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₪[ تبويب أسئلة علم اللغة الاجتماعي - 3/4 Lectures ]₪
[د/محمد هلال]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 53
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1) 1) According to The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, there is a …….… link between culture and language.
a. Captive
b. Active
c. Causative
d. loose
2) 2) The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, claims that there is a causative link between ……..
a. all languages
b. fissure and nature
c. culture and language
d. language and physics
3) 3) According to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, there is a ……………..
a. casual link between agriculture and language.
b. causative sink between hose and router.
c. causative link between culture and language.
d. No causative lings before lecture and luggage.
4) 4) The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, claims that ……..
a. there is a fizzy milk between nature and lasagna.
b. there is a causative link between culture and language.
c. there is no link between culture or language .
d. there is a causative link between culture or language.
5) 5) The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis A community’s cultural experience.... their language. 
6) 6) Choose the correct sentences :
a. Languages of similar cultures involve similar systems of representation which are necessarily equivalent.
b. Languages of different structures involve similar systems of grammar which are necessarily equivalent
c. Luggage of different passengers involve parallel systems of representation which are necessarily equivalent
d. Languages of different cultures involve distinct systems of representation which are not necessarily equivalent
7) 7) Linguistic determinism means that language affects the ____ of its speakers
a- Thought hypotheses
b- Tough analyses
c- Thought processes
d- Oat processes
8) 8) according to the theory of “…….” Language and its structures limit and determine human knowledge or thought
a. Dominance
b. Convergence
c. Implicature
d. Linguistic determinism
9) 9) individuals experience the world based on the....structures they habitually use
10) 10) ……… is concerned with power: the power to make decisions, to control resources, to control other people’s behaviour and values.
a. Politics
b. Politeness
c. Polysemy
d. Polylines
11) 11) Choose the correct sentence.
a. Politics is concerned with tower to make detention, to control other people’s money and education.
b. Politics is concerned with power to make decisions, to control resources, to control other people’s behaviour and values.
c. Politics is not concerned with power to make decisions, nor withl resources, but with the control other pupils’ classroom values.
d. Politics is confirmed in the hour : the hour at which you make decisions, to console other people’s behaviour and values
12) 12) Physical coercion is associated with ……….
a. legal laws
b. dictatorial regimes
c. Persuasion and consent.
d. Democratic regime
13) 13) Choose the correct sentence.
a. Physical coercion is disassociated with editorial staff
b. Physical correction is associated with Dictation dictionaries
c. Physical coercion is associated with dictatorial regimes
d. Physiological condition is associated with Democratic regimes
14) 14) .………. is any set of beliefs which, to people who hold them, appear to be logical and natural.
a. Geology
b. Doxology
c. Eulogy
d. Ideology
15) 15) Choose the correct sentence.
a. Etymology is any set of beliefs which, to some people, disappears and unnatural.
b. Ideology is any set of beliefs which, to people who hold them, appear to be logical and natural.
c. pedagogy is any set of bluffs which, to people who hold them, appear to be logical and natural. unnatural.
d. Ideology is any set of beliefs which, to animals , appears to be illogical and
16) 16) example presupposes that the listener has really killed his wife? 
why did you kill your wife
why did you kill your husband
17) 17) ………..is the background assumption embedded within a sentence or a phrase.
a. Imply
b. Definition
c. Presupposition
d. Implicature
18) 18) example presupposes that people are not currently free?
We want to set people free
We don't want to set people free
19) presupposes that the current teacher is not good witch sentence expressed that 
We don't need a better teacher
We need a better teacher
20) mplicature depends on ………. Between the speaker and the hearer
Shared knowledge
Shared culture
21) 21) Implicature Characteristics depends on the surrounding..... of the discourse 
22) 22) ______ is the background assumption embedded within a sentence or a phrase .
a- Implicature
b- Preposition
c- Presupposition
d- Proposition
23) 23) ____ shows that language of different cultures involve distinct systems of representation which are not necessarily
a- Logistic relativity
b- Linguistic reactivity
c- Linguistic receptivity
d- Linguistic relativity
24) Lecture 4
Lecture 4
25) 1) ………. is the art of using language so as to persuade or to influence others.
a. Retroflex
b. Orthotic
c. Rhetoric
d. Restock
26) 2) Rhetoric is the art of ………..
a. using language so as to provide food influence others.
b. using language so as to precede or to fluctuate others.
c. using language so as to persuade or to influence others.
d. using language so as to persuade and influence girls.
27) 3) The term Rhetoric refers to the art of using language so as ………..
a. to persuade or to infected others.
b. to peruse or to influence others.
c. to peruse or to influx others.
d. to persuade or to influence others.
28) 4) rhetoric: is group of rules that speakers/writers adhere to so that express themselves with ………… 
The metaphor
29) 5) metaphor is a way comparing between two ………. Concept.
The metaphor
30) 6) example of metaphor ?
a. He was a lion in battle
b. The room was like an oven
c. Her hair is golden silk
d. He was like a lion in the battle
31) 7) ………the asserts that something is similar to something else
a. The metaphor
b. The rule of three
c. The similar
32) 8) Which sentence involves a simile
a. This room is an Ove
b. Her hair was golden silk
c. The room was like an oven
d. The sun was a diamond in the sky
33) 9) example of personification ?
a. Germany is the conductor of the orchestra
b. This room is an Ove
c. Her hair was golden silk
d. The room was like an oven
34) 10) Euphemism uses ….… to make something seem more positive than it actually appears.
a. bold and abusive language
b. difficult language
c. offensive language
d. mild or inoffensive language
35) 11) Euphemism uses mild or inoffensive language to make something seem more …….than it actually appears.
a. Negative
b. Positive
c. Nagger
d. Disgusting
36) 12) Euphemism uses …………..….….. than it actually appears.
a. titled or offensive language to make something seem more negative
b. mild or inoffensive language to make something seem more positive
c. mild or inoffensive language to make something seem more negative
d. mild or inoffensive luggage to make people seem to forgive
37) 13) Euphemism in which we uses mild or inoffensive language to ………..
a. make something seem more negative than it actually appears
b. make everything seem less positive than it actually appears
c. make something seem more positive than it actually appears.
d. make something seem less positive than it actually appears
38) 14) Choose the euphemistic term that can refer to the term "surrendering"
a. Pass away
b. Clean strike
c. Making love
d. Disarming
39) 15) the term ……. Is used to hide the fact of forcing civilians to move out of their homes because they belong to specific ethnic group
a. Flaming debate
b. Passing away
c. Non-ethnic cleaning
d. Ethnic cleansing
40) 16) ………… rhetorical device where a statement is divided into three parts or point.
a. The rule of three
b. Euphemism
c. Parallelism.
d. Paralysis
41) 17) An example of the rule of three
The cry of the French Revolution (liberty, equality, brotherhood)
can select what counts as news
42) 18) ……... is a rhetorical device which expresses several ideas in a series of similar structures.
a. The rule of three
b. Euphemism
c. Parallelism.
d. Paralysis
43) 19) Politicians use …………when they want to draw attention to a particular part of their message 
parallel structures
unparalleled structures
44) 20) pronouns are device which can be used by either to emphasize or to obscure ……….. and agency. 
the press
45) 21) The term MEDIA can refer to………….
a. the press
b. Television
c. World Wide Web
d. all the above
46) 22) The Media can represent a powerful source in society because it …..…..
a. can select what counts as news.
b. can decide who gets on the television, radio or newspaper.
c. has become an integral part of most people's lives
d. all the above
47) 23) The Media can represent a powerful source in society because it …..…..
a. cannot select what counts as news.
b. cannot decide who gets on the television, radio or newspaper.
c. has become an integral part of most people's lives
d. helps us fail
48) 24) The Media can represent a powerful source in society because it …..…..
a. can select what counts as fuse , can despise whoever gets on the television, radio or newspaper and has become a trivial part of some people's lives
b. cann’t select what counts as news , can devoid or tally database who gets on the and an integral part of all politician’s lives
c. can select what counts as bruises , can’t decide on television, and has become an interdental part of all people's lives
d. can select what counts as news , can decide who gets on the television, radio or newspaper and has become an integral part of most people's lives
49) 25) "he told me later that" this example of third hand source of information because the ………..
a. Reported information is difficult to retrieve or verify
b. Sally and her sister is tot beautiful enough
c. The imported information is very formal and well documented
d. This deployed misinformation is formally and officially supported
50) 26) In a sentence like "my neighbor told my sister later today that etc is regarded as a third as a third –hand source of information because ____
a. Sally and her sister is tot beautiful enough
b. The imported information is very formal and well documented
c. This deployed misinformation is formally and officially supported
d. The reported information is difficult to retrieve or verify
51) 27) The prevailing way that a culture talks about or represents something is called…..
a. the domino discourse
b. the dominant discourse
c. the doming discourse
d. the committed discourse
52) 28) which of the following jobs is gender – eneutral ?
a. Waitress
b. Saleswomen
c. Chairperson
d. Chairman
53) 29) which of the following job is gender-specific ?
a. Policeman
b. Manager
c. Prime minister
d. teacher
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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