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اسئلة اختبار النقـد الادبــي - الفصل الدراسي الثاني 1436 هـ
[أسئلة اختبار - النقد الادبي]
اسئلة اختبار النقـد الادبــي - الفصل الدراسي الثاني 1436 هـ
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) - In which one of his books Aristotle discuss tragedy
2) Who defined tragedy as "an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude" ? A. Plato
3) According to Aristotle, tragedy causes
Pleasure and distress
Fear and loathing
Pity and fear
4) - Who said that a good plot should have "a beginning a middle and an end"
5) The study of literature from a scientific and objective perspective was the ... ( not clear )
The Greeks
The Romans
The Formalists
6) Which of the following concepts was developed by Russian Formalists ?
Actantial model
7) - Who developed the "morphology of the folktale"
Vladimir Nabokov
Vladimir Propp
Roland Barthes
8) The functions of the folktale are :
Thirty-one functions
Twenty-one functions
Fifty-one functions
9) The character types of the folktale are :
Seven character types
Twenty character types
Thirty-one character types
10) Which school of criticism wants to focus exclusively on the text and nothing else
11) "Focalization," Gerard Gennette says in The Narrative Discourse, should ... ( not clear )
Who witnesses the action ?
Who sees the action
Who tells the action ?
12) "Literariness," according to Jan Mukarovsky, consists in
The maximum backgrounding of the utterance
The minimum backgrounding of the utterance
The maximum foregrounding of the utterance
13) In poetry, said Jakobson, the communicative function should be
Reduced to minimum
Increased to maximum
Used moderately
14) Anachronies, according to Gerard Gennete, happen when :
A narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from the future of the time zero
A narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from the future of the past time zero
A narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from the past (of the time zero) or from the future (of the time zero)
15) - Analepses happen, according to Gerad Gennete, when :
A narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from the future of the time zero
narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from the past of the time zero
A narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from the future of the past time zero
16) - Prolepses happen, according to Gerad Gennete, when :
A narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from the future of the time zero
A narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from the future of the past time zero
A narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from time zero
17) - According to Marxist criticism, literary products ( novels, plays, poems, etc ) can understood :
Outside the country in which they were produced
Outside the life of the author who writes them
Outside the economic conditions of their time
18) People's consciousness, according to Karl Marx, is determined by:
Their material conditions
Their religion
The education they receiv
19) History, according to Karl Marx, is made up of twp forces
Ideology and consciousness
The left wing and the right wing
. The base and the superstructure
20) - According to post-structuralism, " there is no pre-discursive reality, and every reality is shaped and accessed by:
. A discourse
The author
21) Rome was superior to Greece militarily, but inferior culturally and this situation made Roman writers feel :
Superior and arrogant to the Greeks
Inferior to the Greeks and resentful of them
Equal to the Greeks
22) - Recent history is showing that the Renaissance started in
In al-Andalus in the 11th century
In Germany in the 15th century
In England in the 16th century
23) - Which books were translated into Latin form Arabic during the Renaissance ?
Jewish books
Greek books
Egyptian books
24) The distinction between Mimesis and Diagesis was developed by :
Roman literary critics
Arab philosophers
Christian priests
25) Who did Plato ban in the Republic ?
The philosopher
The scientist
The poet
26) - Who said " narration can proceed by imitation or narration or a mixture ... ( not clear )
27) - In which one of his dialogues did Plato analyze poetry as an imitation ?
28) - Which ones of these authors wrote philosophical works?
Plato and Aristotle
Horace and Virgil
Cicero and Quintilian
29) Which ones of these authors wrote poetry?
Plato and Aristotle
Horace and Virgil
Cicero and Quintilian
30) Which ones of these authors wrote rhetorical works?
Plato and Aristotle
Horace and Virgil
Cicero and Quintilian
31) Who said: "The subject of literary science is not literature, but literariness"
Roman Jackobson
Vladimir Propp
A.J. Greimas
32) - For structuralism, literature should be analyzed from:
A literary perspective
A scientific perspective
A psychological perspective
33) How many Actants are there in the Actantial Model?
34) The Actantial Model is a program of literary analysis that was developed by:
Vladimir Nabokov
Victor Shklovsky
A.J. Greimas
35) Roland Barthes wrote the famous essay
"Morphology of the Folktale"
"The Death of the Author"
"What is an Author?"
36) "The Death of Author" argues that the author of literary works:
Should be killed
Should be dismissed altogrther from the discussion and analysis of literature
Should be the final judge on the meaning of literary works
37) Gerard Gennette calls the "Time Zero" :
The time of the narration
The time of the story
An ideal time
38) Gerard Gennette calls the time in which the story happens :
The time of the narration
The time of the story
The time Zero
39) one of the distinctions that Formalism categorically rejected is the distinction between:
Form and content
European literature and world literature
Philosophy and literature
40) One of the most important concepts that Post-structuralism developed is:
41) What is the definition of the "plot" in Aristotle's theory of tragedy?
It is the story of the play
It is the sequence of events
It is the cause-effect chain that connects the events
42) What did Renaissance humanists use to break the monopoly of Latin on education and promote the use of European languages?
They used plays
They used poems
They used grammar books
43) - The question of "Voice," according to Gerard Gennette, is about:
Who sees the action?
B. Who narrates the action?
Who witnesses the action?
44) - Which Renaissance writer considered language to be created by the institutions of men :
Lorenzo Valla
Joachim du Bellay
45) - Which Renaissance writer considered language to be divinely inspired: A. Lorenzo Valla
Joachim du Bellay
. Dante
Lorenzo Valla
46) The culture of Ancient Greece can be described as :
A living culture
A museum culture
A culture of books
47) 7- The literary culture of Ancient Rome can be described as:
A culture of books
A living culture
A museum culture
48) Humanist theories of imitation continued
Greek theories of imitation
Roman theories of imitation
Egyptian theories of imitatioN
49) - Roman authors used poetry and literature mostly :
To improve eloquence and sing national glories
To sell books and achieve fame
To entertain emperors
50) Why is Western literature and criticism so strongly connected to classical Greek and Roman cultures?
They share the same taste in literature
Western literature is a continuation of classical literature
Western literature is a recreation, a revival of classical literature
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اسئلة اختبار النقـد الادبــي - الفصل الدراسي الثاني 1436 هـ
[أسئلة اختبار - النقد الادبي]
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اسئلة اختبار النقـد الادبــي - الفصل الدراسي الثاني 1436 هـ
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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