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₪[ تبويب أسئلة النقد الأدبي - 8 Lecture ]₪
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 43
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1) 1) Structuralism emerged in the 1960s and as it is foundation the ..of criticism?
a. Marxism
b. Formalism
c. Post-Structuralism
2) 2) structuralism in literature appeared In france in the ….
a. 1960s
b. 1970s
c. 1980
d. 1990s
3) 3) Structuralism seeks to :
a. Interpret literature
b. Investigate the structures of literature
c. Investigate styles in literature
d. Investigate metaphors in literature
4) 4) structuralism is not interested in the interpretation of literature it is interested in
a. the consumption
b. the magic of literature
c. the structures of literature
5) 5) What discipline or school of criticism did A.J. Greimas belong to?
a. Linguist
b. Structuralism
c. Marxism
d. Formalism
6) 6) The question of "Voice," according to Gerard Gennette, is about:
a. Who sees the action?
b. Who narrates the action?
c. Who witnesses the action?
d. Who does the action?
7) 7) In Narrative Discourse, Gerard Gennette defines the "time of the story" as :
a. The time in which the author is writing the story
b. The time in which the story happens
c. The time in which the story is being told
d. The time in which the story is being read
8) 8) The "time of the story," says Gerard Gennette, is the time in which:
a. The author writes the story
b. The narrator tells the story
c. The story happens
d. The story is analyzed
9) 9) In Narrative Discourse, Gerard Gennette calls the time in which story happens
a. The time of the action
b. The time of the story
c. The time of reading
10) 10) The time of the story is, by definition, …….. 
Always chronological
The time of reading
11) 11) Gerard Gennette calls the time in which the story happens :
a. The time of the narration
b. The time of the story
c. The time Zero
d. A propleosis
12) 12) How does Gerard Gennette define the "time of the narrative"?
a. The time in which the author is writing the story
b. The time in which the story happens
c. The time in which the story is narrated
d. The time in which the story is being read
13) 13) In Narrative Discourse, Gerard Gennette defines the "time of the narrative" as :
a. The time in which the author is writing the story
b. The time in which the story happens
c. The time in which the story is being told
d. The time in which the story is being read
14) 14) The "time of the narrative," says Gerard Gennette, is the time in which
a. The author writes the story
b. The narrator tells the story
c. The story happens
d. The story is analyzed
15) 15) Gerard Gennette calls "narrative order" :
a. The relationship between the time of the story and the time of the narrative
b. The relationship between the time of the story and the time of the reading
c. The relationship between the time of writing and the time of reading
d. The relationship between the time of fiction and real time
16) 16) The relationship between the time of the story and the time of the narrative, according to Gerard Gennette, is called:
a. Narrative Mood
b. Narrative Order
c. Narrative Perspective
d. Levels of Narrative
17) 17) Gerard Gennette calls the "Time Zero")
a. The time of the narration
b. The time of the story
c. An ideal time
d. An impossible time
18) 18) In Narrative Discourse ،Gerard Gennete calls the time in which the story is told
a. The time of the narrative
b. The time of the story
c. The time of reading
19) 21) Anachroies, according to Gerard Gennete, happen when:
a. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the time Zero )
b. A narrative is interrupted by flashbacks
c. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the past (the time Zero) or from the Future (of the time zero)
20) 22) Analepses happen, according to Gerad Gennete, when :
a. A narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from the future of the time zero
b. A narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from the future of the past time zero
c. A narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from the past of the time zero
d. A narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from time zero
21) 23) When does an Analepsis happen?
a. When the narrative stops to pick up some information from the past
b. When the narrative stops to pick up some information from the future
c. When there is a flashback
d. When there is a time gap in the narrative
22) 24) When does a Prolepsis happen?
a. When the narrative stops to pick up some information from the past
b. When the narrative stops to pick up some information from the future
c. When there is a flashback
d. When there is a time gap in the narrative
23) 25) Prolepses happen, according to Gerad Gennete, when :
a. A narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from the future of the time zero
b. A narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from the future of the past time zero
c. A narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from the past of the time zero
d. A narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from time zero
24) 26) When a narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the past ( of the time zero ) of from the future ( of the time zero ), it is called
a. Flashback
b. Projection in the future
c. Prolepses
d. Anachronies
25) 27) When does an Anachronies happen?
a. When the narrative is chronological
b. When there is a time gap in the narrative
c. When the narrative stops to pick up some information from the past
d. When the narrative stops to pick up some information from the future
26) 28) when a narrative stops the chonological order to bring events or information from the past ( of the time zero ), it is called :
a. Analepsis
b. Prolepsis
c. Anachrony
d. Flashback
27) 29) An Analepsis, says Gerard Gennette, happens when
a. The narrator recounts after the fact an event that took place earlier than the moment in which the narrative is stopped.
b. The narrator recounts before the fact an event that took place earlier than the moment in which the narrative is stopped.
c. The narrator recounts an event as it happens
d. The narrator fails to recount an event
28) 30) Analepses happen ,according to Gerard Gennete, when:
a. when a narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the future ( of the time zero
b. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the past of time zero
c. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the time Zero)
29) 31) when a narrative stops the chonological order to bring events or information from the future ( of the time zero ), it is called :
a. Analepsis
b. Prolepsis
c. Anachrony
d. Flashback
30) 32) An Prolepsis, says Gerard Gennette, happens when
a. The narrator anticipates events that will occur after the point in time in which the story has stops.
b. The narrator recounts before the fact an event that took place earlier than the moment in which the narrative is stopped.
c. The narrator recounts an event as it happens
d. The narrator fails to recount an event
31) 33) Prolepses happen ,according to Gerard Gennete, when
a. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the future of the time zero
b. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring eventsor information from the past of time zero
c. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information of the time zero
32) Narrative of events: always a diegesis, that is ……….
transcription of the non-verbal into the verbal
Maximum of information and a minimum of the informer
A minimum of information and a maximum presence of the informer
33) Mimesis :
transcription of the non-verbal into the verbal
Maximum of information and a minimum of the informer
A minimum of information and a maximum presence of the informer
34) Diegesis :
transcription of the non-verbal into the verbal
Maximum of information and a minimum of the informer
A minimum of information and a maximum presence of the informer
35) 37) What are the two issues that Gerard Gennete says traditional criticism confuses under "Point of View":
a. Plot and characters
b. Writer and narrator
c. First-person narration and third-person narration
d. Narrative voice and narrative perspective
36) 38) According to Gerard Gennette, "Narrative voice "and "narrative perspective" are two issues that traditional criticism
a. Confuses under "Point of View"
b. Classifies under "Point of View"
c. Does not connect to "Point of View"
d. Refuses to study under "Point of View
37) 39) The question of "focalization" for Gerard Gennetee, is about:
a. Who sees the action ?
b. Who witnesses the action?
c. Who tells the action ?
d. Who hears about the action ?
38) 40) Gerard Gennette show that the question of "focalization" in literature is :
a. Who sees the action ?
b. Who witnesses the action?
c. Who tells the action ?
d. Who hears about the action ?
39) 41) Genette distinguishes three kinds of focalization :
a. Internal, external and zero focalization
b. Simple, complex and compsite focalization
c. First, second and third degree focalization
d. Small, medium and large focalization
40) 42) According to Gerard Genete ,"Zero Focalization" in a narrative is a situation in .....
a. The character knows MORE than the narrator
b. The character knows LESS than the narrator
c. The character knows as much as the narrator
41) 43) According to Gerard Genete ,"Internal Focalization" in a narrative is a situation Which
a. The character knows as much as the narrator
b. The character knows LESS than the narrator
c. The character knows MORE than the narrator
42) 44) According to Gerard Genete,"External Focalization" in a narrative is a situation Which
a. The character knows as much as the narrator
b. The character knows LESS than the narrator
c. The character knows MORE than the narrator
43) 45) According to Gerard Genete," Zero Focalization" in a narrative is a situation in
a. The character knows as much as the narrator
b. The character knows LESS than the narrator
c. The narrator knows MORE than the character
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₪[ تبويب أسئلة النقد الأدبي - 8 Lecture ]₪
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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