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₪[ طرق البحث وتصميم الأبحاث - 1/2/3 Lectures ]₪
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 23
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) 1) The term ‘Research’ refers to the ........ investigation into and study of materials and sources
a) Semitic
b) Somatic
c) Systematic
d) Semantic
2) 2) The term ‘Methods’ as a research component refers to ........
a) A procedure for procrastinating something, esp. an irregular or a disestablished one
b) A procedure for not accomplishing or approaching anything, esp. a chaotic one
c) A procedure for accomplishing or approaching something , esp. a systematic or established one
3) 3) What is design?
a) It is a logical structure of the inquiry (research) -from Oxford
b) It is used to summarise data
c) It is used for referencing
d) It is used to highlight the research problem
4) 4) ‘Descriptive’, ‘Explanatory’, ‘Ethnographic’, ‘Case study’, ‘Longitudinal’, and ‘cross-sectional’ refer to ........
a) Daffodils and tulips
b) Different types of rehearse
c) Different tokens of research
d) Different types of research
5) 5) One fact about Quantitative research.
a) Its aim is to get the meaning and feeling.
b) Its results are presented in tables and graphs.
c) It is exploratory.
d) numerical-non is It
6) 6) Using........ means that you Collect data through some tools and you quantify them
a) quaver methods
b) qualitative methods
c) quantitative methods
d) pedagogical methods
7) 7) Research that is designed to explain, observe and discuss its results is said to be:
a) Questionnaires
b) Quantitative
c) Quasi-experimtal
d) Qualitative
8) 8) Using quantitative methods means that you ........
a) Collect data through some tools and you quantify them
b) Collect data thoroughly by some tools and you qualify them
c) Collect all the available data and you qualify them
d) Collect all the impossible data and you qualify them
9) 9) .........., we collect data through some tools, explain, discuss, argue, about hypothesis, etc.
a) In accumulative research
b) In quantitative research
c) In commutative research
d) In qualitative research
10) 10) To make our results clearer to our readers we use
a) Unexplained number
b) Brief descriptions
c) Graphs, charts, and tables
d) Mystery and ambiguity
11) 11) Quantitative research cares to study …
a) The numbers of things
b) The meanings of things
c) The descriptions of thing
d) The feelings of thing
12) 12) Claiming the words or ideas of another person as your own is know
a) Proofreading
b) Creating a bibliography
c) Drafting a thesis
d) Plagiarism
13) 13) When establishing a schedule for completing your research project what would be the first stop ?
a) Drafting the paper
b) Revising and proofreading
c) Finding and narrowing a topic
d) Creating a working bibliography
14) Lecture 2
Lecture 2
15) 1) One of the first steps to think of before doing research is
a) To think of how you will publish it
b) To think of who you want to participate in your research
c) To think of the references
d) To think of the results
16) 2) In research, ........ you choose, the more open-ended your research becomes
a) the broader the topic
b) the border is difficult to cross
c) the older the tape
d) the more recent the topic
17) 3) What would be an advantage of gathering your information online ?
a) The internet is loaded with useful material
b) Some electronic sources are not reliable
c) Copying texts and pasting them into your research paper is easy
d) It is slow and difficult to access the information you may need
18) 4) Which of the following is a narrowed topic?
a Saudi in Translation)
b) The Use of machine translation at king Faisal university
c) Misuse of Google translate in academic writing a study on English department
n Google Misusing) d
19) Lecture 3
Lecture 3
20) 1) Which of these four websites looks more reliable?
a) http://www.idiomsite.com/
b) http://www.loc.gov/
c) http://www.mornar.net/
d) http://www.bbc.com/
21) 2) Which of these four websites looks more
a) http://www.libguide.com/
b) http://www.riyadh.net/
c) http://www.cnn.net/
d) http://www.998.gov/
22) 3) In research we prefer to
a) Start from others ideas as they were yours
b) Start from where others have stopped
c) Start from nowhere
d) Start from scratch and neglect previous studies
23) 4) In Google search what do you use to find the exact phrase?
a) The word : Not
b) The word : and
c) The plus sing +
d) The quotation marks "…."
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₪[ طرق البحث وتصميم الأبحاث - 1/2/3 Lectures ]₪
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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