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₪[ تبويب أسئلة الترجمة الإبداعية - 3 Lecture ]₪
[د/أحمد حليمة]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 55
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1) 1) The origin of the word ‘creativity’ comes from ..
a) the German term ‘kreativitat’
b) the English term ‘creche ’
c) the Latin Term ‘creō,
d) the French Term ‘cric
2) 2) The word "creativity " originally comes from the Latin term ……
a) Creō
b) Craw
c) Crew
d) Crawl
3) 3) the most appropriate translation of the technical term "create" into Arabic is
4) 4) One day, a boy create snowman.He named it Frosto What does create mean in this sentence?
5) 5) The dictionary definition of the word creative is;
a) productive, respective
b) inventive, imaginative
c) clever ,smart
d) do hard worker and useful
6) 6) To be "creative" means to be
a) "inventive and receptive’.
b) inventive and productive’.
c) inventive and imaginative’.
d) inventive and communicative’.
7) 7) The meaning of the word ‘creative’ in an English dictionary is
a) "inventive and receptive’.
b) inventive and productive’.
c) inventive and imaginative’.
d) inventive and communicative’.
8) 8) According to Mumford , creativity involves
a) The production of new ideas in good format.
b) The production of novel and useful product
c) The production of new products in market.
d) The production of fresh ideas but in good format
9) 9) According to Mumford , creativity involves The production of………
a) new ideas in good format.
b) novel and useful product
c) new products in market.
d) fresh ideas but in good format
10) 10) Linda Naiman looks at creativity as an act of
a) Turning new and imaginative ideas into reality.
b) Turning source texts into target texts
c) Turning dreams into reality
d) Turning theories into models
11) 11) Creativity' generally means the act of
a) turning new and imaginative ideas into reality.
b) turning source texts into target texts.
c) turning dreams into reality.
d) turning theories into models
12) 12) Linda Naiman explains "Creativity involves two processes:
a) thinking and then innovating
b) imagining and then thinking
c) thinking and then producing
d) thinking and then writing
13) 13) According to Linda naiman: Creativity involves:
a) two processes: thinking and producing
b) three processes: thinking, writing and producing
c) four processes: thinking, drafting, rewriting and producing
d) five processes: thinking, drafting, rewriting, building and producing
14) 14) Approaches to translation go far back to ancient times, with Cicero and Horace,
a) first century BCE
b) fourth century CE
c) first century CE
d) fourth century BCE
15) 15) Approaches to translation go far back in ancient times with
a) Cicero and Horace in the first Century BC.
b) Yuhana bin Batriq and Hunayn bin Ishaq in the Abbasid Age.
c) St. Jerome in the fourth Century.
d) Peter Newmark in the 20th century.
16) 16) Approaches to translation go far back to ancient times, with
a) Cicero , Horace and St Jerome
b) Cicero , Horace and St Cerome
c) Cicero , Horace and St Derome
d) Cicero , Horace and St Serome
17) 17) Cicero and Horace who both advocated translation
18) 18) Cicero and Horace, who both advocated ……….
19) 19) St. Jerom (384-420 CE) advocated
a) a free approach to translating the scripture from Greek to Latin.
b) a word-for-word approach to translating the scripture from Greek to Latin
c) a sense for sense approach to translating the scripture from Greek to Latin.
d) a communicative approach to translating the scripture from Greek to Latin.
20) 20) St. Jerom (384-420 CE) author of the Vulgate Latin translation of the Bible, seemed to used :
a) a free approach to translating the scripture from Greek to Latin.
b) a word-for-word approach to translating the scripture from Greek to Latin
c) a sense for sense approach to translating the scripture from Greek to Latin.
d) a communicative approach to translating the scripture from Greek to Latin.
21) 21) According to Susan Bassnett “Exact translation " is
a) Possible
b) Probable
c) Practical
d) Impossible
22) 22) According to Susan Bassnett……….
a) Exact translation Possible
b) Exact translation Probable
c) Exact translation Practical
d) Exact translation Impossible
23) 23) skopos derives from the……… 
24) 24) According to skopos theory, you need to determine what ……
purpose the text you are translating
genre , style , communication
25) 25) The most important issues in the process of creative translation are:
a) equivalence ,communicative purpose and style
b) accuracy ,relevance and rhetoric
c) genre , style , communication
d) accuracy, function and equivalence
26) 26) Andre Lefevere :
phonemic translation, literal translation, metrical translation, poetry into prose, rhymed translation, blank verse translation and interpretation,
equivalence ,communicative purpose and style
27) 27) According to Landers “a style is the
a) idiolect of the 18ST author”
b) the idiolect of the TT reader
c) the idiolect of the ST reader
d) the idiolect of the ST translator
28) 28) According to Landers (2001:91) a literary translator
a) Is not supposed to change or improve the style of the original text
b) Is supposed to change and improve the style of the original text
c) Should modify as much as possible the style of the original text
d) Should partially interfere with the style of the original text
29) 29) landers ( 2001 ) looks at style as :
a) the idiolect of the TT reader
b) the idiolect of the ST author
c) the idiolect of the ST reader
d) the idiolect of the ST translator
30) 30) Creative translation is defined as a rewriting process which meets three requirements :
a) accuracy ,naturalness , communication
b) to be new , objective and systematic
c) to be relevant , communicative and accurate
d) consistency , naturalness , an communication
31) 31) To achieve creativity in translation you are required to be ..
a) systematic , new and objective
b) relevant , communicative and accurate
c) communicative consistent and natural
d) communicative, natural and accurate
32) 32) To achieve creativity in your translation , you should be ........... in your translation
a) systematic , new and objective
b) accurate ,relevant , communicative
c) consistent ,natural and communicative
d) accurate , natural and communicative
33) 33) For evaluating a literary translated text, Halimah (2017) suggests five criteria:
a) "number of words, clarity, smoothness, purpose & idiolect".
b) "accuracy, purpose, fluency, equivalence & style".
c) "accuracy,clarity,naturalness, communication & style".
d) " naturalness, clarity, beauty, approach & style".
34) 34) …….… refers to the linguistic choices the author uses in his or her writing to tell a narrative to describe events objects and characters Of his or her choosing whether it is formal informal , casual , or archaic
a) Accuracy
b) Naturalness
c) Clarity
d) Style
35) 35) The question of equivalence in translation has been a hot issue among translation theorists and practitioners for so many years because it has been used as
a) a yardstick to judge the validity and adequacy of translations
b) as a yardstick to judge the accuracy and clarity of translations.
c) as a yardstick to judge the naturalness and style of translations.
d) as a yardstick to judge the validity and reliability of translations.
36) 36) The concept of "equivalence "in translation has been used
a) as a yardstick to judge the validity and adequacy of translations.
b) as a yardstick to judge the accuracy and clarity of translations.
c) as a yardstick to judge the naturalness and style of translations.
d) as a yardstick to judge the validity and reliability of translations.
37) 37) The phrase of "dynamic equivalence & formal correspondence was coined by
a) Peter Newmark (1982).
b) Eugene Nida (2001).
c) J.C. Catford (1965)
d) A. M. Halimah (2017)
38) 38) Throughout history, translation strategies could be
a) dichotomized into opposites such as literal vs free.
b) classified into antonyms such as formal and dynamic equivalence.
c) categorized into synonyms such as foreignizing vs domesticating.
d) classified into two approaches direct and indirect translation.
39) 39) …… creative translation is considered one of the highest of human creative activities
a) Like machine translation
b) Like CAT translation
c) Unlike machine translation
d) Unlike poetry translation
40) 40) One of the highest of human creative activities is
a) machine translation
b) computer aided translation
c) creative translation .
d) Communicative translation
41) 41) According to Pendlebury (2015:15) Creative translation is an "amalgamation of
a) correctness, simplicity and accuracy"
b) objectivity, simplicity and consistency"
c) surprise, simplicity and utter rightness".
d) complexity, clarity and rightness".
42) 42) Creative translation can be defined as an "amalgamation" of
a) correctness, simplicity and accuracy"
b) objectivity, simplicity and consistency"
c) surprise, simplicity and utter rightness".
d) complexity, clarity and rightness".
43) 43) According to Pendlebury Creative translation in practice is ..
a) An amalgamation of equivalence , balance between ST & TT and simplicity.
b) An amalgamation of surprise , simplicity and utter rightness .
c) A combination of accuracy and relevant
d) An amalgamation of equivalence , communicative purpose and simplicity .
44) 44) To characterize your translation with creativity , you should produce it with
a) An amalgamation of equivalence , balance between ST & TT and simplicity.
b) An amalgamation of surprise , simplicity and utter rightness .
c) A combination of accuracy and relevant
d) An amalgamation of equivalence , communicative purpose and simplicity .
45) 45) How advanced machine translation computer software programme are they......
a) pass to replace the human mind when it comes to translating creative writings
b) fail to replace the human mind when it comes to translating creative writings
c) fail to change the software mind when it comes to translating creative writings
d) success to improve the human mind when it comes to translating creative writings
46) 46) The most appropriate translation of: 'out of sight ,out of mind' is:
بعيدا عن الأنظار بعيدا عن العقل
بعيدا عن بصرك بعيدا عن عقلك
بعيدا عن العين بعيدا عن القلب
بعيد عن عينك بعيد عن قلبك
47) 47) According to Francis Jones, "Creativity" is translation means
a) generating product solutions that are both novel and appropriate.
b) generating texts that are novel and useful products.
c) generating new ideas for source language translations.
d) generating target text solutions that are both novel are appropriate
48) 48) According to Francis jones (2011 : 154) creativity in translation means …… that are both novel are appropriate
a) Generating target text solution
b) Generating source text solution
c) Generating neither source nor target text solution
d) Creating good target text readers
49) 49) Translation is considered as being creative when it is ..
a) novel and appropriate
b) new and relevant
c) fresh and imaginative
d) modern and productive
50) 50) For your translation to sound and read creative, it needs to be
a) novel and appropriate
b) new and relevant
c) fresh and imaginative
d) modern and productive
51) 51) The translation of creative translator should be
a) novel and appropriate
b) new and relevant
c) fresh and imaginative
d) modern and productive
52) 52) Susan Bassnett (2014) is aware of cases of untranslatability implying that only a creative mind can provide
a) An inappropriate translation
b) An appropriate translation
c) An approximate translation
d) An inadequate translation
53) 53) The most appropriate translation of: Mother Nature is angry ‘ is
الطبيعة الأم غاضبة
الكون غاضب علينا
الإله غاضب علينا
ربنا غاضب علينا
54) 54) The most appropriate translation of: ُ " The creator of this beautiful machine"
مخترع هذه الآلة الجميلة
خالق هذه الآلة الجميلة
صانع هذه الآلة الجميلة
مبدع هذه الآلة الجميلة
55) 55) The most appropriate translation of: ‘ When he smells the scent of the rose , he wants to see it ‘ is ..
عندما يشم الورده يريد ان يراها
ان شمها استحال رؤيتها
عبيرها استهواه فطلب رؤياها
ان شم ريح الورد في اغصانها فمناه في الوانها وبهاها
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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