ملتقى طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك فيصل,جامعة الدمام

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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

₪[ تبويب أسئلة الترجمة التتابعية - 4 Lecture ]₪
[د/أحمد حليمة]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 31
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1) 1) Bilateral interpreting or ......... is where interpreting is modeled as "three-party interaction"
a) multilateral interpreting
b) dialogue interpreting
c) communication interpreting
d) conference interpreting
2) 2) Short consecutive interpreting is normally used in
a) Chorus interpreting
b) Soliloquy interpreting
c) Neither soliloquy nor chorus interpreting
d) Dialogue interpreting
3) 3) Bilateral interpreting is where interpreting is modeled
a) As three-party interaction
b) As one-party interaction
c) As two-party interaction
d) As four-party interaction
4) 4) Bilaterally Interpreting is modeled
a) As three-party interaction
b) As one-party interaction
c) As two-party interaction
d) As four-party interaction
5) 5)Interpreting consecutively is usually
a) Tri-directional between three people
b) Quadrant directional between four people
c) Between more than five people
d) Bi-directional between two people
6) 6) Consecutive interpreting is usually
a) tri-directional
b) bi-directional
c) quadrant directional
d) between more than five people
7) 7) Bilateral interpreting is called…………….
a) Liaison Interpreting.
b) 'community interpreting'
c) 'group interpreting'.
d) 'conference interpreting
8) 8)Dialogue interpreting seems to be closely associated what is called
a) Healthcare Interpreting
b) Diplomatic Interpreting
c) Liaison Interpreting
d) Community Interpreting
9) 9) Multilateral communication interpreting is
a) A-mainly called 'liaison interpreting'.
b) mainly called 'community interpreting'.
c) mainly called 'group interpreting'.
d) mainly called 'conference interpreting
10) 10) Interpreting Constellations of interaction are bilateral , ………and conference interpreting
a) Business interpreting
b) Multilateral interpreting
c) Liaison interpreting
d) Community interpreting
11) 11) Multilateral Communication Interpreting is mainly called
a) Whispered Interpreting
b) Site Interpreting
c) Police Station Interpreting
d) Conference Interpreting
12) 12) Multilateral interpreting is generally known as
a) Conference interpreting
b) Liaison interpreting
c) Community interpreting
d) Group interpreting
13) 13) As one types of interpreting , Multilateral interpreting is generally called
a) Conference interpreting
b) Liaison interpreting
c) Community interpreting
d) Group interpreting
14) 14) Conference interpreting emerged
a) During World War II
b) During World War I
c) Between World War I and World War II
d) After World War II
15) 15) Conference interpreting as a profession appeared
a) During World War II
b) During World War I
c) Between World War I and World War II
d) After World War II
16) 16) The emergence of conference interpreting as a profession appeared
a) During World War II
b) During World War I
c) Between World War I and World War II
d) After World War II
17) 17) Conference interpreting .
a) emerged during World War I when negotiations were held in French .
b) emerged during World War II when negotiations were held in French .
c) emerged between World War I & World War II when negotiations were held in French
d) emerged after World War II when negotiations were held in French
18) 18) Conference interpreting emerged
a) during World War I when negotiations were held in French.
b) during World War II when negotiations were held in French.
c) between World War I & World War II when negotiations were held in French.
d) after World War II when negotiations were held in French
19) 19) Conference interpreting is distinctive because it takes place
a) Within a particular format of interjection
b) Within a particular format of reaction
c) Within a particular format of interaction
d) Within a particular format of conjunction
20) 20) what is distinctive about conference interpreting is that it takes place ...
a) within particular format of dejection
b) within particular format of reaction
c) within particular format of interaction
d) within particular format of conjunction
21) 21) Conference interpreting is mainly characterized by its particular within
a) format of interjection
b) format of interaction
c) format of reaction
d) format of conjunction
22) 22) What makes conference interpreting distinctive is that it takes place within a particular
a) format of interjection
b) format of interaction
c) format of reaction
d) format of conjunction
23) 23) What is distinctive about conference interpreting is that it is often
a) Conducted in friendly environment
b) Set in an international environment
c) Taken in business environment
d) Set in a format of a theatre environment
24) 24) Conference interpreting is often
a) Conducted in friendly environment
b) Taken in business environment
c) Set in a format of a theatre environment
d) Set in an interactional environment
25) 25) A conference interpreting is whose office is to
a) Translate verbally the ideas of participants in meeting held in the unatidState of Amaireca
b) Translate quickly the speech of participants in a meeting conducted in two languages only
c) Translate orally the speech of participants in meeting conducted on two or more languages
d) Translate consecutively the speech of participants in meeting and conference
26) 1) the most appropriate interpreting of Do not fret for all will be revealed in good time
لا تأكل الجميع سيتم الكشف في الوقت المناسب
لا تستعجل سيتم الكشف عن الجميع في وقت لاحق
لا تخبر الجميع سيتم الكشف عنها في وقت مناسب
لا تقلق سيتم الكشف عن كل شيء في الوقت المناسب
27) 2) the most appropriate interpreting of كان الطبيب ويمشي بحذر ودقه شديده
a) The doctor was strolling with great has and worry
b) The doctor was walking with great caution and diligence
c) The wiseman was wandering with a lot of thinking and calculations
d) The philosopher drifting with great contemplation and accuracy
28) 3) the most appropriate interpreting of  I have just arrived and a crystal white marble mosque welcome me looking like a palace
لقد وصلت والكريستال مسجد الرخام الابيض يرحب بي ويبدو وكانها القصر
ها قد وصلتوا واذا بمسجد من الرخام الابيض الكريستالي يرحب بي ويبدو وكأنه قصر
لقد وصلت للتوها و مسجد مصنوع من الرخام الابيض يبدو كانه قصر يرحب بي
لقد وصلت الى المسجد الرخام الكريستالي الابيض فاذا يرحب بي ويبدو وكانه القصر
29) 4) the most appropriate interpreting of  Many Muslims pilgrimage here, so if you are looking for a place to visit come and visit the kaaba a great time for the family
كثير من المسلمين الحج هنا لذلك اذا كنت تبحث عن مكان لزياره قم بزياره الكعبه وقت كبير مع الاسره
كثير من المسلمين يحج هنا لذلك اذا كنت تبحث عن مكان زياره زر الكعبه وقضاء وقت كبير مع الاسره
كثير من المسلمين يحج هنا لذلك يمكن كنت تبحث عن مكان زياره ازور الكعبه واقضي وقت كبير مع الاسره
يحج كثير من المسلمين الى هنا لذلك اذا كنت تبحث عن مكان لزياره قم بزياره الكعبه واقض مع اسرتك وقتك ممتعه
30) 5) The most appropriate interpreting of I am here to persuade you to come to the Kaaba in Makkah is
انا هنا لاقنعكم ان تاتوا لزياره الكعبه في مكه المكرمه
انا موجود هنا لا استقبلك في الكعبه في مكه المكرمه
تعالوا الى مكه المكرمه في الكعبه
انا هنا اليوم لاقناع ان تاتي الى الكعبه
31) 6) the most appropriate interpreting of قال التلميذ لم تعلمني اليوم شيء يا سيدي
a) You have taught me nothing today says the novice
b) you had educated me nothing today saying the novice
c) you has teach me nothing today said the student
d) you have learn me nothing today says the pupil
معلومات حول الكويز
₪[ تبويب أسئلة الترجمة التتابعية - 4 Lecture ]₪
[د/أحمد حليمة]
تفاصيل أخرى:
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
تم حل الكويز 20 مرة بنسبة نجاح 58%
القسم: E8
مناقشة الكويز: ₪[ تبويب أسئلة الترجمة التتابعية - 4 Lecture ]₪
معلومات صاحب الكويز
مطر ابن السماء

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مطر ابن السماء96%
Lady Amal87%
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محمد بقاشي70%
ساره الراجح41%
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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