diagnostic test
D. Proficiency test
45) Diagnostic tests should elicit …………..on what students need to work in the future
A. conversation
B. observation
C. information
D. confirmation
46) ................ should elicit information on what students need to work in the future
A. Achievement tests
B. Proficiency tests
C. Placement tests
D. Diagnostic tests
47) the purpose of achievement tests is to do determine whether course object have been met with skills acquired by the end of a period of …………
A. instruction
B. hypothesis
C. theory
D. approach
48) Achievement tests should be limited to particular material addressed in……… within a particular time frame
A. a curriculum
B. scale
C. language
D. formula
49) ..................... should be limited to particular material addressed in a curriculum within a particular time frame.
A. Diagnostic tests
B. Proficiency tests
C. Placement tests
D. Achievement tests
50) The purpose of …………test is to predict a person's success to exposure to the foreign language.
A. Achievement
B. Language aptitude
C. Proficiency
D. Diagnostic
51) The purpose of language aptitude test is to ............... a person's success to exposure to the foreign language
A. assess
B. predict
C. match
D. estimate
52) Subjective & Objective tests are tests which are based on..............
A. purposes
B. orientation and the way to test
C. score interpretation
D. response
53) In subjective tests the learners ability or performance are judged by………. opinion and judgment.
A. principals'
B. invigilators'
C. candidates'
D. examiners'
54) In subjective tests the learners ability or ............... are judged by examiner's opinion and judgment.
A. performance
B. look
C. style
D. system
55) Objective test refers to how well an individual can learn a foreign language in a given amount of …………..
A. time
B. scale
C. formula
D. curriculum
56) Multiple-choice tests true or false test, matching and problem based questions are an example of………….
A. Objective tests
B. Subjective tests
C. Language Aptitude tests
D. Speed tests
57) Multiple-choice tests are an example of ……………………….
A. Objective tests
B. Subjective tests
C. Language Aptitude tests
D. Speed tests
58) ………………. questions are moderately easy to write and easily scored
A. Essay
B. Multiple-choice
C. True or false
59) True or false questions are moderately easy to write and easily...............
A. understood
B. structured
C. scored
D. designed
60) True or False question are limited primarily to testing ................. of information and they are easy to guess correctly on many items.
A. activity
B. knowledge
C. phenomenon
D. prescription
61) Essay questions can be used to measure ……………. order cognitive skills.
A. higher
B. lower
C. alphabetical
D. moderate
62) Essay questions can be used to measure higher order ............. skills.
A. cognitive
B. integrative
C. interpretative
D. communicative
63) Essay questions are time consuming to administer and score, difficult to identify reliable criteria for scoring ,and only a limited range of ................can be sampled during any one testing period
A. format
B. style
C. content
D. answer sheet
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