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اسئلة اختبار الفصل الثاني 1439 ,مادة الترجمة التتابعية ، د. أحمد حليمة
[أسئلة اختبار - أحمد حليمة - الترجمة التتابعية]
اسئلة اختبار الفصل الثاني 1439 ,مادة الترجمة التتابعية ، د. أحمد حليمة
عدد الأسئلة: 48
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1) A conference interpreting is one whose office is to
ranslate Verbally the ideas of participants in meeting held in the Untied States of America
Translate quickly the speech of participants in a meetings conducted in two language only
Translate orally the speech of participants in meetings conducted on two or more language
Translate consecutively the speech of participants in meetings and conferences
2) Well-trained interpreters can render
Speeches of 2 to 5 minutes with great accuracy
Speeches of 3 to 5 minutes with great accuracy
Speeches of 4 to 7 minutes with great accuracy
Speeches of 10 minutes or more with great accuracy
3) teaching consecutive interpreting in mainly
Concerned with note-taking
Concerned with idea interpreting
Concerned with vocabulary and grammar
Concerned with text translation
4) the most appropriate interpreting of : (Do not fret for all will be revealed in good time)
لا تأكل الجميع سيتم الكشف في الوقت المناسب
لا تستعجل سيتم الكشف عن الجميع في وقت لاحق
لا تخبر الجميع سيتم الكشف عنها في وقت مناسب
لا تقلق سيتم الكشف عن كل شيء في الوقت المناسب
5) consecutive interpreting can be conceived of as a continuum which ranges from :
The translation of utterances as short as one sentence to ten sentence
The interpretation of utterances as short as one to two sentences to the handling of one paragraph
The rendition of utterances as one word to the handling of entire speeches
The conveyance of ideas as short as one idea to the handling of ten ideas
6) international conference interpreting itself is an example of
A global profession
A regional phenomenon
Global social media impact
A local promising career
7) the most appropriate interpreting of: (كان الطبيب يسيربحذر ودقة شديدين)
The doctor was strolling with great has and worry
The doctor was walking with great caution and diligence
he Wiseman was wandering with a lot of thinking and calculation
The philosopher drifting with great contemplation and accuracy
8) interpreting is used as
An expression to indicate to the use of written and spoken language
A generic term to indicate to the use of written language only
An idiomatic term to indicate to the use of consecutive language in particular
A generic term to indicate to the use of spoken language in particular
9) consecutive interpretation is best suited for situation involving
A linguistic community of people or where a personal touch is required
A small number of people or where a personal touch is required
Different people from different countries specially from the Arab word
A large number of people or where a personal touch is required
10) interpreting is an ancient human practice which clearly
Predates the creation of human interpreting mind
Predates verbal interaction between two people
Dates back to writing and written translation
Predates the invention of writing and written translation
11) the Akkadian language is the ancient Semitic Language of
Syria and Iraq around 1900 BC
Palestine and Assyria around 1900 BC
Assyria and Babylonia around 1900 BC
Assyria and Babylonia around 190 BC
12) the most appropriate interpreting of (most victims died from smoke inhalation more than burns) is
قتل معظم الضحايا باستنشاق الغاز بدلا من الحريق
ماتت معظم الضحايا نتيجة الدخان وليس من الحريق
مات اكثر الضحايا من السعال الدخاني بدلا من الحريق
ماتت معظم الضحايا من استنشاق الدخان بدلا من الحريق
13) For interpreters to improve their consecutive interpreting skills, they need to practice :
Listening skills in general
Writing skills in public schools
Reading skills in public libraries
Public speaking skills
14) feedback on student performance in consecutive interpreting depends on
The use of electronic equipment
The use of videotapes
The use of headphones
The use of good stationary
15) the most appropriate interpreting of: (the verdict, delivered yesterday, pronounced Joseph guilty of second-degree murder) is :
المدعي العام أوصل بالأمس حكما يعلن فيه جوزيف مجرم ثاني
الحكم الذي سلم البارحة، يشير الى أن جوزيف ارتكب جريمة قتل ثانية
المحكمة أعلنت بالأمس أن جوزيف مجرم من الدرجة الثانية
الحكم الذي صدر البارحة، يقر بأن جوزيف ارتكب جريمة من الدرجة الثانية
16) translation is described as
The transfer of vocabulary and grammar from one language to another
The transfer of meaningless sentences from one language to another
The transfer of thought and ideas from one language to another
The transfer of cultures and languages from one language to another
17) notions like…….are considered as and essential feature of interpreting
Transfer, ideas, sameness, intention or culture
Transfer freedom, audience, intention or language
Conveyance, thoughts, likelihood, intention or culture
Correspondence, grammar, vocabulary, intention or context
18) : the most appropriate interpreting of دخلت طالبة الى قاعة الامتحان وهي في حالة إعياء وإجهاد واضح على محياها
Our student entered to the exam room in a state of fatigue and stress and clear on her body
A student entered to the exam hall in a state of fatigue with stress showing clearly on her face
The student went in and entered the exam room with fatigue clear on his face
She entered the student to the exam in state of fatigue and tired clear on her face
19) apprenticeship, that is transfer ………knowledge from master to student
Of know-how and professional
Your reading is designed to establish
The object and goals of a study
The real-life condition
20) The most appropriate interpreting of ( وفي اليوم التالي، طرق على بابه الرجل الأمريكي يريد مشاهدته)
The next day, a knock on the door guy wants the US View
The next day, an American opened the door to want to see him
The following day, the American knocked on the door wanting to see him
The following day, a knock on the door and la guy wants to see the American
21) As an entry requirement in interpreting training, in many university-level programs
The practicing of communication skills remains separate from the curriculum.
The acquisition of interpreting skills remains part of the curriculum.
The acquisition of translation skills remains bu into the curriculum
The acquisition of interpersonal skills remains built into the curriculum
22) for conference interpreting, traditional examination methods include:
Holistic communicative tasks, such as bilingual interview, impromptu speech production, and oral summery rendition in another language
Holistic communicative tasks, such as personal interview, impromptu speech, and oral summery in the source language
Holistic communicative tasks such as bilingual chat, speech production, and a summery in another language
Holistic communicative tasks such as bilingual dictionary test, speech production, and verbal speech survey in another language
23) the scope of the interpreter's tasks is:
Mainly production
Generally communication
Potentially theoretical
Internationally the audience.
24) the normative specification of the translation product is
The assumption of differences, in meaning or effect
The assumption of a communication in meaning or effect
The assumption of a interpretation in meaning or effect
The assumption of similarity in meaning or effect
25) the most appropriate interpreting of: (I'd had two years on the dole where on one told me l was great) is
كان لي مدة سنتين على الإعانة حيث لا أحد قال لي كبير
أمضيت سنتين وأنا أعيش على الإعانة ولا احد قال لي أنني كنت عظيما
كان لي مدة سنتين في السجن ولا أحد قال لي بأنني كنت انسانا كبيرا
في الواقع عشت مدة سنتين الصدقات من كثر من الناس العظماء
26) from a historical perspective, interpreting is carried out
In a social context of interaction
In a cultural context of interaction
In a linguistic context of interaction
In a semantic context of interaction
27) sign language interpreting normally takes place in
Conversational settings
Environmental setting
Diplomatic setting
Educational setting
28) whispering is often used instead of:
Consecutive in order to save time
Simultaneous in order to save time
Sight translation in order to save time
Sign language in order to save time
29) the most appropriate interpreting of (مكث عندي شهرا واحدا, كان يخرج كل ليلة)
He stayed one month, I go out every night
He stayed with me for one month, going out every night
He lived with me stayed one month, and goes away in the evening
He stayed on month, and left me in the evening
30) Liaison Interpreting is a form interpreting
Practiced generally in military negotiations
Practiced mainly in diplomatic negotiation
Practiced mainly in commercial negotiation
Practiced when doing business
31) whispered interpreting is used mainly in
Bilateral trade
Bilateral meetings
Bilateral agreement
Bilateral symmetry
32) community interpreting is where interpreting services established to
Make immigrants speak the host language
Help immigrants do business in the host society
Help immigrants act as natives in the host society
Help immigrants function in the host society
33) media interpreting is mainly focused on:
On TV interpreting
On Facebook interpreting
On Tweeter interpreting
On Theater interpreting
34) bilateral interpreting is where interpreting is modelled
As two-party interaction
As three-party interaction
As four-party interaction
As five-party interaction
35) Dialogue interpreting seems to be closely associated what is called
Healthcare interpreting
Diplomatic interpreting
Liaison interpreting
Community interpreting
36) multilateral communication interpreting is mainly called
Whispered interpreting
Sight interpreting
Police interpreting
Conference interpreting
37) what is distinctive about conference interpreting is that it is often
Conducted in friendly environment
Set in international environment
Taken in business environment
Set in a format of a theatre environment
38) the most appropriate interpreting of: (didn’t know I was that heavy a sleeper, she said)
قالت: لم أكن أعلم بأنني كنت في نومي
قالت: لم أعلم بأن نومي عميق لهذه الدرجة
قالت: لا أعلم أن نومي خفيف لهذه الدرجة
قالت: أعلم أن نومي ثقيل
39) A conference interpreting is one whose office is to
Translate Verbally the ideas of participants in meeting held in the Untied States of America
Translate quickly the speech of participants in a meetings conducted in two language only
Translate orally the speech of participants in meetings conducted on two or more language
Translate consecutively the speech of participants in meetings and conferences
40) the most appropriates interpreting of :(Dozens more British Airways flights to and from Heathrow were cancelled yesterday)
أمس ألغيت اثنى عشر رحلة جوية بريطانية من والى هيثرو
أمس ألغيت أكثر من عشر رحلات جوية بريطانية من والى هيثرو
ألغيت العشرات من رحلات الخطوط الجوية البريطانية من والى مطار هيثرو
أمس ألغيت الخطوط الجوية البريطانية اثني عشرة رحلة لمطار هيثرو
41) simultaneous interpreting take place
As both the source and target language texts are being presented
As the source-language text is being presented
As the target-language text is being presented
As the interpretation process is being presented
42) the spread of international English is likely
To increase the market for conference interpreters
To enhance the market for conference interpreters
To shrink the market for conference interpreters
To develop the market for conference interpreters
43) the use of electro-acoustic transmission equipment allowed
Simultaneous interpreting to take place in the 1920
Sight translation to happen in the 1930
Simultaneous interpreting to take place in the 1940s
Simultaneous interpreting to take place in the 1950s
44) the most visible manifestation of the technologizing of interpreting, is to remote interpreting in:
National entertainment settings and videoconferences
Academic university settings and videoconferences
International conference settings and videoconferences
International conflitsettings and videoconferences
45) the most appropriate interpreting of: (علينا أن نحرص على توافر جميع أنواع الطاقة وجميع أنواع الموارد الأولية)
We must be cautions on the availability of all types of power and all kinds of primary sources
We must be careful on the availability of types of energy and kinds of primary resources
We must ensure the availability of all types of energy and all kinds of primary resources
We must be aware of the availability of an energy types and all kinds of essential resources
46) in communication involving deaf and hearing – impaired people, the increasing availability of audiovisual Telecommunication sequimen is likely to
Prepare interpreting skills arrangement
Facilitate remote interpreting arrangement
Encourage remote interpreting development
Odetruct remote interpreting arrgement
47) one of the main distinctive characteristics of interpreting is
Its conformity
Its readiness
Its immediacy
Its distance
48) تم بفضل الله الانتهاء من كتابة الكويز ،ان اصبت فمن الله وان اخطأت فمن نفسي والشيطان وبالتوفيق للجميع ،فالكم A+
سبحان الله
لاإله الا الله
سبحان الله والحمدلله ولا إله الا الله والله اكبر
معلومات حول الكويز
اسئلة اختبار الفصل الثاني 1439 ,مادة الترجمة التتابعية ، د. أحمد حليمة
[أسئلة اختبار - أحمد حليمة - الترجمة التتابعية]
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اسئلة اختبار الفصل الثاني 1439 ,مادة الترجمة التتابعية ، د. أحمد حليمة
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