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اختبار الترجمة التتابعية
[أسئلة اختبار - الترجمة التتابعية - د.أحمد حليمة]
اختبار الفصل الاول من العام الجامعي 1435 هـ تصوير / هاضني. طباعة / أبوبكر. حل / أبوبكر.
عدد الأسئلة: 57
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) 1. Conference interpreting is distinctive because it takes place
a. Within a particular format of interjection
b. Within a particular format of reaction
c. Within a particular format of interaction
d. Within a particular format of conjunction
2) 1. The most appropriate interpreting of “ I knew nothing about the Arabic culture before I came to Kuwait and I really fell in love with it.
a. لم أكن أعرف شيئا عن الثقافة الغربية قبل جئت إلى الكويت وأنا حقا سقطت في الحب معها
b. لم أكن أعرف شيئا عن الثقافة العربية قبل مجيئي إلى الكويت وإني حقا عشقتها
c. أعرف شيئا عن الثقافة العربية عندما جئت إلى الكويت ولذلك حقا سقطت في الحب معها
d. لم أكن أعرف الكثير عن الثقافة العربية قبل جئت إلى الكويت وأنا حقا سقطت في الحب معها
3) 3. The scope of the interpreter’s task is mainly
a. Processing
b. Retrieving
c. Storing
d. Production
4) 4. The audiovisual telecommunications equipment are used to…….with deaf and hearing-impaired people.
a. Facilitate remote interpreting
b. Obstruct remote interpreting
c. Facilitate community interpreting
d. Obstruct liaison interpreting
5) 5. The most appropriate interpreting of كشف متخصصون في التربية والتعليم أن 30 في المائة من الوطن العربي يعاني من الأمية
a. Specializers in the detection of Education that 30 per cent of the Arab world is suffering from illiteracy
b. Specialists in teaching and learning have detected that 30 percent of the Arab World are literate.
c. Specialists in education have found out that 30 per cent of the Arab World is suffering from illiteracy.
d. Educationalists in the Ministry of Education have detected that 30 per cent of the Arab World are helping the illiterate.
6) 6. Consecutive interpreting is closely related to
a. Speaking skills
b. Listening skills
c. Public speaking skills
d. Note-taking skills
7) 7. Interpreting is generally defined as
a. The oral translation of a written massage
b. The oral translation of a spoken message
c. The oral translation of a written message
d. The oral translation of texts of general nature
8) 8. Students’ presentation in consecutive interpreting could be enhanced by
a. Training in listening and speaking skills is highly recommended.
b. Training in planning and organizing a research project is highly recommended.
c. Training in dialogue delivery is highly recommended.
d. Training in public speaking is highly recommended.
9) 9. The most appropriate interpreting of “ I don’t know I was that heavy a sleeper,” she said. ملاحظه // هذا السوال فيه اجابات الطلاب مختلفه فيه .. البعض يرجح الاجابه C و البعض الاخر الاجابه D .. و انا في الاختيار هنا وضعت الاختيار على C
a. قالت لم أعلم أنني كنت نائمة
b. لو أعلم أن نومي ثقيل لخرجت
c. قالت: لم أعلم أنني ذو نوم ثقيل
d. صرحت أن نومها ثقيل
10) 10. The main typological parameters of interpretation are language modality,……..and directionality.
a. Working mood
b. Working mode
c. Working model
d. Working mould
11) 11. Bilateral interpreting is modeled
a. As three-party interaction
b. As one-party interaction
c. As two-party interaction
d. As four-party interaction
12) 12. Sight translation is a special form of interpreting
a. That can be used as a proficiency test
b. That can be used as an altitude test
c. That can be used as an aptitude test
d. That can be used as a general language test
13) 13. The most appropriate interpreting of سأل أحد التلاميذ معلمه الحكيم: من كان معلمك أيها المعلم؟
a. One student asked his wizard teacher: who was your teacher?
b. A wise student asked his teacher: who was your teacher?
c. A student asked his teacher: who was your teacher, my teacher?
d. A student asked his wise teacher: “who was your teacher, sir?”
14) 14. The interpreter tends to use “symbol-based system”
a. When talking
b. When taking notes
c. When listening
d. When interpreting
15) 15. ‘Akkadian’ was the ancient Semitic language of Assyria which was used by interpreters
a. Around 1900DC
b. Around 1900BC
c. Around 1900DC
d. Around 1900AC
16) 16. The most appropriate interpreting of ‘ Floods forced the suspension of rail services between Exeter and Tiverton Parkway’ is
a. علقت الفيضانات خدمات الخطوط الحديدية بين اكستر وتيفرتون باركواي
b. علقت الفيضانات بخدمات السكك الحديدية بين اكستر وتيفرتون باركواي
c. أجبرت الفيضانات تعليق خدمات السكك الحديدية بين اكستر وتيفرتون باركواي
d. الفيضانات أجبرت تعليق خدمات السكك الحديدية بين اكستر وتيفرتون باركواي
17) 17. Interpreting is different from other types of translation activities because of
a. Its immediacy in the transferring the message
b. Its concern about the transfer of meanings and ideas
c. Its recognition of the massage to be transferred
d. Its concern about communication across barriers of language and culture
18) 18. Unlike translation, in interpreting the SL text is presented
a. Once and thus the TL text can be reviewed
b. Twice and thus the TL text can be reviewed
c. Once and thus the TL text can be reviewed
d. Once and thus cannot be reviewed
19) 19. The most appropriate interpreting of جلس سيد الغابة في عرينه حزينا وأخذ يفكر في أمره
a. Master of the forest sat in his den sad and taking the thinking of his life.
b. The lord of the forest sat miserably in his den thinking of his misfortunes.
c. The master of the forest sat in his house sadly thinking of his life.
d. The lord of the forest sat in his home unhappily about his old age.
20) 20. Notions of translation like ‘ transfer, ideas, sameness, intention or culture’ are…..to the definition of interpreting.
a. Adaptable
b. Adoptable
c. Portable
d. Compatible
21) 21. In communication with …………….tactile interpreting is normally used.
a. The deaf only
b. The blind only
c. The deaf-blind
d. Neither the deaf nor the blind
22) 22. Sign language interpreting normally takes place in
a. Military barracks
b. Educational institutions
c. Commercial organizations
d. Conference interpreting
23) 23. Liaison interpreting is mainly practiced in
a. Courts
b. Commercial negotiations
c. Police stations
d. Hospitals
24) 24. The most appropriate interpreting of ‘ In February 1997, British nanny Louis Woodward was charged with the murder of toddler Mathew Eappan’ is
a. في فبراير 1997 اتهم الخادمة لويز ودوارد البريطانية بقتل الطفل مثيو ايان
b. في فبراير 1997 اتهمت الشرطة الخادمة البريطانية لويز ودوارد البريطانية بقتل الطفل مثيو ايان
c. في فبراير 1997 اتُهمت المربية البريطانية لويز ودوارد البريطانية بقتل الطفل مثيو ايان
d. في فبراير 1997 وجهوا تهمة لويز ودوارد البريطانية بقتل الطفل مثيو ايان
25) 25. Multilateral communication interpreting is mainly called
a. Conference interpreting
b. Liaison interpreting
c. Community interpreting
d. Group interpreting
26) 26. Conference interpreting emerged
a. During World War II
b. During World War I
c. Between World War I and World War II
d. After World War II
27) 27. Language modality in interpreting refers to the use of
a. Consecutive interpreting
b. Simultaneous interpreting
c. Spoken language
d. Whispered interpreting
28) 28. The English word ‘ interpreter’ is derived from
a. The Latin term interprets
b. The Akkadian term targumanu
c. The French term entrepreneur
d. The English term express
29) 29. The word ‘interpreter’ means in English
a. Exfounder
b. Exposer
c. Extender
d. Expounder
30) 30. The interpreter may encounter problems of simultaneity ……..and quality.
a. Objectivity, honesty
b. Equality, quality
c. Recalling, producing
d. Memory, stress
31) 31. The notion of ‘ activity’ in translation could be specified as
a. Practice in interpreting
b. Service in interpreting
c. Commercial in interpreting
d. Production in interpreting
32) 32. Interpreting in Court is distinguished from legal interpreting in
a. Its specific domain
b. Its specific mode
c. Its specific discourse
d. Its specific setting
33) 33. Impromptu speech means
a. Improvised speech production
b. Improved speech production
c. Impoverished speech production
d. Important ant speech production
34) 34. Technology role in interpreting is
a. As a long-standing issue as globalization
b. More a long-standing issue than globalization
c. Less a long-standing issue than globalization
d. No less a long-standing issue than globalization
35) 35. Traditional examination methods for conference interpreting include
a. Bilingual translation of textual material into another language
b. Bilingual or multilingual interview, written translation and sight translation
c. Multilingual written translational activity into another oral translation
d. Bilingual written summary in another language
36) 36. The personality traits of the interpreter include motivation …….quick to recall and fluent.
a. Staying up late
b. Helping clients
c. Coping with stress
d. Fluent in his speech
37) 37. International conference interpreting is an early example of
a. A global transaction
b. A global frustration
c. A global communication
d. A global profession
38) 38. The most appropriate interpreting of يشير تزايد الاهتمام بالصيام إلى احتمال أن يكون مفيدا لمرض السرطان
a. Fasting indicates the possibility that it will be useful for cancer patients in deed.
b. The growing interest in fasting indicated to the possibility that it will be useful for cancer
c. Fasting indicators show that it will be useful for cancer patients.
d. Indicators of Fasting show the possibility that it will be useful for cancer patients.
39) 39. The market for conference interpreters is likely to shrink due to
a. Lack of technological equipment
b. The spread of international English
c. The increase in number of interpreters
d. Lack of interpreting training courses
40) 40. With regard to localized interpreting, bilingual meetings tend to involve
a. English and the local dialects
b. English and the local culture
c. English and the local accents
d. English and the local language
41) 41. Chinese increasing presence on the international stage
a. Tends to have serious implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies
b. Tends to have no implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies
c. Tends to have implications for interpreting studies only.
d. Tends to have serious implication for interpreting practice only.
42) 42. Interpreting Constellations of interaction are bilateral, ………and conference interpreting
a. Business interpreting
b. Multilateral interpreting
c. Liaison interpreting
d. Community interpreting
43) 43. Interpreting consecutively is usually
a. Tri-directional between three people
b. Quadrant directional between four people
c. Between more than five people
d. Bi-directional between two people
44) 44. Varieties of interpreting are
a. Human versus machine
b. Professional versus natural
c. Consecutive versus simultaneous
d. Spoken versus written
45) 45. The technologizing of interpreting is manifested by
a. Community interpreting in impromptu speech production
b. Remote interpreting in international conference settings
c. Business interpreting in oral summary rendition in another language
d. Diplomatic interpreting and military interpreting
46) 46. The most appropriate interpreting of ‘ Britain entered the European Union 40 years ago because of the perceived economic advantages of being part of the single market’
a. دخلت بريطانيا في اتحاد اوروربا منذ 40 عاما بسبب المحاسن الاقتصادية المتصورة من كونها جزءا من السوق الواحدة
b. دخلت بريطانيا في اوربا منذ 40 عاما بسبب المحاسن الاقتصادية من كونها جزءا من السوق الواحدة
c. دخلت بريطانيا في الاتحاد الاوروبي منذ 40 عاما بسبب المزايا الاقتصادية المتصورة من كونها جزءا من السوق الواحدة
d. انضمت بريطانيا إلى الاتحاد الاوروبي منذ 40 عاما من اجل الفوائد الاقتصادية المتصورة من كونها جزءا من السوق الواحدة
47) 47. Medium is one of the interpreting domains. It covers human …….and computer-aided interpreting.
a. CAT
b. Machine
c. Face to face interpreting
d. Layman interpreter
48) 48. Globalization manifests itself
a. In cities and industrial estates
b. International and governmental organization settings
c. In schools, colleges and universities
d. In multi-ethnic and linguistically diverse societies
49) 49. Interpreting simultaneously takes place
a. As the SL text is being presented
b. After the SL text is presented
c. Before the SL text is presented
d. Only where the interpreter works right next to listeners.
50) 50. A specific exercise in simultaneous verbal processing is……………., which is the immediate repetition of auditory input in the same language with either minimal delay or at greater lateness.
a. Sharing
b. Shadowing
c. Shading
d. Showing
51) 51. Apprenticeship, that is transfer of know-how and professional knowledge from master to student, mainly by exercise modeled
e. On virtual tasks
f. On real life tasks
g. On complicated tasks
h. On easy tasks
52) 52. ………………skills relating to analysis, attention and memory.
a. Informative
b. Pragmatic
c. Practical
d. Cognitive
53) 53. Stress tolerance and intellectual curiosity are parts of
a. Personality traits
b. Techniques
c. Personal differences
d. All false
54) 54. Bilingual and multilingual interview are examples of
a. Specialized tasks
b. Holistic communicative tasks
c. Situational tasks
d. Virtual tasks
55) 55. Whereas more efficient technologies for converting speech is a text, and written input into spoken output, may ……….the use of script-based communication and make interpreters redundant.
a. Reduce
b. Barely allow
c. Conflict with
d. Favor
56) 56. The role of ………….tend to have strong repercussions on interpreter training.
a. Tension
b. Speed
c. Technology
d. Settings
57) 57. Making your basic stance …………..possible for yourself, and for others, is an important step after all.
a. As implicit as
b. As explicit as
c. As slowly as
d. As vaguely as
معلومات حول الكويز
اختبار الترجمة التتابعية
[أسئلة اختبار - الترجمة التتابعية - د.أحمد حليمة]
تفاصيل أخرى:
اختبار الفصل الاول من العام الجامعي 1435 هـ تصوير / هاضني. طباعة / أبوبكر. حل / أبوبكر.
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مناقشة الكويز: اختبار الترجمة التتابعية
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اسئلة اختبار طرق البحث وتصميم الأبحاث الفصل الاول للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. عبدالله الفريدان
أسئلة اختبار مناهج البحث الاجتماعي 1435 الفصل الاول
الكويزات الأكثر شعبية
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أسئلة أختبار حقوق الإنسان 1436/7/22 (9888)
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إدارة الأعمال الصغيره .. المحاضره الأولى .. { نماذج الاختبارات السابقة } (9723)
اسئلة تبويب مقرر قضايا ثقافية معاصرة للاختبارات السابقة ☆☆ المحاضرة الاولى ☆☆ (9636)
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# اسئلة الاختبار النهائي برامج الحاسب المكتبية الفصل الاول لعام 1435 (9534)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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