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₪[ تبويب أسئلة علم اللغة الاجتماعي - 7/8 Lectures ]₪
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 40
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1) 1) ........ takes the difference in power between women and men as the main cause of discourse variation
a. Domineers Theory
b. Determination Theory
c. Dominance Theory
d. Minimalist Theory
2) 2) According to the Dominance theory, .... tend to have more power than women.
a. Girls
b. Women
c. Men
d. Children
3) 3) Difference Theory suggests that women and men develop different styles of talking because they are.......... at important stages of their lives.
a. Aggregated
b. Aggravated
c. Segregated
d. congregated.
4) 4) Difference Theory suggests that........... at important stages of their lives.
a. women and girls develop different styles of talking because they are segregate
b. women and men develop similar styles of talking because they are segregated
c. women and men develop different styles of talking because they lives together
d. women and men develop different styles of talking because they are segregated
5) 5) …………….. suggests that women and men develop different styles of talking because they are segregated at important stages of their lives
a. Domineers Theory
b. Determination Theory
c. Dominance Theory
d. Difference Theory
6) 6) According to Difference Theory women and men develop …………. because they are segregated at important stages of their lives.
a. similar styles of talking
b. different styles of walking
c. different styles of talking
d. different castile of talking
7) 7) The weak points of Dominance Theory are that is represents …………….
a. women as ‘powerless victims’ and shows men as excluding and demeaning women.
b. men as ‘powerless victims’ and shows women as excluding and demeaning women.
c. women as ‘powerful victims’ and shows men as careful about and looking highly
d. women as ‘cowardice venom’ and shows them as committing sign.
8) 8) ………..is the attribution, or claim, to belong to a particular cultural group on the basis of genetics language .or other cultural manifestations.
a. Eccentricity
b. Infelicity
c. Elasticity
d. Ethnicity
9) 9) While ethnic majority refers to…….., ethnic minority refers to members of minority groups.
a. A group which has a socially subordinate culture
b. A group which has a socially oriented lecture
c. A subgroup which has dominant agriculture
d. A group which has a socially dominant culture
10) 10) The term Ethnic majority is used to refer to a group which has a socially …….. culture.
a. Ruminant
b. Difficult
c. Diamond
d. Dominant
11) 11) The term Ethnic ______ is used to refer to a group which has a socially dominant culture
a. Majority
b. Minority
c. Minimalism
d. Cleansing
12) 12) The term Ethnic majority is used to refer to a group which has
a. a sensually dominant culture
b. a socially dammed culture
c. a socially dominant lecture
d. a socially dominant culture
13) 13) Choose the correct sentence
a. The term Ethnic minority is used to refer to a group which has a socially dominant culture
b. The term Ethnic majority is used to refer to a group which has a politically dammed culture
c. The term Ethnic majority is used to refer to a group which has a socially minimal culture
d. The term Ethnic majority is used to refer to a group which has a socially dominant culture
14) 14) Choose the correct sentence :
a. The ethnic minority has been established for a longer period of time and the minority groups are the more recent products of migration.
b. The ethnic majority has been established for a shorter period of time and the minority groups are the more ancient products of migration.
c. The elastic majority has been established longer period of time and the minority groups are the more recent products of moderation.
d. The ethnic majority has been established for a longer period of time and the minority groups are the more recent products of migration
15) 15) Choose the correct sentence :
a. the authority groups are the more recent products of migration.
b. the juniority groups are the more ancient products of migration.
c. the minority groups are the more recent products of moderation.
d. the minority groups are the more recent products of migration.
16) 16) ……….. refers to preconceived, usually unfavorable, judgments toward people because of gender, social class, age, disability, religion, sexuality, race/ethnicity, language, nationality or other personal characteristics.
a. Prejudice
b. Language
c. English
d. Linguistics.
17) 17) Prejudice refers to…… toward people because of gender, social class, age, disability, religion, sexuality, race/ethnicity, language, nationality or other personal characteristics.
a. preconceived ,usually unfavorable, judgments
b. preconceived ,usually favorable, judgments
c. pre ,usually favorable, judgments
d. pre ,usually unfavorable, judgments
18) 18) prejudice refers to …… toward people because of gender, social class, age, disability, etc.
a. Postconceived, usually unfavorable, judgments
b. Preconceived, usually unfavorable, judgments
c. Preconceived, usually favorable, judgments
d. Preconceived, usually unfavorable, jam and mint
19) 19) The word … was often linked in the British media with negative signs like hate, fight, riot
a. Black
b. White
c. Orange
d. Red
20) 20) The term ‘Black’ was often linked in the British media with ….… signs like hate, fight, riot etc
a. Neglected
b. Negative
c. new and recent
d. positive
21) 21) The term 'Black' was often linked in the British media with
a. New and recent signs like fate, right, quiet)
b. Positive signs like rate, might, carrot)
c. Negative signs like hate, fight, riot)
d. Neglected signs like gate, sight, helo)
22) 22) When used as a negative labeling , the word Jamaican indicate:
a. Legal drugs entering the country
b. illegal drugs entering the country
c. Legal drugs taken out of the country
d. Legal dogs entering the country
23) 23) An example of ……….Is ‘a small islander “ which refers to people who have migrated from poorer and smaller islands.
a. Positive labeling
b. Relative spelling
c. Negative labeling
d. Causative expelling
24) 24) ………... is when members of ethnic minorities attempt to reduce, or remove, the power of derogatory ethnic labelling by using those terms among themselves, as positive markers of group identity.
a. Relation
b. Reclamation
c. Redirection
d. Relaxation
25) 25) Reclamation is when members of ......., as positive markers of group identity.
a. ethics and virtues attempt to reduce or remove the power of derogatory ethnic labelling by using those terms with other people.
b. ethnic minorities attempt to reduce or remove, the power of derogatory ethnic labeling by using those terms among themselves
c. ethnic majorities attempt to reduce the power of derogatory ethnic labeling by using words among themselves .
d. ethnic minorities attempt to remove, the power of complimentary labeling by using terms among themselves .
26) 26) Reclamation is when members of ethnic minorities attempt to ………., the power of derogatory ethnic labelling by using those terms among themselves, as positive markers of group identity.
a. reverse or remove
b. produce or remove
c. reduce or remove
d. deduce or mauve
27) 27) Nevertheless , the term still retain negative connotations because it is still used used as an ethnic abuse
little boy
28) 28) The dominance theory represents women as powerless victims and shows men as ____ women
a- Excluding and demeaning
b- Including and appreciating
c- Caring for and helping
d- Intruding and seducing
29) Lecture 8
Lecture 8
30) 1) Members of .......have the desire to acculturate to what is considered mainstream.
a. An ethnic majority
b. An skeptic authority
c. An ethnic minority
d. An epidemic seniority
31) 2) English only Movement promotes English as the language which …….. America.
a. Unifies
b. Destroys
c. Invades
d. Occupies
32) 3) English only Movement promotes English as ......
a. the lasgana which unifies America.
b. the language which purifies America.
c. the language which identifies America.
d. the language which unifies America.
33) 4) English only Movement promotes English as the language which........ America.
a. Invades
b. Destroys
c. Nullify
d. none of the above
34) 5) The English Only” movement ………….of ethnic minority groups into mainstream norms
a. Complicates the social assimilation
b. Facilitates the social assimilation
c. Facilitates the political aspiration
d. Facilitates the economic assignation
35) 6) The “English First” movement views multilingualism as
a. Cheap and effective
b. Lofty and infective
c. Costly and ineffective
d. Faulty and imperfective
36) 7) Assumes that English serves as a medium ......who have different mother tongues. 
of integration among different minority groups
Faulty and imperfective
37) 8) Members of ethics monitory groups voluntarily becomes subscribers to the ideology that…………….
Adaptation of main stream norms is a positive social step
Adaptation of mainstream norms is a negative social step
38) 9) Ex.Chambers and Trudgill (1980) found that in Norwich, England, the pronunciation of the ‘e’ in words like bell and tell varied according to the .... of the speaker.
39) 10) .......can be classified into three main groups. Under five, between twenty and sixty ,over sixty-five
Age groups
gender groups
40) 11) Some adjectives seem to ‘belong’ to a particular age group For..... wise, dignified, frail, etc
a. The Elderly
b. The young
c. The under-fives
d. The young females
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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