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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

₪[ تبويب أسئلة تحليل الخطاب 5-4-3 Lectures ]₪
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 54
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1) 1) Which of the following is not a feature of speech:
a) Informal and repetitive
b) Acquired naturally without teaching
c) Formal and compact
d) Spontaneous and unplanned
2) 2) Which of following is a features of writing
a) more formal and compact
b) informal and repetitive
c) Acquired naturally without teaching
d) Spontaneous and unplanned
3) 3) Which of the following is feature of writing ?
a) Every one learns how to write
b) Writing can only be learnt by teaching
c) Everyone learns to write and read
d) Writers use simple sentences connected by lots of ‘’and ’’and ‘’but’’
4) 4) Which of the following is not a feature of spoken discourse ?
a) Can only be learnt by teaching
b) Has dialectical variations
c) Usually informal and repetitive
d) Everybody acquires it
5) 5) can only be learnt by teaching Is a feature of
a) Writing
b) Speech
c) Reading
d) listening
6) 6) Writers use punctuation but speakers instead use
a) Rising voice
b) Low voice
c) Pauses and intonation
d) Medium level voice
7) 7) Speakers pronounce but writers:
A. Spell
B. Describe
C. Explain
D. Elaborate
8) تبويب أسئلة تحليل الخطاب 4 Lecture
Lecture 4
9) 1) the communicative language functions are distinguished from each other by
a) types of words they use
b) their purpose
c) the sentence types they use
d) both "b" and "c"
10) 2) "you can come tomorrow at 9 PM"
a) giving permission
b) asking for permission
c) command
11) 3) An imperative sentence can express the:
a) The directive function only
b) The informative function only
c) The expressive function only
d) The directive, the informative and expressive functions
12) 4) The directive function is usually expressed by :
a) An imperative sentence
b) A declarative sentence
c) An interrogative sentence
d) An exclamatory sentence
13) 5) Refer to the function we produce whenever we utter a sentence:
Communicative function
The directive function
The informative function
14) 6) the communicative language functions are distinguished from each other by
a) types of words they use
b) their purpose
c) the sentence types they use
d) both "b" and "c"
15) 7) In the sentence I divorce you the verb is
a) An informative verb
b) A performative verb
c) A formative verb
d) A non- informative verb
16) 8) I name this child " Hajir " the verb above is called
a) A performative verb
b) A reformative verb
c) An informative verb
d) A formative verb
17) 9) You like look ill. You had better see a doctor Is
A. Permission
B. Command
C. Advise
D. Agreement
18) 10) Can you park my car here ? is:
A. Asking for Permission
B. Command
C. Advise
D. Agreement
19) 11) The sentence "May I come in" functions as:
A. request
B. A permission
C. An invitation
D. An inquiry
20) 12) Can I park my car in front of your gate" is:
A. Permission
B. Command
C. Advise
D. Agreement
21) 13) "Can you help me to open this door" ? functions as
a) Request
b) Permission
c) Suggestion
d) Ability
22) 14) Lets meet tomorrow at 9 PM is a
a) Request
b) Suggestion
c) Permission
d) Command
23) 15) "Let's go to the cinema tonight" functions
a) Command
b) Request
c) Permission
d) Suggestion
24) 16) will you marry me ?No way
a) Command
b) Request
c) Permission
d) Refusal
25) 17) (Isn’t that great?). is:
interrogative and expressive sentences
Declarative sentence
Imperative sentence
26) 18) The expressive function is usually expressed by :
a) Declarative sentence
b) Imperative sentence
c) Interrogative sentence
d) Exclamatory sentence
27) 19) “What a lousy weather we have have last summer!”
a) An informative function
b) A descriptive function
c) An expressive function
d) A commercial function
28) 20) The sentence "have a nice weekend " functions as :
a) Expressive
b) Directive
c) Informative
d) Declarative
29) 22) "I hereby name this ship Princess Diana" is:
a) An expressive function
b) A commercial function
c) An informative function
d) A directive function
30) 23) If I say "I name this child Talal" then I am expressing to:
A. Directive
B. Expressive
C. Ceremonial
D. Informative
31) 24) "I hereby name this ship princess Rodina"is a
a) An expressive function
b) A ceremonial function
c) An informative function
d) A directive function
32) 25) imperative sentence express
a) informative function
b) descriptive function
c) expressive function
d) all of the above
33) 26) The directive function can ask you to :
a) Come to class on time
b) Not come late to class
c) Either "a" or "b"
d) Neither "a" nor "b""
34) 27) "Get out of hare" expresses the function
a) Directive
b) Expressive
c) Promise
d) Suggestion
35) تبويب أسئلة تحليل الخطاب 5 Lecture
5 Lecture
36) 1) Adjacency pairs typically have ……….. characteristics .
a) Three
b) Four
c) Five
d) two
37) 2) " I would go for like a huge pizza right now"" like" is:
a) A discourse marker
b) An editing term
c) A filler wont
d) A repair
38) 3) Discourse marker:
You know
39) 5) Offer / accept is
a) Opposite pair
b) Semantic pair
c) Syntactic pair
d) Adjacency pair
40) 6) The adjacency pair ‘’A: Can you be quite?’’ B:’’Yes ,sure ;;is:
a) Offer/accept
b) Complaining/denial
c) Challenge/rejection
d) Request/grant
41) 7) the sentence” can you help me wash the car?” functions as:
a) A question.
b) A promise.
c) A command
d) A request
42) 8) The sentence "may I come in" functions as
a) a request
b) a permission
c) an invitation
d) an inquiry
43) 9) In conversational analysis , the expression ‘’you over there’’ is an example of:
a) A major sentence
b) An interrogative sentence
c) An ambiguous sentence
d) A minor sentence
44) 11) In conversational analysis the expression "you over there " is an example of :
a) A major sentence
b) An interrogative sentence
c) A minor sentence
d) An ambiguous sentence
45) 12) in conversational analysis, the expression "Mary here "Is an example of:
a) A minor sentences
b) an interrogative sentences
c) an ambiguous sentences
d) A major sentences
46) 13) The expression ‘’let’s see’ ’in conversational analysis is
a) An exclamatory sentence
b) An eco-sentence
c) Discourse maker
d) An editing term
47) 14) Which of the following is a filler word ?
a) See
b) Well
c) Know
d) So
48) 15) punctuation Effect is
The use of laughter as the oral equivalent
Echo utterance
49) 16) Claire : ( Alright , everybody stand up Gloria : ( Everybody stand up ! ) is
Echo utterance
The use of laughter as the oral equivalent
50) 17) The cooperative principle is the assumption that participants in a conversation normally attempt to be informative, truthful, relevant, and:
51) 18) The cooperative principle is the assumption that participants in a conversation normally to be ( which of the following is not correct )?
a) Informative
b) Truthful
c) Clear
d) irrelevant
52) 19) A: I am sure you used my phone B: No I didn’t! This adjacency pair is an example of:
a) Offer: accept
b) Question: answer
c) Request: grant
d) Complaint: denial
53) 20) Turn taking is a
a) Term for conducting orderly conversion
b) Term for correcting mistakes in conversation
c) Term for explaining the purpose of conversation
d) Term for interrupting conversation
54) 21) The word "um" is:
A. Discourse marker
B. Echo utterance
C. A fragment
D. A filler word
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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