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اسئلة اختبارات مجمعة للترجمة الابداعية ( المنهج الجديد )- الجزء الأول
[أسئلة اختبار - الترجمة الابداعية - د. أحمد حليمه]
تجميع و تصحيح أسئلة اختبارات الترجمة الابداعية - عطاء بلا حدود
عدد الأسئلة: 59
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1) In the early days of Islam some of interpretations and translation must have
2) Prophet Muhammad asked his companions to write invitations to Islam on ……………….
Pieces of paper
Pieces of animal bone
Pieces of stone
Pieces of animal skin
3) The newly conquered nations inspired the Arabs to learn more about their …………..
4) Prophet Muhammad asked Zaid bin Thabit to learn ....... to facilitate his communication with the Jews
5) The most appropriate translation of: (روي عن زيد بن ثابت ان قال: قال رسول الله: تحسن السريانية؟ انها تأتيني كتب "قال:قلت: لا قال: فتعلمها" فتعلمتها في سبعة عشر يوما)
Are you conversant with the Syriac language, as I receive letters written in Syriac? [Zaid] replied: No, I am not. He then said: Learn it. He then learned it in seventeen days.
Do you know syriac language? It comes to me letters. [Zaid] replied: No, I am not. He then said: Learn it. He then learned it in seventeen days.
Are you good in Syriac?, I received books? [Zaid] replied: No, I am not. He then said: Learn it. He then learned it in seventeen days.
Have you learnt Syriac language? l have letters from Syriac? [Zaid] replied: No, I am not. He then said: Learn it. He then learned it in seventeen days.
6) The most appropriate translation of: " "تحسن السريانية؟ انها تأتيني كت
Do you know syriac language? It comes to me letters.
Are you good in Syriac?, I received books
Are you conversant with the Syriac language? I received letters written in Syriac
Have you learnt Syriac language? l have letters from Syriac
7) The most appropriate translation of: "من تعلم لغة قوم امن مكرهم"
“He who learns the language of a people has a full protection against their evil intentions.”
“He who learns the language of a people has a full defense against their evil intentions.”
8) During the reign of Abdulmalik, the administrative apparatus was translated.
Into Arabic by sarjun ibn Arrumi
Into Greek by Yuhanna ibn Batriq
Into to Persian by Hunayn ibn Ishag
Into Roman by Sarjun ibn Arrumi
9) According to Baker and Hanna (2011), translation activities started in earnest……………
During the Abbasid period
During the Ummayyad period
During the Ottoman period
During the early days of Islam
10) Hulagu, the Mongols leader, destroyed Baghdad and killed the caliph in…………………..
11) To have access to the resources of the Islamic heritage, the Muslim Turks)
revived the movement of translation from Turkish into Arabic
revived the movement of translation from Arabic into Turkish
12) During Muhammad Ali 's Rule over Egypt (1805- 1848), translation....................
13) The most appropriate translation of: (ايها الناس, قد فرض الله عليكم الحج فحجوا)
“Oh people, Allah has made Hajj a must on you. So do it not."
“Oh people, God has made Hajj obligatory on you. Please do it."
“Oh people, Allah has prescribed Hajj on you. So why you don’t do it."
“Oh people, Allah has made performing Hajj obligatory on you. So do it “
14) The most appropriate translation of: ما هي أنسب ترجمة للحديث التالي (فاذا أمرتكم بشئ فأتوا منه ما استطعتم واذا نهيتكم عن شئ فدعوه)
If I ask you to do something, do as much as you can and if I prohibit you from doing something, abstain from it."
If I ask you to do something, do as much as you can and if I prohibit you from doing something, leave it."
15) Types of texts are normally viewed in translation as .................
Either literary or scientific
Either literary or non-literary
Either literacy or technical
Neither literary nor technical
16) Texts are often viewed as:
Either technical or scientific
Technical or literary
Literary non- literary
None of the above
17) Literary texts tend to:
To provoke emotions and/or entertain
To influence and/or inform
To persuade and/or dissuade
To provoke imagination and/or creativity
18) Unlike other branches of translation, literary translation tends to be:
Information content-oriented
Style - oriented
19) Literary texts tend to fulfill:
An instructional rather than and aesthetic function
An aesthetic rather than informational function
Transactional rather than an aesthetic function
A non-fictional function
20) Newmark classifieds all texts into three general categories they are:
An influential, informative, effective
Narrative, exposure, instructional
Expressive, informative; persuasive
Argumental, desprecive, inpatient
21) Newmark (1982), classified all texts into three categories:
"Influential, informative, effective"
"Narrative, exposure, instructional"
"Expressive, informative; persuasive"
"Argumental, desprecive, inpatient"
22) Literary texts tend to cover genres of:
Poetry, newspaper, stories
Poetry, prose, drama
Poetry, literature, history
Reports, recipes and poetry
23) The literary translator should:
Leave his/her own imprint on text they produce
Make his/her voice present in the translated text
Speak for the source writer
Think of the target language reader
24) The literary translator has no independent stylistic voice because:
he speaks for the target reader
he speaks for the source writer
he speaks for the source reader
he speaks for both the source and target reader
25) The Translation of style in the context of literature is:
Awfully important
Crucially unimportant
Really unnecessary
Significantly superfluous
26) In the context of literature, the Translation of style is:
Awfully important
Crucially unimportant
Really unnecessary
Significantly superfluous
27) Literary translation is also seen as ........................
form of action in a real-world context
form of action in unreal-world context
28) The most important issues in the process of creative translation are:
Equivalence ,communicative purpose and style
Accuracy ,relevance and rhetoric
Genre , style , communication
Accuracy, function and equivalence
29) The most appropriate translation of: SHYLOCK I'll have my bond; I will not hear thee speak: I'll have my bond; and therefore speak no more.
سأنال حقي ولن اسمع كلامك, سأنال حقي, فلا معني لمزيد من الكلام
سيكون عندي ما تعهدت بفعله لي, ولن اسمع كلامك, سوف تنفذه لا محالة لذلك لا معني لمزيد من الكلام
سوف احافظ علي رباطة جاشي, ولن اصغي اليك, سوف احافظ علي رباطة جاشي, ولن اتحدث بالمزيد
عهد علي ان لا اسمعك ....... هذا عهد نفسي لنفسي فلا حاجة لمزيد من الكلام
30) The most appropriate translation of: (فنقول: اختلف الناس في العشق هل هو اختياري او اضطراري خارج عن مقدور البشر؟)
"People disagreed about love and said, is it optional or compulsory or beyond one's control?
"People seem to have different views of the concept of 'falling in love’; is it something optional or necessary beyond one's control?
"People disregard love as it optional. compulsory and beyond one's power"
"People agreed falling in love that it is optional or compulsory and beyond one's control?"
31) The most appropriate translation of: (كان جو غرفة الضيوف باردا ومنعشا يهدهد جفونه ويغريه بقيلولة ممتعة)
The atmosphere in the living room was so cold and fresh that he was tempted to nap
The air in the living room was so cool and refreshing that he was tempted to have a nap
The air in the living room was fresh and tempted him to take a nap
The air in the guest room was cold and fresh which tempted him to take a snooze
32) The most appropriate translation of: ( كان جو غرفة الضيوف باردا ومنعشا )
The mood in the lounge was cold and crushing
The climate in the sitting room was refreshing and cold
The atmosphere in the lounge was cold and fresh
The air in the living room was fresh and cool
33) The origin of the word ‘creativity’ comes from
the German term ‘kreativitat
the English term ‘creche
the Latin Term ‘creō'
the French Term ‘cric'
34) The most appropriate translation of the technical term "create" into Arabic is:
35) One day, a boy create snowman. He named it Frosto” What does create mean in this sentence?
36) The dictionary definition of the word creative is:
Productive, respective
Inventive, imaginative
Clever ,smart
Do hard worker and useful
37) To be "creative" means to be
"Inventive and receptive''
"Inventive and productive"
"Inventive and imaginative"
"Inventive and communicative"
38) The meaning of the word ‘creative’ in an English dictionary is ...................
"Inventive and receptive''
"Inventive and productive"
"Inventive and imaginative"
"Inventive and communicative"
39) According to Mumford , creativity involves:
The production of new ideas in good format
The production of novel and useful product
The production of new products in market
The production of fresh ideas but in good format
40) Linda Naiman looks at creativity as an act of:
Turning new and imaginative ideas into reality
Turning source texts into target texts
Turning dreams into reality
Turning theories into models
41) Creativity' generally means the act of:
Turning new and imaginative ideas into reality
Turning source texts into target texts
Turning dreams into reality
Turning theories into models
42) Linda Naiman explains "Creativity involves two processes:
Thinking and then innovating
Imagining and then thinking
Thinking and then producing
Thinking and then writing
43) According to Linda Naiman: Creativity involves:
Two processes: thinking and producing
Three processes: thinking, writing and producing
Four processes: thinking, drafting, rewriting and producing
Five processes: thinking, drafting, rewriting, building and producing
44) Approaches to translation go far back to ancient times, with Cicero and Horace
First century BCE
Fourth century CE
First century CE
Fourth century BCE
45) Approaches to translation go far back in ancient times with .................
Cicero and Horace in the first Century BC
Yuhana bin Batriq and Hunayn bin Ishaq in the Abbasid Age
St. Jerome in the fourth Century
Peter Newmark in the 20th century
46) Approaches to translation go far back to ancient times, with:
Cicero , Horace and St Jerome
Cicero , Horace and St Cerome
Cicero , Horace and St Derome
Cicero , Horace and St Serome
47) St. Jerome (384-420 CE) advocated ....................
A free approach to translating the scripture from Greek to Latin
A word-for-word approach to translating the scripture from Greek to Latin
A sense for sense approach to translating the scripture from Greek to Latin
A communicative approach to translating the scripture from Greek to Latin
48) Yuhanna ibn Batriq 's method of translation was mainly ..............
49) According to Susan Bassnett “Exact translation" is:
50) Creative translation is defined as a rewriting process which meets three requirements:
Accuracy ,naturalness , communication
To be new , objective and systematic
To be relevant , communicative and accurate
Consistency , naturalness , an communication
51) To achieve creativity in translation you are required to be ...................
Systematic , new and objective
Relevant , communicative and accurate
Communicative consistent and natural
Communicative, natural and accurate
52) To achieve creativity in your translation, you should be........... In your translation
Systematic , new and objective
Relevant , communicative and accurate
Communicative consistent and natural
Communicative, natural and accurate
53) For evaluating a literary translated text, Halimah (2017) suggests five criteria:
"Number of words, clarity, smoothness, purpose & idiolect"
"Accuracy, purpose, fluency, equivalence & style"
"Accuracy, clarity, naturalness, communication & style"
"Naturalness, clarity, beauty, approach & style"
54) The concept of "equivalence "in translation has been used
As a yardstick to judge the validity and adequacy of translations
As a yardstick to judge the accuracy and clarity of translations
As a yardstick to judge the naturalness and style of translations
As a yardstick to judge the validity and reliability of translations
55) The phrase of "dynamic equivalence & formal correspondence was coined by
Peter Newmark (1982)
Eugene Nida (2001)
J.C. Catford (1965)
A. M. Halimah (2017)
56) Throughout history, translation strategies could be .....................
Dichotomized into opposites such as literal vs free
Classified into antonyms such as formal and dynamic equivalence
Categorized into synonyms such as foreignizing vs domesticating
Classified into two approaches direct and indirect translation
57) According to Pendlebury (2015:15) Creative translation is an "amalgamation of
Correctness, simplicity and accuracy"
Objectivity, simplicity and consistency
Surprise, simplicity and utter rightness"
Complexity, clarity and rightness"
58) According to Pendlebury Creative translation in practice is .................
An amalgamation of equivalence , balance between ST & TT and simplicity
An amalgamation of surprise , simplicity and utter rightness
A combination of accuracy and relevant
An amalgamation of equivalence , communicative purpose and simplicity
59) To characterize your translation with creativity, you should produce it with
An amalgamation of equivalence , balance between ST & TT and simplicity
An amalgamation of surprise , simplicity and utter rightness
A combination of accuracy and relevant
An amalgamation of equivalence , communicative purpose and simplicity
معلومات حول الكويز
اسئلة اختبارات مجمعة للترجمة الابداعية ( المنهج الجديد )- الجزء الأول
[أسئلة اختبار - الترجمة الابداعية - د. أحمد حليمه]
تفاصيل أخرى:
تجميع و تصحيح أسئلة اختبارات الترجمة الابداعية - عطاء بلا حدود
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مناقشة الكويز: اسئلة اختبارات مجمعة للترجمة الابداعية ( المنهج الجديد )- الجزء الأول
معلومات صاحب الكويز
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مريم خالدي100%
رائد عبدالرحمن98%
Abdullah Faris98%
نون احمد98%
Fatmah 598%
كويزات مشابهة
اسئلة اختبارات مجمعة للترجمة الابداعية ( المنهج الجديد )- الجزء الثاني
اسئلة اختبارات مجمعة للترجمة الابداعية ( المنهج الجديد )- الجزء الثالث
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كويز اسئلة الواجب لترجمة الابداعيةCreative Translation
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# اسئلة الاختبار النهائي برامج الحاسب المكتبية الفصل الاول لعام 1435 (9534)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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