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₪[تبويب أسئلة الرواية الحديثة (أسئلة الاختبارت + المباشرات) المحاضرة 10-11-12]₪
[أسئلة مراجعة - أسئلة الاختبارات والمباشرات السابقة - مرتبة حسب المحاضرات (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) - د. وصفي الشقيرات]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 55
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) 1) Heart of Darkness begins on a yacht called the Nellie at
a. Thames River
b. Congo River
c. Amazon River
d. Seine River
2) 2) Which river is the yacht on in (Heart of Darkness ) ?
a. Thames
b. Nile
c. Seine
d. Congo
3) 3) Heart of Darkness begins on a yacht called the.......at the mouth of the Thames River
a. Shellie
b. Millie
c. Kellie
d. Nellie
4) 4) The direct narrator of heart of darkness is
a. A captain on the ship
b. The lawyer
c. Marlow
d. A Russian trader
5) HOD begins on a yacht on which.....................men are relaxing and waiting the tide to go out.
a. Three
b. Four
c. Five
d. six
6) The five meditative men on the Nellie in Heart of Darkness , are old friends held together by ...........
a. the love of drinking
b. the desire of money
c. the habit of fishing
d. the bond of sea
7) In heart of Darkness, the five old friends held together by "the bond of the sea" are……….yet meditative.
a. Crazy
b. Restless
c. Illiterate
d. Common
8) 8) The five men on the Nellie are tied by the bond of:
a. Sea
b. Land
c. Fishing
d. Money
9) 9) In Heart of Darkness , the remark that the Thames is " one of the dark places of the earth " is said by ......................
a. the lawyer
b. the director of the companies
c. Marlow
d. the accountant
10) 10) In HOD, the remark of the Thames as 'one of the dark places of the earth' is said by…..
a. the lawyer
b. the director of the companies
c. the accountant
d. Marlowe
11) 11) As darkness begins to fall at the beginning of HOD, Marlowe remarks that London was once 'on of the .................. places on earth.
a. Gloomy
b. Dark
c. Scariest
d. Miserable
12) 12) Marlow notes that when the ……… first came to England, it was a wilderness to
a. Greeks
b. Normans
c. Anglo-Saxons
d. Romans
13) 13) Marlowe's ......... helped him get hired at the Company
a. Sister
b. Niece
c. Mother
d. Aunt
14) 14) At the company's offices Marlow finds to sinister women …….
a. Knitting black wool
b. Typing some messy files
c. Talking together
d. Organizing some mese fils
15) 15) The changes take place inside' is a quote said by ....... in Heart of Darkness
a. The doctor
b. The narrator
c. Marlowe
d. Kurtz
16) 16) The ( ……… ) take place inside' is a quote said by the doctor in Heart of Darkness The exact word missing of the previous quote is.....................
a. Advances
b. Shifts
c. Developments
d. changes
17) 17) In heat of Darkness, Marlow claims that he had already known ……….. of the violence, greed and desire.
a. Evil
b. Conspiracies
c. Devils
d. Witches
18) 18) Marlow offers ........................ to one of the dying native laborers during his journey to the Central Station.
a. Bread
b. Biscuits
c. Rice
d. meat
19) 19) It takes Marlowe .................... to repair his ship in Heart of Darkness .
a. a month
b. ten month
c. a year
d. three months
20) 20) In the Central Station , Marlow is shown one of Kurtz's unusual painting on the wall; a painting of .............. with a lighted torch
a. a young boy
b. an adventurous sailor
c. a beautiful women
d. a blind folded woman
21) 21) ………….. tells Marlow that Kurtz is a prodigy, sent as a special emissary of western ideals by the company's directors and bound for quick advancement.
a. The company's account
b. The brick maker
c. The Swede captain
d. The general manager
22) 22) The Brick maker tells Marlowe that Kurtz is a……….
a. 'an agent'
b. 'a prodigy'
c. 'a hired killer'
d. 'marvelous trader
23) 23) The ................. Exploring Expedition is a group of white men intent on 'tearing treasure out of the bowels of the land'
a. Eldorado
b. Prado
c. Colorado
d. Dorado
24) 1) Fifty miles a way from Kurtz Inner station , Marlowe and his companions find a hut and a note that reads, ".......... for you . Hurry up Approach cautiously "
a. Rifles
b. Wood
c. Rivets
d. Food
25) 2) Marlowe and his seamen stop 8 miles away from Kurtz' station because of ......
a. a band of thieves
b. a thunderstorm
c. a fault in their boat
d. the fog
26) 3) The only food of the native cannibal crew is:
a. Pineapples
b. Coconut
c. hippo meat
d. bread
27) 4) .................... is the name Marlow gives to the passengers traveling with him to the Inner Station.
a. The pals
b. The Comrades
c. The pilgrims
d. The Fellows
28) 6) In his attack of a group of cannibals, ........... frightens them with the steam whistle
a. the manager
b. accountant
c. Kurtz
d. Marlowe
29) 7) Kurtz assumes an air of ....... when talking his fiancée
a. Honesty
b. Adoration
c. Devotion
d. Ownership
30) 8) Kurtz assumes an air of ownership when he talks about his....
a. Ivory
b. Lands
c. Servants
d. Fiancée
31) 9) In Heart of Darkness , Marlowe mentions a report Kurtz has written at the request of the International Society for the suppression of Savage Customs concludes literally ,with a handwritten postscript :
a. " Eliminate all the brutes !"
b. " Decimate all the brutes !"
c. " Eradicate all the brutes !"
d. " Exterminate all the brutes !"
32) 1) Human heads can be viewed on the top of...............in Heart of Darkness.
a. the fence posts
b. the mail buildings
c. the custom house
d. the beacons
33) 2) On the tops of fence posts in the station compound in Heart of Darkness……can be viewed.
a. Human heads
b. Balls
c. Ivory
d. Bones
34) 3) At the end of HOD , Marlowe is classified a repel by the Company Functionaries as he uses ..........
a. " immoral methods "
b. " dirty methods "
c. " illegal methods "
d. " unsound methods "
35) 4) Because he was worried that the manager will gain control of his legacy Kurtz gives Marlow a bundle of......
a. Money notes
b. Papers for safekeeping
c. Several types of ivory
d. Guns for self-protection
36) 5) Because he was worried that the manager will gain control of his ……..Kurtz gives Marlow a bundle of papers for safe keeping
a. Money notes
b. legacy
c. Several types of ivory
d. Guns for self-protection
37) 6) Kurtz's ramblings become ...........as his condition worsen .
a. more physical
b. more rhetorical
c. more psychological
d. more romantic
38) 7) Kurtz dies on the boat with the last words,………..
a. "The horror! The horror!"
b. Exterminate All the brutes
c. My intended, my station, my career, my ideas
d. I want- I want- something – to- live with
39) 8) Kurtz's cousin tells Marlowe that Kurtz had been a great.......
a. Singer
b. Artist
c. Musician
d. Author
40) 9) Kurtz's ………. tells Marlowe that Kurtz had been a great Musician
a. Uncle
b. Fiancée
c. Brother
d. cousin
41) 10) Marlow tells Kurtz's fiance' that his last word was……..
a. hope is my destiny
b. her name
c. horror , horror
d. death is a waiting
42) أسئلة أضافية من المحاضرة 10
المحاضرة 10
43) Heart of darkness begins on a …. Called the Nellie at the mouth of the river thames in London
a- Horse
b- Train
c- Carriage
d- Yacht
44) Five men relax on the deck of the ship: the Director of Companies, who is also the captain and host, the Lawyer, the………., Marlow, and the unnamed Narrator.
old friend
45) At the Company's offices in HOD, Marllowe finds...... women knitting black wool.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
46) In the Central Station, Marllowe notices an unusual painting in the wall; a blindfolded woman with a lighted...................
a. Candle
b. Torch
c. Lamp
d. Fire
47) أسئلة أضافية من المحاضرة 11
المحاضرة 11
48) While Marllowe is waiting for his ship to be repaired, he overhears on night the manager and his uncle complaining about............. and discussing to get rid of him.
a. the brick maker
b. Kurtz
c. the accountant
b. natives the of one.
49) Marlowe and his companions find a …..and a note that reads, "wood for you . Hurry up Approach cautiously "
50) In his attack of a group of cannibals, Marlowe frightens them with.........
a. The steam whistle
b. Arrows
c. Firearms
d. Swords
51) In HOD, Kurtz has a fiancee, whom he frequently refers to as the ............
a. Beloved
b. Admired
c. Beautiful
d. Intended
52) The Russian treader tells Marlowe he has been a merchant seaman and was .working for a............. company
a. Dutch
b. British
c. German
d. Belgian
53) أسئلة أضافية من المحاضرة 12
54) The Russian trader begs marlow to take Kurtz away quickly he tells marlow that Kurtz is a great man that he nursed Kurtz through two illnesses but sometimes would not see him for long periods of time …. " This is the start of part ….
a- One
b- Three
c- Two
d- Six
55) the Russian trader begs marlow to take …… away quickly
a- mike
b- john
c- kurtz
d- the Africans
معلومات حول الكويز
₪[تبويب أسئلة الرواية الحديثة (أسئلة الاختبارت + المباشرات) المحاضرة 10-11-12]₪
[أسئلة مراجعة - أسئلة الاختبارات والمباشرات السابقة - مرتبة حسب المحاضرات (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) - د. وصفي الشقيرات]
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
تم حل الكويز 107 مرة بنسبة نجاح 65%
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مناقشة الكويز: ₪[تبويب أسئلة الرواية الحديثة (أسئلة الاختبارت + المباشرات) المحاضرة 10-11-12]₪
معلومات صاحب الكويز
مطر ابن السماء

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