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₪[ تبويب أسئلة الترجمة التتابعية - 6 Lecture ]₪
[د/أحمد حليمة]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 42
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) 1) In consecutive interpreting , the interpreter sits with the delegates listens to the speech and renders it at the end , in a different language , generally with the …….
aid of notes
aid of dialogues
2) 2) In the modern world consecutive interpreting has been largely replaced by
a) dialogue interpreting
b) simultaneous interpreting
c) whispered interpreting
d) sight interpreting
3) 3) Well-trained interpreters can render
a) Speeches of 2 to 5 minutes with great accuracy
b) Speeches of 3 to 5 minutes with great accuracy
c) Speeches of 4 to 7 minutes with great accuracy
d) Speeches of 10 minutes of more with great accuracy
4) 4) In consecutive interpretation,
a) the interpreter waits for the speaker to finish a sentence or an idea
b) renders the speaker's words into the target language
c) the interpreter doesn’t wait for the speaker to finish a sentence or an idea
d) the interpreter and the speaker's speaks together at the same time .
5) 5) consecutive interpretation is best suited for situation involving
a) A linguistic community of people or where a personal touch is required
b) A small number of people as in business meetings
c) Deffrint people from diffrient countries specially from the Arab world
d) A large number of people or where a personal touch is required
6) 6) consecutive interpretation is best suited for situation involving
a) a great number of people as in international conferences
b) a small number of people or where a personal touch is required
c) people in military negotiations in war zones
d) interpreters in international conferences
7) 7) Short consecutive interpreting as used in
a) conference interpreting
b) dialogue interpreting
c) business interpreting
d) diplomatic interpreting
8) 8) the „classic form‟ of consecutive implying the rendition of at least
a) five to ten minutes
b) one to two minutes
c) two to four minutes
d) one to five minutes
9) 9) Note-taking skills are closely related to
a) oral interpreting
b) consecutive interpreting
c) simultaneous interpreting
d) whispered interpreting
10) 10) The use of videotapes helps to give feedback on student per
A. consecutive interpreting.
B. whispered interpreting
C. translation lessons.
D. writing lessons.
11) 11) interpreting in mainly concerned with
a) note-taking
b) idea interpreting
c) vocabulary and grammar
d) text translation
12) 12) Consecutive interpreting is closely related to
a) Speaking skills
b) Listening skills
c) Public speaking skills
d) Note-taking skills
13) 13) consecutive interpreting is :
a) Closely related to speaking skills
b) Closely related to listening skills
c) Closely related to note-talking skills
d) Closely related to public speaking skills
14) 14) Teaching consecutive interpreting in mainly
a) Concerned with note-taking
b) Concerned with idea interpreting
c) Concerned with vocabulary and grammar
d) Concerned with text translation
15) 15) The interpreter tends to use “symbol-based system
a) When talking
b) When taking notes
c) When listening
d) When interpreting
16) 16) symbol-based system” is normally used by the interpreter tends to use :
a) When talking
b) When taking notes
c) When listening
d) When interpreting
17) 17) Interpreters use different systems when taking notes, mainly………
a) symbol-based system.
b) science-based system
c) translation based system
d) interpreting based system
18) 18) when taking notes the interpreters trend to use
a) mainly symbol based system
b) mainly science based system
c) mainly translation based system
d) mainly interpreting based system
19) 19) taking notes the interpreters trend to use mainly ………….
a) ’ symbol-based system’
b) ‘ science-based system’
c) ‘translation-based system’
d) ’ interpreting-based system’
20) 20) for interpreters to improve their consecutive interpreting skills, they need to practice
a) Listening skills in general
b) Writing skills in public school
c) Reading skills in public libraries
d) Public speaking skills
21) 21) one can realize that specific training in ............. to improve consecutive interpreting.
a) memory
b) public speaking
c) time
d) public listening
22) 22) Your performance in consecutive interpreting can be improved by practice
a) Listening and speaking skills
b) planning and organizing a research project
c) dialogue delivery
d) Public speaking
23) 23) To improved student performance in consecutive interpreting you
a) Listening and speaking skills
b) planning and organizing a research project
c) dialogue delivery
d) Public speaking
24) 24) Didactic suggestion Include…………….. for feedback on student performance
a) sight translation exercises, and the use of videotapes
b) preliminary exercises, and the use of headphones
c) side translation exercises, and the use of microphones
d) oral translation exercises only
25) 25) The use of videotapes for feedback on student performance in
a) Listening and speaking skills
b) planning and organizing a research project
c) dialogue delivery
d) Public speaking skills
26) 26) feedback on student performance in consecutive interpreting depends on
a) The use of electronic equipments
b) The use of videotapes
c) The use of headphones
d) The use of stationary
27) 27) We can get feedback on student performance in interpreting by
a) use of telephone calls
b) use of ‘community interpreting’
c) use of videotapes
d) use of technical translation
28) 28) Students' presentation in consecutive interpreting could be enhanced by
a) Training in listening and speaking skills is highly recommended.
b) Training in planning and organizing a research project is highly recommended.
c) Training in dialogue delivery is highly recommended.
d) Training in public speaking is highly recommended
29) 29) to enhance student presentation in consecutive interpreting
a) training in listening and speaking skills is highly recommended
b) training in planning and organizing research project is highly recommended
c) training in dialogue delivery is highly recommended
d) training in public speaking is highly recommended
30) 30) Focusing on frequent faults of presentation, for example one can realize that specific training
a) in listening and speaking
b) in planning and organizing
c) in dialogue delivery
d) in public speaking
31) 31) Focusing on frequent faults of presentation could raise student awareness of their delivery and enhance their presentation in
consecutive interpreting
whispered interpreting
32) 32) public speaking including ........... could raise student's awareness of their delivery and enhance their presentation in consecutive interpreting
a) technical meetings, working lunches, small groups, field trips
b) breathing, voice control, eye contact
c) speaking , Listening , Note-taking
d) medium ,age , length
33) 1) the most appropriate interpreting of A women spent an hour clinging to a tree in the middle of the fast-flowing flooded river before a police helicopter spotted her
امراه امضت ساعه تقريبا متمسكة بشجره في وسط نهر فائض سريع الجرريان غمرت امام مروحيه تابعه الشرطه
امضت امراه ساعه تقريبا وهي متمسك بشجره في وسط نهر فائض سريع الجريان قبل ان ترصدها مروحيه تابعه للشرطه
امراه امضت وهي بجانب بشجره في وسط نهر فائض بسرعه قبل ترصدها هليكوبتر الشرطه
امراه حوالي الساعه وهي ملتصقه بشجره في نهر فائز وسريع الجريان قبل ان تراها مروحيه تابعه للشرطه
34) 2) The most appropriate interpreting of عندما ظهر الكلب بدا عطشان للغايه ولكنه عندما اقترب من حافه النهر شاهد كلبا اخر فيه
My son throughout my life I have had thousands of teachers , I was student of life and still her pupil
When the dog appeared it seemed very thirsty but when he approached the river's edge, he saw another dog in it
I sure that the flame of wisdom will bright up inside me, and my eyesight will shine, as long as I’m longing for it
35) 3) the most appropriate interpreting of The wet but warm weather has led to dozens of people being moved to emergency shelters
قد ادى الطقس الرطب ولكن الدافئ الى نقل عشرات الاشخاص الى ملاجئ الطوارئ
ادى الطقس الدافئ والرطب الى نقل درزن من الناس الى ملاذ الطوارئ
اداء الطقس الحار والرطب الى نقل العشرات من الناس الى ملاجئ الطوارئ
بدل الطقس الحار والرطب الى نقل العشرات من الاشخاص الى مأوى الطوارئ
36) 4) the most appropriate interpreting of Rail services warned that trains were so badly affected that travelers for Midyear Holiday must expect considerable disruption.
السكك الحديديه قد تضررت من الامطار و على المسافرين ان ياخذوا حذرهم
حذرت خدمات السكك الحديديه من ان القطارات قد تضررت وان ذلك سيؤثر على المسافرين بعطله منتصف العام وانهم يجب ان يتوقعوا قدرا من الاضطراب
37) 5) the most appropriate interpreting of Ferry services to northern islands were suspended due to wind
تم التعليق خدمات العباره الى الجزر الشماليه بسبب الرياح القويه
تم تاجيل خدمه السفر على السكك الحديديه الى
38) 6) The most appropriate interpreting of The swollen waters had swept the unnamed woman from her car
امراه مجهوله غرقت مع سيارتها في النهر
فيضان النهر سحب المراه مجهولة الاسم من سيارتها
39) 7) The most appropriate interpreting of اخيرا , فقد كان معلمي الثالث طفلا صغيرا , رايته ذات مره يسير باتجاه الجامع , حاملا شمعه بيده
a) At last, the third professor was a little kid, I saw him once going to the mosque, carrying a candle with his hands
b) eventually, the third instructor was a little boy. I saw him one strolling a long the mosque,carrying a candle in his hands
c) Finally, the third teacher was a little kid, I noticed her once walking towafds the mosque, carrying a candle with both hands
d) Finally, the third teacher was a little child. I saw him once walking towards the mosque
40) 8) The most appropriate interpreting of رد المعلم قائلا ادركت حينها كم كنت غبيا
a) The teacher: "I know then how stupid I was
b) The teacher: "I know I was silly
c) The teacher: I realized that I am a fool
d) The teacher: then I was right when I felt like a fool
41) 9) the most appropriate interpreting of كان لي يا بني طوال حياتي الالاف من المعلمين كنت تلميذ الحياه وما زلت تلميذها
My son throughout my life I have had thousands of teachers , I was student of life and still her pupil
When the dog appeared it seemed very thirsty but when he approached the river's edge, he saw another dog in it
I sure that the flame of wisdom will bright up inside me, and my eyesight will shine, as long as I’m longing for it
42) 10) the most appropriate interpreting of بت اثق ان نار الحكمه سوف تتوهج داخلي وتنير بصيرتي مادمت تواقا للقياها
I sure that the flame of wisdom will bright up inside me, and my eyesight will shine, as long as I’m longing for it
My son throughout my life I have had thousands of teachers , I was student of life and still her pupil
When the dog appeared it seemed very thirsty but when he approached the river's edge, he saw another dog in it
معلومات حول الكويز
₪[ تبويب أسئلة الترجمة التتابعية - 6 Lecture ]₪
[د/أحمد حليمة]
تفاصيل أخرى:
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
تم حل الكويز 12 مرة بنسبة نجاح 60%
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مطر ابن السماء

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محمد بقاشي80%
كادي 6678%
ساره الراجح50%
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