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₪[ تبويب أسئلة علم اللغة الاجتماعي - 5/6 Lectures ]₪
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 41
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1) 1) ……..refers to the accent used by the educated and the wealthy; it gives no indication of what part of the country the speaker came from.
a. Advanced RP
b. Classical Arabic
c. Vernacular
d. Dialectal pronunciation
2) 2) ………… gives no indication of what part of the country the speaker came from.
a. Colloquial pronunciation
b. Received Pronominalisation
c. Received Pronunciation
d. Allophonic Pronunciation
3) 3) Advanced RP refers to the ……… what part of the country the speaker came from.
a. dialect used by the uneducated and poor; it gives indication of
b. accent used by the educated and the wealthy; it gives no indication of
c. accent used by the eradicated and the filthy; it gives all indications of
d. language used by the indicated and the healthy; it gives some indication of
4) 4) BBC English: A pronunciation of British English based on the speech of the ....of southeastern England
upper class
lawer class
5) 5) ………refers to an accent which sounds less formal than advanced RP and is the one that most people in Britain generally hear when they listen to newsreaders on national television.
a. Vernacular
b. French
c. Arabic
d. Mainstream (RP)
6) 6) ……...is the way that language can systematically vary according to the situation in which it is used.
a. Registration
b. Reality
c. Register
d. Rigidness
7) 7) one of the reason for allowing the public to participate in the media is to open up access to an important public domain for ................
a. People whose voices and opinions are usually head on television
b. People whose voices have always dominated the media
c. People whose voices and opinions are not usually heard on television
d. The voice of institutional representatives to be privileged over the voices
8) 8) ………... refers to the rules that attempt to control social interaction in the virtual world. (cyberspace)
a. Nitrite
b. Netiquette
c. Decorum
d. Nebulas
9) 9) Choose the correct sentence.
a. Netiquette indicates the rules that attempt to control political induction in the virtual world.
b. Netiquette indicates the roles that attempt to control social interaction in the actual world.
c. Etiquette indicates the roles that attempt to control social interaction in the virtual world.
d. Netiquette indicates the rules that attempt to control social interaction in the virtual world.
10) 10) while the term “sex” refers to a biological category , the term “gender” refers to a ……… category , which is associated with certain behavior
a. Political
b. Economic
c. Social
d. Religious
11) 11) .………..represents women and men unequally
a. English language
b. Anglo-Saxon languages
c. Sexist language
d. Insisting language
12) 12) A Sexist language represents women and men …….…
a. Unequally
b. Equally
c. Scientifically
d. None
13) 13) Choose the correct sentences
a. Sexist language represents women and men equally, as if members of one sex were somehow less completely humid, or can write more than members of the other sex.
b. Sexon language represents women and men untidily,as if members of one sex were somehow less committedly human, or had fewer rats than to remembers number six.
c. Sexophonist language represents women’s and men’s voices unequally, as if members of musical instrument were not loud enough.
d. Sexist language represents women and men unequally, as if members of one sex were somehow less completely human, or had fewer rights than members of the other sex.
14) 14) The most Common stereotypes about women’s speech is that ……..
a. men talk a lot
b. women talk a little
c. women talk a lot
d. women talk quickly
15) 15) any women who gives her ... on a form is revealing far more information about herself than a man does
preferred title
preferred food
16) 16) when used before the name of female , the title “…..” does not reveal martial status
a. Miss.
b. Ms.
c. Mrs.
d. Madame
17) Lecture 6
Lecture 6
18) 1) Choose the Correct sentence.
a. A marked term is a term that is noticeably unusual and normal
b. A marked term is a term is noticeably unusual
c. A market firm is a firm is noticeably unusual
d. A marked term is a term that is noticeably unusual
19) 2) The …..form “nurse” is often assumed to refer to a woman.
a. Marked
b. Miracle
c. Unmarked
d. Harked
20) 3) Choose the correct sentence.
a. Marking terms refer to any grading which can deviate from the form
b. Marked terms refer to anything which deviates from the norm
c. Marked terms refer to anything which refuse the horn
d. Unmarked terms refer to anything which deviates from the norm
21) 4) Marked terms refer to anything which …………..r
a. deviates from the horn and this deviation is not signaled by any ca
b. disdain from the form and this distention is signaled by additional amount of money
c. deviates from the norm and this deviation is signaled by additional information
d. debuses about the mourn and this debate is signaled by additional information
22) 5) ………… terms refer to anything which deviates from the norm
a. Marker
b. Maker
c. Marques
d. Marked
23) 6) Male nurse Deviates from the norm Carries additional information...... form
a. Marker
b. Maker
c. Marked
24) 7) it is common for “unmarked” terms (e.g , waiter , host, actor )to refer to.........
a. Females
b. Little girls
c. Males
d. Nature women
25) 8) The sentence “she is my mistress” is usually interpreted as meaning .............
a. She is my wife
b. She is my fiancé
c. She is my illicit lover
d. She is my eternal true love
26) 9) Choose the product that involves an insult to females customers:
27) 10) one main common stereotype about woman’s talk that ..............
a. Women talk more than men
b. Women never talk at all
c. Women talk less than men
d. Women enjoy being silent for a long time
28) 11) The extent to which men interrupt women indicate that ………….
a. women act as if they have more right than men to speak in mixed-sex conversations, and that men act as if they had less right to speak than women.
b. men act as if they have less right than women to speak in mixed-sex conversations, and that women act as if they had more right to write than men.
c. men act as if they can write more than women to , and that women act as if they had more right to buy books
d. men act as if they have more right than women to speak in mixed-sex conversations, and that women act as if they had less right to speak than men.
29) 12) The point that men interrupt women more that they ( i . e men) interrupt other men , indicate that men act as if they have more rights than women , and that………..
a. Men act as if they have less right to speak women
b. Women act as if they have more right to speak than man
c. Women act as if they have less right to speak than men
d. Women act as if they have no right to speak with men
30) 13) back channel support is the verbal and verbal and non verbal …….. listeners give to speakers.
feed back
31) 14) Hedges are linguistic forms which ……..an assertion
a. Elute
b. Dilute
c. Flute
d. Deluge
32) 15) Choose the correct sentence.
a. Hedges are linguistic forms which delinquent assumptions
b. Hedges are luggage forms which defuse an assertion
c. Hedges are linguistic forms which dilute an assertion
d. Hedges are linguistic forms which deluge an assertion
33) 16) The use of someone linguistic forms like sort of , like , I think , kind of , etc. are examples of ………….that can be used to “dilute” An assertion.
a. Wedges
b. Hedges
c. Headrests
d. Pledges
34) 17) ……..can be used to indicate that you don’t want to sound completely certain about something. E.g. Should, would, could, may and might. 
Modal auxiliary verb
Fragmented sentences at the end of a speech
35) 18) Using ____ can indicate that one doesn’t like to be completely certain about something
a. Fragmented sentences at the end of a speech
b. The third type of conditional sentences in the past perfect tense
c. Per formative verbs in writing
d. Modal auxiliary verbs like would should may cold etc
36) 19) The use of modal auxiliary verbs , e.g. should , would , could , may and might can be used to indicate that one …………
a. Wants to sound completely certain about something
b. Doesn’t want to make grammatical mistakes when you speak or write
c. Doesn’t want to sound as belonging to a specific minority group
d. Doesn’t want to sound completely certain about something
37) 20) Some studies show that women use hedges because they ……..
a. prefer to make troubles
b. like to make problems
c. prefer to avoid conflict
d. prefer to confront other people.
38) 21) Some studies show that ……. use hedges because they prefer to avoid conflict
a. Men
b. Women
c. Babies
d. male children
39) 22) …..… can be used to indicate that you don’t want to sound completely certain about something
a. transitive verbs
b. intransitive verbs
c. phrasal verbs
d. none of the above
40) 23) .....Women, Select more .E.g. family, emotions and friendships 
personal topics
public speaking topics
41) 24) Choose the sentence that presupposes that the current teacher is not good :
a- We saw our teacher
b- We need a better teacher
c- We like our teacher
d- We need a teacher
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