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₪[ تبويب أسئلة النقد الأدبي - 5/6 Lectures ]₪
[د. فوزي سليسلي]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 33
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) 1) The culture of Ancient Greece can be described as
a. A living culture
b. A museum culture
c. A culture of books
d. A culture of the aristocracy
2) 2) The literary culture of Ancient Rome can be described as:
a. A culture of books
b. A culture of the aristocracy
c. A living culture
d. A museum culture
3) 3) Ancient Roman culture was
a. A culture of books
b. A culture of the aristocracy
c. A living culture
d. A museum culture
4) 4) Rome culture was a ……. Culture.
a. Museum
b. A culture of books
c. A culture of the aristocracy
d. A living culture
5) Horace, though, was not a philosopher-critic like Plato or Aristotle. He was a ……. writing advice in the form of poems with the hope of improving the artistic 
6) 6) Which books were translated into Latin form Arabic during the Renaissance ?
a. Jewish books
b. Roman books
c. Greek books
d. Egyptian books
7) 7) The books of ancient Greece were translated back into Latin from:
a. Russian sources
b. Jewish sources
c. Greek sources
d. Arabic sources
8) 8) Ars Poetica is a treatise on poetry by :
a. Plato
b. Aristotle
c. Horace
d. Cicero
9) 9) Horace's famous treatise on poetry and rhetoric is titled
a. Poetics
b. the Republec
c. Ars Poetica
10) 10) Horace tells writers of play that a comic subject should not be written in a ……….
a. A tragic tone
b. a comic tone
c. a religious tone
d. a political tone
11) 11) Horace advises playwrghts not to present anything excessively ………. On stage.
a. violent or monstrous
b. Romantic or poetic
c. Tragic or comic
d. Esthetic or attractive
12) 12) Horace tells writers that a play should not be shorter or longer than ……..
a. five acts
b. four acts
c. three acts
d. two acts
13) 13) Horace equates the preserved Greek culture with “elegance” and he equates the popular culture of his own Roman society with:
a. Art
b. Venom
c. Entertainment
d. Poverty
14) 14) Horace simply asks the writer to make the tale ......... 
15) 15) Quintilian's famous treatise on poetry and rhetoric is it...
a. Poetics
b. the Republec
c. Institutio Oratori
16) 16) which roman author compared the process of writing good plays and poems to the process that bees go through in the production of honey:
a. Horace
b. Seneca
c. Quintilian
d. Cicero
17) 17) Roman authors used poetry and literature mostly for tow things ?
a. To improve eloquence and sing national glories .
b. To sell books and achieve fame
c. To entertain emperors
d. To educate people
18) 18) Which ones of these authors wrote poetry?
a. Plato and Aristotle
b. Horace and Virgil
c. Cicero and Quintilian
d. Seneca and Shakespeare
19) 19) Which ones of these authors wrote rhetorical works?
a. Plato and Aristotle
b. Horace and Virgil
c. Cicero and Quintilian
d. Seneca and Shakespeare
20) 20) Senece singles out the process of …… that takes place when bees produce honey or when food
21) Lecture 6
Lecture 6
22) 1) Medievel and Renaissance authors like Dante considered language to be :
a. A human creation
b. A divine creation
c. A government creation
d. A product of chance
23) 2) Which Renaissance writer considered language to be divinely inspired:
a. Lorenzo Valla
b. Petrarch
c. Joachim du Bellay
d. Dante
24) 3) Dante considered language to be:
a. Divinely instituted
b. Created by men
c. Created by the governments
d. Created by chance
25) 4) In the Renaissance, Lorenzo Valla broke with tradition and considered language to be :
a. A human creation
b. A divine creation
c. A government creation
d. A product of chance
26) 5) Lorenzo Valla considered language to be:
a. Divinely instituted
b. Created by men
c. Created by the governments
d. Created by chance
27) 6) Which Renaissance writer considered language to be created by the institutions of men
a. Lorenzo Valla
b. Petrarch
c. Joachim du Bellay
d. Dante
28) 7) It was during the Renaissance that the monopoly of Latin as the sole language of instruction and education was broken. The weapon that humanists used to break that monopoly was :
a. Books of literature
b. Poems that praised the vernacular
c. Grammar Books
d. Criticism
29) 8) The monopoly of Latin as the sole language of instruction and education was broken during the Renaissance using
a. Books of literature
b. Poems that praised the vernacular
c. Grammar Books
d. Criticism
30) 9) What did Renaissance humanists use to break the monopoly of Latin on education and promote the use of European languages?
a. Books of literature
b. Poems that praised the vernacular
c. They used Grammar Books
d. Criticism
31) 10) During the Renaissance, Humanist critics relied heavily on theories of imitation that were Developed :
a. In Rome
b. In Greece
c. In Europe
d. In the Muslim world
32) 11) Which theories of imitation did Renaissance Humanists used to develop a language and a literature?
a. Greek theories of imitation
b. Roman theories of imitation
c. European theories of imitation
d. Islamic theories of imitation
33) 12) Humanist theories of imitation continued :
a. Greek theories of imitation
b. Arab theories of imitation
c. Roman theories of imitation
d. Egyptian theories of imitation
معلومات حول الكويز
₪[ تبويب أسئلة النقد الأدبي - 5/6 Lectures ]₪
[د. فوزي سليسلي]
تفاصيل أخرى:
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
تم حل الكويز 7 مرة بنسبة نجاح 60%
القسم: E7
مناقشة الكويز: ₪[ تبويب أسئلة النقد الأدبي - 5/6 Lectures ]₪
معلومات صاحب الكويز
مطر ابن السماء

قام بانشاء 335 كويز
كويزات العضو
أفضل الأعضاء
العضونسبة النجاح
مطر ابن السماء96%
Sara Al Shehri66%
Tahani n39%
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