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₪[ تبويب أسئلة الترجمة الإبداعية - 2 Lecture ]₪
[د/أحمد حليمة]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 36
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1) 1) Types of texts are normally viewed in translation as ..
a) Either literary or scientific
b) Either literary or non-literary
c) Either literacy or technical
d) Neither literary nor technical
2) 2) Text for translation are often viewed as:
a) Either literary or scientific
b) Either literary or non-literary
c) Either literacy or technical
d) Neither literary nor technical
3) 3) Texts are often viewed as either
a) either technical or scientific
b) technical or literary
c) literary non- literary
d) none of the above
4) 4) Literary texts tend to have a written ……………..
fulfill an effective and aesthetic function
to influence and/or inform
5) 5) Literary texts tend to
a) to provoke emotions and/or entertain
b) to influence and/or inform
c) to persuade and/or dissuade
d) to provoke imagination and/or creativity
6) 6) Unlike other branches of translation, literary translation tends to be………
a) information content-oriented
b) style - oriented
c) idea-oriented
d) purpose-oriented
7) 7) literary translation also tends to be
a) style – oriented
b) information – oriented
c) Entertainment – oriented
d) Culture – oriented
8) 8) Technical / scientific , legal and financial / commercial texts tend to be
a) Style – oriented
b) Information content – oriented
c) Both style – oriented and information content – oriented
d) Neither style – oriented nor information content – oriented
9) 9) Literary texts tend to fulfill
a) an instructional rather than and aesthetic function
b) an aesthetic rather than informational function
c) transactional rather than an aesthetic function
d) a non-fictional function
10) 0) literary translator focuses on: 
How something is said
Glean meaning from ambiguity
11) 11) Landers (2001) puts it: the literary translator must have the ability to…….
a) Glean meaning from ambiguity
b) Glean meaning from 'curiosity'
c) Glean meaning from 'clarity'
d) Glean meaning from 'difficulty'
12) 12) Newmark classifieds all texts into three general categories they are :
a) an influential, informative, effective
b) narrative, exposure, instructional
c) expressive, informative; persuasive
d) argumental, desprecive, inpatient
13) 13) ……... All types of text are classified into three general categories expressive informative and vocative or persuasive
a) According to New mark (1982)
b) According to steiner (1992)
c) According to bell (1991)
d) According to baker (2011)
14) 14) Newmark (1982), classified all texts into three categories:
a) "influential, informative, effective"
b) "narrative, expository, instructional".
c) "expressive, informative and persuasive".
d) "argumentative, descriptive, imperative".
15) 15) Literary texts tend to cover genres of
a) poetry, newspaper, stories.
b) poetry, prose, drama.
c) poetry, literature, history.
d) reports, recipes and poetry.
16) 16) When translating a literary text you tend to translate not only the information but also the ………
a) Social , cultural realities
b) Literal and lexical realities
c) The content realities
d) The conceptual realties
17) 18) The ACNCS criteria in translation is used to refer to …..
a) Accuracy , clarity , naturalness , communication and style
b) Acute , close , neutral , concern and system
c) Accustomed , care , neon , concept and sense
d) Accumulate , count , nature , control and synonym
18) 19) traditionally, translation theories were mainly derived from
a) literary and sacred-text translation,
b) literary and non-text translation,
19) 20) ………….relevant to literary translation more than it is to scientific and technical translation. 
The register and tone
20) 21) register and tone of the literary text are of paramount importance to the……….
literary translator
21) 22) ……. Of the literary text are of paramount importance to the literary translator
a) The register and tone
b) The word and lexeme
c) The sense and concept
d) The verb and noun
22) 23) The literary translator should
a) leave his/her own imprint on text they produce
b) make his/her voice present in the translated text
c) speak for the source writer
d) think of the target language reader
23) 24) The literary translator has no independent stylistic voice because
a) he speaks for the target reader
b) he speaks for the source writer
c) he speaks for the source reader
d) he speaks for both the source and target reader
24) 25) It is …… who leaves his / her own stylistic imprint on the text he / she produces
a) A duty on the part of the translator
b) A success on the part of the translator
c) A failure on the part of the translator
d) A pretext on the part of the translator
25) 26) The translation of style is crucial in the context of literature because it defines the writer’s……….
cultural space time
significantly superfluous
26) 27) in the context of literature the translation of style is crucial because defines……
a) the writer’s ‘cultural space time’
b) The readers cultural space time
c) The translators cultural space time
27) 28) The Translation of style in the context of literature is
a) awfully important
b) crucially unimportant
c) really unnecessary
d) significantly superfluous
28) 29) In the context of literature , the Translation of style is
a) awfully important
b) crucially unimportant
c) really unnecessary
d) significantly superfluous
29) 30) Literary translating may also be seen as a communication process where translators act as rewriters communicating with
a) Target writers in a similar way
b) Both source and target readers
c) Source readers in a similar way
d) Target readers in a similar way
30) 31) The most appropriate translation of: فنقول : اختلف الناس في العشق هل هو اختياري أو اضطراري خارج عن مقدور البشر ؟
a) "People disagreed about love and said, is it optional or compulsory or beyond one's control?
b) "People seem to have different views of the concept of 'falling in love’; is it something optional or necessary beyond one's control?
c) "People disregard love as it optional. compulsory and beyond one's power"
d) "People agreed falling in love that it is optional or compulsory and beyond one's control?"
31) 32) literary translation is also seen as
a form of action in a real-world conte
Source readers in a similar way
32) 33) The most appropriate translation of: كان جو غرفة الضيوف بارداً ومنعشاً يهدهد جفونه ويغريه بقيلولة ممتعة
a) The atmosphere in the living room was so cold and fresh that he was tempted to nap
b) The air in the living room was so cool and refreshing that he was tempted to have a nap
c) The air in the living room was fresh and tempted him to take a nap .
d) The air in the guest room was cold and fresh which tempted him to take a snooze
33) 34) The most appropriate translation of: كان جو غرفه الضيوف باردا و منعشا
a) The mood in the lounge was cold and crushing.
b) The climate in the sitting room was refreshing and cold.
c) The atmosphere in the lounge was cold and fresh.
d) The air in the living room was fresh and cool.
34) 35) The most appropriate translation of: SHYLOCK I'll have my bond; I will not hear thee speak: I'll have my bond; and therefore speak no more.
سانال حقي ولن اسمع كلامك سانال حقي فلا معنى لمزيد من الكلام
سيكون عندي مع تعهد بفعله لي ولن اسمع لكلامك سوف تنفذه لا محاله لذلك لا معنى لمزيد من الكلام
سوف احافظ على رباطه جاشي ولن اصغي اليك سوف احافظ على رباطه جاشي و لن اتحدث بالمزيد
عهد علي أن لا اسمعك هذا عهد نفسي لنفسي فلا حاجه لمزيد من الكلام
35) 36) The most appropriate translation of: ُ أيها الناس قد فرض الله عليكم الحج فحجوا
a) “Oh people, Allah has made Hajj a must on you. So do it not."
b) “ Oh people, God has made Hajj obligatory on you. please do it."
c) “Oh people, Allah has prescribed Hajj on you. So why you don’t do it."
d) “Oh people, Allah has made performing Hajj obligatory on you. So do it “
36) 37) The most appropriate translation of: فاذا امرتكم بشيء فاتوا منه ما استطعتم واذا نهيتكم عن شيء فدعوه
If I ask you to do something, do as much as you can and if I prohibit you from doing something, abstain from it."
c) “Oh people, Allah has prescribed Hajj on you. So why you don’t do it."
معلومات حول الكويز
₪[ تبويب أسئلة الترجمة الإبداعية - 2 Lecture ]₪
[د/أحمد حليمة]
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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