ملتقى طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك فيصل,جامعة الدمام

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₪[ تقييمات / واجبات الترجمة التتابعية ]₪
[أسئلة واجبات]
تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 25
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1) ₪[ تقييمات الترجمة التتابعية ]₪ The First Evaluation
التقييم الأول
2) Interpreting is normally regarded as
a unique frame for ‘Translation’.
a special form of ‘communication’.
a special form of ‘Translation’.
a normal way for ‘Translation’.
3) Interpreting is an ancient human practice which
postdates the invention of writing.
predates the invention of writing.
neither predates nor postdates the invention of writing.
overlooks the invention of writing.
4) ………………… could be traced back to Akkadian, the ancient Semitic Language of Assyria and Babylonia around 1900BC.
The activity of interpreting
The activity of translation
Neither the activity of interpreting nor the activity of translation.
The activity of communication
5) In principle, interpreting is performed
‘here and there’.
‘here and later’.
‘here and now’.
‘neither here nor there’.
6) Translation is defined as a process of ‘transfer’ acting on
‘grammar’ in the medium of ‘language’.
‘vocabulary’ in the medium of ‘language’.
‘structures’ in the medium of ‘language’.
‘ideas’ in the medium of ‘language’.
7) ₪[ تقييمات الترجمة التتابعية ]₪ The Second Evaluation
التقييم الثاني
8) For Salevsky,(1983), translation is………………and function-oriented complex series of acts for the production of a target text.
a reader-related
a situation-related
a topic-related
9) The scope of the interpreter’s task is
mainly production.
mainly producing.
neither production nor processing.
mainly communication.
10) The perspective of interpreting is
author-oriented 'intention'.
reader-dependent ‘transfer.
target-oriented ‘production’.
source-dependent ‘transfer.
11) ……………is where communities speaking different languages get in contact with each other for the purpose of trading and exchanging goods.
Business Interpreting
Military Interpreting
Court Interpreting
Diplomatic Interpreting
12) Signing could refer to
'voice-to-sign interpreting’.
'voice-over interpreting’.
'whispered interpreting'.
Voice-to-voice interpreting.
13) ₪[ واجبات الترجمة التتابعية ]₪
الواجب الأول
14) 1) Consecutive Interpreting is mainly concerned with
A. producing a translation directly after hearing the source text.
B. developing a verbal translation directly after hearing the source text.
C. producing an oral translation directly after hearing the source text.
D. producing an oral translation as the source text is being presented.
15) 2) Is translation framework adaptable to cover interpreting?
A. Yes, it is.
B. No, it is not
C. Yes, it is, with conference translation only.
D. No, it is not, except in research design.
16) 3) The most appropriate interpreting of ‘ أخيراً, فقد كان معلمي الثالث طفلاً صغيراً، رأيته ذات مرة يسير باتجاه الجامع، حاملاً شمعة بيده.
A. At last, the third professor was a little kid, I saw him once going to the mosque, carrying a candle with his hands.
B. eventually, the third instructor was a little boy. I saw him once strolling along the mosque, carrying a candle in his hands.
C. Finally, the third teacher was a little kid, I noticed her once walking towards the mosque, carrying a candle with both hands.
D. Finally, the third teacher was a little child. I saw him once walking towards the
17) الواجب الثاني
الواجب الثاني
18) 1) Multilateral communication interpreting is
A. mainly called ‘liaison interpreting’.
B. mainly called ‘community interpreting’.
C. mainly called ‘group interpreting’.
D. mainly called ‘conference interpreting’.
19) 2) The most visible manifestation of the ‘technologizing of interpreting’ is to
A. community interpreting in impromptu speech production.
B. remote interpreting in international conference settings.
C. business interpreting in oral summary rendition in another language.
D. diplomatic interpreting and military interpreting.
20) 3) The most appropriate interpreting of “An Irish nanny living illegally in the US is facing the prospect of a murder charge after a baby was allegedly fatally injured while in her care.”
A. إن مربية الأيرلندية الذين يعيشون بصورة غير قانونية في الولايات المتحدة تواجه احتمال تهمة القتل بعد إصابة قاتلة يزعم طفل أثناء وجوده في رعايتها".
B. إن مربية الأيرلندية تعيش بصورة غير قانونية في الولايات المتحدة تواجه احتمال تهمة القتل بعد إصابة قاتلة يزعم طفل أثناء وجوده في رعايتها".
C. تواجه مربية ايرلندية تعيش بشكل غير قانوني في الولايات المتحدة احتمال تهمة القتل بعد إصابة قاتلة لطفل أثناء وجوده في رعايتها"
D. إن مربية الأيرلندية الذين يعيشون غير قانونين في الولايات المتحدة يواجهون احتمال تهمة القتل بعد إصابة قاتلة لطفل أثناء وجوده في رعايتها".
21) الواجب الثالث
الواجب الثالث
22) 1) We can get feedback on student performance in interpreting by
A. use of telephone calls.
B. use of ‘community interpreting’.
C. use of videotapes.
D. use of technical translation.
23) 2) Short consecutive interpreting as used in
A. conference interpreting.
B. dialogue interpreting.
C. business interpreting.
D. diplomatic interpreting.
24) 3) The most appropriate interpreting of ‘The vast majority of households anticipate that their financial wellbeing will either worsen or stagnate next year.
A. الغالبية العظمى من الأسر نتوقع أن رفاهيتهم المالية سوف تتفاقم أو الركود العام المقبل
B. من المتوقع أن تسئ الأمور المالية للغالبيةالعظمىمنالأسرأو يصيبها الركودفي السنةالمقبل
C. الغالبية العظمى من أصحاب العقارات توقع أن رفاهيتهم المالية سوف تتفاقم أو تركد في العام المقبل
D. تتوقع الغالبية العظمى من الأسر أنتسئ أحوالهم المالية أو يصبها ركود في العام المقبل
25) 4) Translation notions like transfer, ideas, sameness, intention or culture are
A. adaptable to the definition of interpreting.
B. adoptable to the definition of interpreting
C. portable to the definition of interpreting.
D. compatible with the definition of interpreting.
معلومات حول الكويز
₪[ تقييمات / واجبات الترجمة التتابعية ]₪
[أسئلة واجبات]
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تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
تم حل الكويز 22 مرة بنسبة نجاح 56%
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كويزات مشابهة
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