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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

₪[ تبويب أسئلة النقد الأدبي - 4 Lecture ]₪
[د. فوزي سليسلي]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 32
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1) 1) Which ones of these authors wrote philosophical works?
a. Plato and Aristotle
b. Horace and Virgil
c. Cicero and Quintilian
d. Seneca and Shakespeare
2) 2) Aristotle wrote …
a. Tragedies
b. Comedies
c. Philosophical works
d. Dialogues
3) 3) ……..wrote philosophical Dialogues
a. Plato
b. Aristotle
c. Horace
d. Virgil
4) 4) Aristotle has, for centuries, been considered in Western cultures as the unchallenged authority on ………
poetry and literature
5) 5) Aristotle's Poetics has been considered for centuries as
a. The most authoritative book in philosophy
b. The most authoritative book in linguistics
c. The most authoritative book in poetic styles
d. The most authoritative book in literary criticism
6) 6) In which one of his books Aristotle discuss tragedy?
a. Rhetoric
b. Sophistical Refutations
c. Poetics
d. Physics
7) 7) Aristotle analyzed tragedy in which one of his books?
a. Rhetoric
b. Sophistical Refutations
c. Poetics
d. Physics
8) 8) what is famous book by Aristotle :
a. Poetics
b. Political
c. Republic
9) 9) Where is the following passage taken from "  “Tragedy, then, is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude; in language embellished with each kind of artistic Ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play; in the form of action, not of narrative ; with incidents arousing pity and fear, where with to accomplish its katharsis of such emotions.
a. Plato in the Republic
b. Plato in the Gorgias
c. Aristotle in the Poetics
d. Aristotle in the Politics
10) 12) Who defined tragedy as "an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude " ?
a. Plato
b. Aristotle
c. Cicero
d. Seneca
11) 13) Tragedy was defined as "an imitation of an action" by:
a. Plato
b. Aristotle
c. Cicero
d. Seneca
12) 14) Aristotle defined tragedy as (an imitation of………. )
a. Poetry
b. Drama
c. An action
13) 15) Aristotle defined what as " imitation of an action " ?
a. Poetry
b. Tragedy
c. Films
d. Music
14) 16) What genre of literature does Aristotle say have six parts
a. The novel
b. Comedy
c. Tragedy
d. Epic poetry
15) 17) Which critic or philosopher developed the idea that tragedy must have six parts?
a. Plato
b. Aristotle
c. Roland Barthes
d. Michel Foucault
16) 18) According to Aristotle, tragedy has:
a. Six parts
b. Twelve parts
c. Twenty parts
d. Thirty parts
17) 19) Tragedy , must have …..
a. Six parts
b. Twelve parts
c. Twenty parts
d. Thirty parts
18) 20) Tragedy is the “imitation of an action (mimesis) according to:
a. The law of literary criticism
b. The law of probability or necessity
c. The law of the government
d. The law of theatre and drama
19) 21) According to Aristotle, tragedy causes :
a. Pleasure and distress
b. Fear and loathing
c. Happiness andsadness
d. Pity and fear
20) 22) Tragedy causes pity and fear in :
a. The writer
b. The audience
c. The actors
d. The hero
21) 23) What, according to Aristotle, arouses pity and fear?
a. Epic poems
b. Novels
c. Films
d. Tragedies
22) 24) The most accurate definition of the " plot " in Aristotle's theory of tragedy is :
a. The events of the story
b. The arrangement of the events in the story
c. The arrangement of the hero's action in a cause- effect chain of incidents
d. The arrangement of the events in a cause-effect chain incidents
23) 25) What is the definition of the "plot" in Aristotle's theory of tragedy?
a. It is the story of the play
b. It is the sequence of events
c. It is the cause-effect chain that connects the events
d. It is the actions of the hero
24) 26) What is it that, according to Aristotle, should have a beginning, a middle and an end ?
a. The characters
b. The setting
c. The themes
d. The plot
25) 27) what should be arranged ,according to Aristotle , into a cause-effect chain incidents ?
a. The characters
b. The setting
c. The themes
d. The plot
26) 28) Who said that a good plot should have "a beginning a middle and an end" ?
a. Plato
b. Aristotle
c. Horace
d. Cicero
27) 29) Qualities of good plots are:
a. Neither end nor middle
b. Beginning
c. A whole with a beginning middle and end
28) 30) The plot, according to Aristotle, must be “a whole,” with:
a. A happy ending for comedy and an unhappy ending for tragedy
b. A beginning, middle, and end
c. A good deal of entertainment
d. An adventure story
29) 31) According to Aristotle ,the plot should have…
a. A happy ending for comedy and an unhappy ending for tragedy
b. A beginning, middle, and end
c. A good deal of entertainment
d. An adventure story
30) 32) Aristotle was a student of :
a. Socrates
b. Einstein
c. Parmenides
d. Plato
31) 33) ………. was a student of plato :
a. Socrates
b. Einstein
c. Parmenides
d. aristotle
32) 34) the end of the tragedy is :
a. Katharsis
b. nothing
c. pleasures
معلومات حول الكويز
₪[ تبويب أسئلة النقد الأدبي - 4 Lecture ]₪
[د. فوزي سليسلي]
تفاصيل أخرى:
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
تم حل الكويز 8 مرة بنسبة نجاح 50%
القسم: E7
مناقشة الكويز: ₪[ تبويب أسئلة النقد الأدبي - 4 Lecture ]₪
معلومات صاحب الكويز
مطر ابن السماء

قام بانشاء 335 كويز
كويزات العضو
أفضل الأعضاء
العضونسبة النجاح
مطر ابن السماء96%
Sara Al Shehri90%
Tahani n21%
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