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₪[ تبويب أسئلة ترجمة الانماط النصية - 4/5/6/8/9 Lectures ]₪
[د/كميل الحرز]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 29
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) 1) The core of the vocative function of language is the ______
A. Authorship
B. Readership
C. Topic
D. Communication
2) 2) According to Newmark, ‘serious imaginative literature’ is a text type which is
a) Expressive
b) Vocative
c) informative
3) 3) The core of an expressive text type is……
a) the topic
b) the readership
c) the author
4) 4) Semantic translation is used for ………. Texts
a- Expressive
b- Informative
c- Vocative
d- Informative and vocative
5) 5) Communicative translation is for …….. text
a- Expressive
b- Informative only
c- Vocative only
d- Informative and vocative
6) 6) Semantic translation differs from literal translation in that it respects …..
a- Words
b- Addressees
c- Context
d- Communicative
7) 7) ……. Transfers foreign elements into the TL culture TL
a- Semantic translation
b- Communicative translation
c- Literal translation
d- Context
8) 8) The core of the vocative function of language is the readership
a- The addressee
b- The sender
c- The function
d- The message
9) Lecture 5
Lecture 5
10) 1) Hatim and mason (1990) classify text types into Argumentative instructional and _
A. Operative
B. Narrative
C. Descriptive
D. Expository
11) 2) Hatim and Mason classify texts into argumentative, expository and ….
a) Operative
b) instructional
c) narrative
d) Descriptive
12) 3) Hatim& mason (1990) define ___ as a conceptual framework which enables us to classify texts in terms of communicative intentions serving an overall rhetorical purpose
A. Text Linguistics
B. Translation Studies
C. Semiotics
D. Text – typology
13) 4) ______ type of text concentrates on the formation of future behavior
A. argumentative
B. instructional
C. informative
D. philosophical
14) 5) According to Hatim and mason …….. text is defined as a text type presenting in non – evaluative manner
a- Expository
b- Argumentative
c- Vocative
d- Instructional
15) 6) According to Hatim and Mason ……. Text refers to the evaluative presentation of concepts it can take the form of through argumentation or Counterargumentation
a- Expository
b- Argumentative
c- Vocative
d- Instructional
16) 7) According to Hatim and mason ….. text concentrates on the formation of future behavior
a- Expository
b- Argumentative
c- Vocative
d- Instructional
17) 8) Hatim and Mason categorized text in the following types :
a- Expository and argumentative
b- Expository argumentative and instructional
c- Expository argumentative and vocative
d- Vocative and Expository
18) Lecture 6
Lecture 6
19) 1) Dickens at all (2002) distinguish five broad categories of "genre" which are literary , persuasive, religious, philosophical and ____ ّ
A. Logical
B. Referential
C. Empirical
D. Lyrical
20) 2) Poetry, fiction and drama are part of …genre.
a) religious
b) empirical
c) literary
d) Persuasive
21) 3) With regard to religious genre, the author …. to create the world that animates the subject matter but to be merely instrumental in exploring it.
totally free
free partially
free not
mentioned all
22) 4) ……. Genres imply the existence of a religious world that is not fictive but has its own realities and truths.
a- Empirical
b- Religious
c- Persuasive
d- Literary
23) 5) …….. opt for using the term genre instead of text type . ّ
a- Hatim and Mason
b- Dickins et al
c- St . Jerome
d- Holme
24) 6) These text aim at getting listeners or readers to behave in prescribed or suggested ways :
a- Empirical
b- Religious
c- Persuasive
d- Literary
25) 7) Dickins et al distinguished …… broad categories of "genre" ّ
ّa- Three
b- Four
c- Five
d- Two
26) 8) …… genres purports to deal with the real world as it is experienced by observers
a- Empirical
b- Religious
c- Persuasive
d- Literary
27) Lecture 8
Lecture 8
28) 1) The ST clauses, تتابعت الاعوام ، عام بعد عام , were rendered as _____ in order to maintain the ST narrative choice of tense in translation:
a) The years go by, year after year
b) The years went by, year after year
c) The years had gone by, year after year
d) The years were going by, year after year
29) 1) The ST term ‘ اضمحلال الأوزون’ is rendered in English as ____.
a) ‘disappearance of the ozone layer’
b) ‘depletion of the ozone layer’
c) ‘the waning ozone layer’
d) ‘the vanishing ozone layer’
معلومات حول الكويز
₪[ تبويب أسئلة ترجمة الانماط النصية - 4/5/6/8/9 Lectures ]₪
[د/كميل الحرز]
تفاصيل أخرى:
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
تم حل الكويز 36 مرة بنسبة نجاح 42%
القسم: E6
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معلومات صاحب الكويز
مطر ابن السماء

قام بانشاء 335 كويز
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العضونسبة النجاح
مطر ابن السماء100%
ابو جوانا 1686%
كادي 6658%
Tahani n27%
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