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₪[ طرق البحث وتصميم الأبحاث - 4/5 Lectures ]₪
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 40
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1) 1) A good classical report will consist of
a) Abstract-introduction-literature review-methodology-results
b) Abstract-results-introduction-literature review
c) Abstract-literature review-results-introduction
d) Abstract-methodology-results-introduction
2) 2) In the literature review
a) You talk about the results
b) You talk about all the procedures used
c) You talk about the study and its significance
d) You talk about all previous studies and a critique for them
3) 3) The abstract of a research contains ........
a) A summary of the literature movies
b) A summary of the whole insults
c) A summary of the whole morphology
d) None of the above
4) 4) An Abstract is
a) A summary of the whole literature review
b) A summary of the whole thing
c) A summary of the whole results
d) A summary of the whole methodology
5) 5) The methods section tells us about
a) How to reference
b) How did we find literature review
c) How to write-up the research
d) What did we do to get the results
6) research questions is
a) A question that we ask about the list of references
b) A question that we ask about the statistics used
c) A question that we ask in the beginning of our research and look to find an answer for
d) A question that we ask about how to write-up the research
7) 7) One famous style for writing the reference is called
a) APS
b) APA
c) AP6
d) APC
8) 8) The APA refers to ........
a) a famous style for reading references
b) a famous style for writing inferences
c) a famous style for writing references
d) a famous style for writing romances
9) 9) Our literature review should include
a) Results and themes
b) Discussion of previous studies
c) Design of our research
d) Discussion of our results
10) 10) In the introduction
a) You introduce the results
b) You introduce all previous studies and a critique for them
c) You introduce all the methods and instruments you used
d) You introduce the study and its significance
11) 11) In the introduction, we outline…
a) previous studies
b) the summary
c) what will come in the next sections
d) the conclusions
12) 12) A good abstract is the one that tell us about…
a) previous studies
b) future direction of research
c) the research problem, methods, results, and implications
d) what each section in the research talks about
13) 13) In the introduction section, we start talking about
a) Why you chose the topic
b) How you found the previous studies
c) How you got your results
d) Where you analysed your data
14) 14) The references is a list of
a) All the terms you used in your research
b) All the authors who share the same topic of yours
c) All the books, articles, websites…etc you consulted
d) All the potential publishers of your research
15) 15) Which among these sections comes at last in the research report?
a) Bibliography
b) Results
c) Appendices
d) Research Questions
16) 16) If you have a questionnaire that you want to include in your paper you put it under ….
a) Ethical considerations
b) Appendices
c) Significance of research
d) Limitations
17) 17) ………………. Is about a 100-500 words summary of a research paper and it is usually one of the last parts of a paper to be written
a) abstract
b) introduction
c) Results
d) Conclusion
18) 18) You write a summary paragraph of the whole paper and you place it under
a) Abstract
b) Introduction
c) Methodology
d) Siginicance
19) 19) Literature Review :
search and evaluation of the available literature in your givensubject or chosen topic area
you state what you have learned or proved
to interpret and describe the significance of your findings inlightof what was already known about the research problem beinginvestigated,
where you prove your point with the data
20) Results:
search and evaluation of the available literature in your givensubject or chosen topic area
to interpret and describe the significance of your findings inlightof what was already known about the research problem beinginvestigated,
you state what you have learned or proved
where you prove your point with the data
21) discussion :
search and evaluation of the available literature in your givensubject or chosen topic area
where you prove your point with the data
you state what you have learned or proved
to interpret and describe the significance of your findings inlightof what was already known about the research problem beinginvestigated,
22) conclusion :
search and evaluation of the available literature in your givensubject or chosen topic area
to interpret and describe the significance of your findings inlightof what was already known about the research problem beinginvestigated,
where you prove your point with the data
you state what you have learned or proved.
23) 23) what should your data analysis section include ?
a) The description of how data will be gathered
b) The tools will be used to collect data from the parity
c) The importance of the topic being researched
d) The interpretation of data gathered
24) 24) How do you list your references at the end of your research project ?
a) From the oldest to the most recent
b) From the newest to the oldest
c) In alphabetical order
d) Articles first then books and finally websites
25) 25) In your research you only need to include this section if you have research participants
a) Significance of research
b) Literature review
c) Data analysis
d) Ethical consideration
26) 26) It includes quotes and brief summaries of what other researchers said about the topic you are researching what is it ?
a) Abstract
b) Literature review
c) Introduction
d) Discussion
27) 27) It gives an overview of what is contained in the paper's various sections what is it?
a) Abstract
b) Introduction
c) Conclusion
d) Literature Review
28) 28) Which one is a correct reference ?
a) The study of language Edna s (2018) new York penguin books
b) S Edna the study of language new York penguin books (2018)
c) Edna , s (2018) new York Penguin books the study of language
d) Edna s (2018) the study of language new York penguin Books
29) Lecture 5
Lecture 5
30) 1) When you use quantitative methods, you
a) Collect all the possible data
b) Collect data through some tools and you quantify them
c) Collect all the available data
d) Collect data to categorise them
31) 2) Research that is designed to explain, observe and discuss its numeric results is said to be:
a) Qualitative
b) Quantitative
c) Questionnaires
d) Quasi-experiment
32) 3) Quantitative:
research methods dealing with numbers and anything that is measurable
type of data collection that involves the watching, inspection, andtaking note of behavior
33) observation:
research methods dealing with numbers and anything that is measurable
type of data collection that involves the watching, inspection, andtaking note of behavior
34) 5) when people watch other people or some phenomena for research purposes , they are conducting :
a) observation studies
b) correlational research
c) survey research
d) none of the above
35) 6) ………………. Examines the differences of characteristics or variables of two or more entities
a) Observational studies
b) Correlational research
c) survey research
d) None of the above
36) 7) the more you do sport the less you will have health issue
a) negative correlation
b) positive correlation
c) no correlation
37) 8) the more you smoke , the more you will have health issue
a) positive correlation
b) negative correlation
c) no correlation
38) 9) correlation between sleep hours and shoes size
a) no correlation
b) positive correlation
c) negative correlation
39) 10) Correlational research is :
studies examine differences of characteristics or variables of two or more entities
watching inspecting and taking notes of behaviors
40) 11) During an observation study how do researchers collect data ?
a) By comparing two variables how variables in a particular group
b) By watching inspecting and taking notes of behaviors
c) By surveying a sample of the population
d) By interviewing a number of participants
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₪[ طرق البحث وتصميم الأبحاث - 4/5 Lectures ]₪
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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